Staff/Student IDNumber:
Local area startdate:
  • This induction checklist is to be completed by ALLStaff(including Adjunct, Clinical and Associate Title Holders), Volunteersand Postgraduate Studentsuponentering a local area to undertake work. Local area induction must be developed in context of the work areaandmust be delivered by a supervisor or appropriate delegate. Allinductionand training must be refreshed at least every 3years.
  • This document does not need to be completed by Visitorsto the University who are in the work area only for the purposesofmeetings, seminars or non-laboratory related work, but they must be accompanied by a University staff memberatall times. All Contractors should do the CSD Online Contractor Induction.

A. Online WHSinduction
Ensure that the inductee has completed the Online MyLO WHSInduction. ( / Yes
B. Roles and Responsibilities
Has the inductee been made awareof:
Their own and their supervisor’s responsibilities under the University of Tasmania’s WHS Policy / Yes
The Issue Resolution Procedure for immediate and non-immediate WHShazards / Yes
How to access the University of Tasmania WHS policies andprocedures and are familiar with the WHS web page / Yes
The local WHS consultative arrangements / Yes
Who the relevant Health and Safety Representative is in the local area / YesN/A 
Who the relevant WHS Advisor (WHS Unit) is for the local area / Yes
Made aware of the University Behaviour Contact Officers and have read and agree to uphold the University Behaviour Policy / Yes
Made aware if required to have a Working with Children Registration as per the Working with Children Policy and Working with Children Procedure / YesN/A 
C. AccessRequirements
Does the inductee require access to the workarea:
  • Only undersupervision
/ YesNo
  • Only during businesshours
/ YesNo
After-hours, during weekends or on publicholidays:
  • If yes, highlight additional responsibilities while conducting workafter- hours or when emergency response islimited
/ YesNo
Identify restricted access areas (e.g. laboratories, workshops, studiosetc.): / YesN/A 
Inductee has been informed not to enter high risk areas or undertake high risk activitiesunless authorized and completed corresponding high risk induction as identified in Section G of thischecklist. / YesN/A 
D. Hazard and IncidentReporting
Has the inductee been madeaware:
That all hazards and incidents, including near misses, mustbe reported in MySAFETYreporting system within 24 hours of being identified. / Yes
What a Notifiable Incident is, and who to notify as per Incident Response and Investigation Procedure. / Yes
That for injuries sustained whilst engaged in authorised University activities, staff are covered by Workers Compensation.
While Postgraduate students may be covered by the University Insurance Policy / Yes
E. EmergencyPreparedness
Has the UniversityEmergency Management been covered:
oWhat to do in an emergency?
oEmergency Procedure Codesand
oCrisis Management and Recovery Team (CMRT) / Yes
Has the inductee been made aware of the local procedures and locations of:
oEmergency evacuation plan (e.g. Designated Assembly point) / Yes
oFire extinguisher, fire blankets, emergency exits,duress alarms etc. / Yes
oLocal Security contact number / Yes
oLocal Emergency Wardens / Yes
Have instructed the inductee on how to receive First Aid from a trainedFirst Aid Officer (e.g. names displayed on Emergency building contacts and locations of First AidKits) / Yes
How to access the University’s confidential counselling through the Staff Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and the Student Counselling services. / Yes
F. RiskManagement
Has the inducteebeen:
Made aware that risk management must be completed prior to hazardouswork beingundertaken and reviewed and updated prior to any changes. / Yes
Given access to any relevant risk management documentation includingRisk Assessments and Safe WorkInstructions / Yes
Made aware of training requirements as identified by riskmanagement and the University of Tasmania Training Needs Analysis (TNA) / Yes
Made aware of requirements whenDriving on University businessand completed the Driving Medical Disclosure and AuthorisationDriving forms. / YesN/A 
Made aware that off-campus and fieldwork activities (e.g. international, urbanand remote) must be managed according to the Field Activity and Travel risk management including iSOS registration for overseas travel. / YesN/A 
Made aware of management of manual handling hazards at the University / YesN/A 
Made aware of the ergonomic guidelines on setting up a computer workstation. / Yes
G. Higher riskactivities
Is the inductee required to access a work area or undertake high risk activities that has additionalsafety inductionrequirements / YesNo
Please specify which additional inductionare required prior to access or the activity: / Required: / Completion Date
oLaboratory, Studio, Workshop / YesN/A 
oFieldwork / YesN/A 
oBoating and Diving / YesN/A 
oChemical Handling / YesN/A 
oRadiation / YesN/A 
oBiological material and Biosecurity (quarantine) / YesN/A 
Some High Risk Activity Induction templates can be accessedfrom:
H. SignOff
I understand that by checking this box, I agree to observe all of the University of Tasmania WHSrequirements / Yes
Signature ofInductee: / Date:
Signature ofSupervisor: / Date:

This form must be completed within a month of start date and kept as a local record that the above person has beeninducted.

For further information or assistance completing this form please contact the WHS Unit at .