Strategic Planning Retreat
Saturday, January 17, 2004
Introductions and Overview
Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses
Each participant will offer 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the Chapter.
Identifying Opportunities
Group brainstorming:
- What can we do as Chapter leaders to increase our capacity and work together more effectively?
- How can our groups, committees and chairs build relationships with our members and involve more people in Sierra Club activities?
- What can we do to better connect with our communities to protect the environment?
Choosing Priorities
Participants select two priorities from each category that will be incorporated into the Chapter Strategic Plan, through voting.
Developing Action Plans
Participants will be divided into small working groups:
Group A: Working together effectively
Group B: Building relationships and involving people
Group C: Connecting with our communities
Each group will develop specific objectives and a one-year action plan to achieve their assigned priorities, answering the following questions:
a. What are the next steps, and when do we need to take them?
b. What are the resources needed, and where might they come from?
c. Who will take responsibility for seeing that these next steps occur?
Small Group Presentations
Minutes were not taken of the Strategic Planning Session.
Sunday, January 18, 2004
JoLynn Jarboe EMG, Todd Chamberlin AL (at large), Anne Cain AL, Larry Skiffington AL, Don TeRonde SPG, Charlie Oriez, Judy Johnson RCG, Eric Rechel UG, Kathy Glatz AL, Greg Casini Chair, John Zwierzycki WG, Dan Bihn PCG, SdCG Michele Bobyn, Susan LeFever staff, Dan Disner staff, Dave Bryan PPG, Rich Levy TLG, Steve Welter IPG, Ed Lambert MEG, Tony Ruckle AL, Kirk Cunningham, Ann Bonnell, Mark Collier Treasurer, Gary Matthews, John Hudson, Adriana Raudzens staff, John Rosapepe staff, Jacob Morgan, Bert Melcher, Don Thompson, Gloria Shone
- *Corrections and Approval of October 2003 ExComm meeting minutes
Minutes were amended to reflect attendance of Ann Cain and Michele Bobyn.
- Report on online polls
* AdminCom Poll 2003-10: Appeal of Rio Grande National Forest Decision.
The Administrative Committee approved a request to appeal Acting Forest Supervisor Peter L Clark’s decision to approve and implement Management Indicator Species: A Forest Plan Amendment To the Revised Land and Resource Management Plan in the Rio Grande National Forest.
For information contact:
Kirk Cunningham, Chapter Conservation Chair
* ExCom Poll 2003-4: RCC Voucher Funding
The Rocky Mountain Chapter Executive Committee approved the allocation of its 2004 RCC Voucher funds to the Colorado River Task Force.
Yes: 13 [Chamberlin, Skiffington, Glatz, EMG (Jarboe), IPG (Welter), SPG (TeRonde), MEG (Lambert), BRG (Steigelmeier), PPG (Lockhart), UG (Rechel), PCG (Bihn), SdCG (Bobyn), RCG (Johnson)], No: 1 (Ajero), Abstain: 1 (TLG (Levy), Not Voting: Ruckel, Cain, WG (Zwierzycki), HPG is in reorganization.
- *Modification and Approval of Agenda
Several Items were suggested to be added to the agenda. Greg will include them as possible.
- Redefining the boundaries of the South Platte Group to include parts of old High Plains Group
- Desire to hold a 2004 Leader Retreat
- Creation of a Youth Outreach Committee
- *Elections Committee report (ballot count) and recognition of new voting ExComm members
Six fine candidates ran for four at-large seats on the Chapter ExCom. Out of 332 ballots counted (discounting the 7 blanks and 1 auction invitation) the results are:
Greg Casini 289
Myrna Poticha 269
Todd Chamberlin 229
Kathy Glatz 214
All the above were elected
Jeannie Crystal 192
Roger Wendell 156
JoLynn Jarboe 1
- Election of new ExComm officers
The following positions were filled and related motions passed:
Secretary – Anne Cain MSP (moved, seconded, passed)
Treasurer – Mark Collier MSP
Vice Chair – Rich Levy MSP
Motion to suspend the term limits for Chapter Chair for one year – MSP
Chapter Chair – Greg Casini MSP
6. *Election of Administrative Committee & SWRCC delegates
The admin comm. is composed of Chair, Vice Chair, Conservation Chair, and two other members of the Excom.
Eric Rechel, Steve Welter, and Larry Skiffington were nominated.
Eric and Larry were elected by paper ballot
Motion to accept the results of the election MSP
South West Regional Conservation Committee Delegate
Michael Black, Don Thompson, Kathy Glatz, and Larry Skiffington were nominated.
Larry, Mike, and Don were elected by paper ballot
Motion to accept the results of the election MSP
6.5 Addition to Agenda *Creation of a Youth Outreach Committee
Whereas young people are the future of the Sierra Club, and the RMC has established that youth outreach is a priority to build the Club, be it resolved that RMC establishes a youth outreach committee.
7. Discussion of recruitment of Chapter committee members
Kathy Glatz expressed concern that some chapter committees are dominated by one geographic area. She was concerned that Boulder (IPG) members dominate some very powerful committees, such as Finance and Nominations. Kathy proposed a resolution be passed to ensure that Chapter committees have a geographic diversity, “Much as we do with the administrative committee.”
Discussion: Greg Casini: The Excom approved the committee chairs, but not the committee members. The Chair recruits members to the committee
A resolution was moved to have the committee chairs work to recruit members with a priority on geographic diversity.
More Discussion:
Gary Matthews - There has always been an open invitation to people all over the state to join both the Nominating and the Finance Committees. We put it in the newsletter. We recruit from other areas and have never turned people away. Currently, the committee is made up of all Boulder members, although there is a member from Denver who is interested.
Mark Collier - There are lots of other resources that can be used to try to broaden the diversity, but to make it a requirement is a stretch.
Steve Welter - Just because someone is from Boulder, doesn’t mean it favors the IPG or that IPG is trying to control everything. That’s not true.
Kathy – the Budget and Conservation Committee go hand in hand, and some out state (meaning outside of the Front Range/Metro area) issues don’t get as much funding.
Rich Levy – It seems like a good idea to make chairs aware to make more of an effort to be more balanced. Must make conscious decision to make that effort.
Mark - The biggest hurdle to committees getting funding is that the committees need to send us their requests for funds. The executive committee, which is diverse, approves the budget. If an Excom member doesn’t think the budget is fair, they can make amendments. The committee has to pay out funds to the committees according to the budget that was passed.
Unknown - Do you want to “encourage” diversity, or “require” diversity? You need to decide how to do it.
Unknown - A requirement will potentially make it more difficult to operate. We need to go back to our groups and stress the importance of participation.
Motion: to encourage the chapter committees to reflect the geographic and ethnic diversity of the RMC: MSP
8. *Confirmation of 2004 committee chairs, including Political Committee - Kirk Cunningham, Greg Casini
A handout was sent with the Excom materials listing proposed committee chairs as follows:
Conservation Committee Chairs
Conservation Chair - Kirk Cunningham- 303.939.8519
No convener
Water Resources - Steve Glazer - 970.349.6646
Mining - open
National Forests - Marty Walter - 303.447.2059
and Scott Hatfield (Co-Chairs) - 303.413.1516
Public Lands - open
Wilderness - open
Wildlife - Mike Smith - 303.530.2646
Convener - Joan Seeman - 303.738.8407
Air Quality/Sprawl – Mike Mueller - 303.850.7883
Sprawl/Affordable Housing – Bill Myers - 303.935.6810
Environmental Justice - Kathy Glatz - 303.922.3425
Federal Facilities - Ross Vincent - 719.561.3117
Lowry AFB - Joan Seeman - 303.738.8407
Pueblo Depot - Ross Vincent - 719.561.3117
Rocky Flats - Bill Kossack - 303-464-1833
Rocky Mtn. Arsenal - Sandy Horrocks - 303.470.1352
Hazardous Materials - Joan Seeman - 303.738.8407
Pesticides - Angela Medbery - 303.433.2608
Solid Waste - Cheri Trine - 970-472-9828
Water Quality - Kirk Cunningham - 303.939.8519
Convener - open
Agriculture - open
Energy – Greg Casini - 303-861.2844
Gene Engineering - Suzanne Wuerthele - 303.333.2519
GOCO Watchdog - open
International Affairs – Bob Cohen - 303.443.4884
Lifestyles Education - Mary Romano - 303.388.0911
and JoLynn Jarboe (co-chairs) - 303.753.0470
Population - Fred Elbel - 303.220.7499
Transportation - open
Urban Open Space – open
Urban Land Use – Bill Myers - 303.935.6810
Administrative / Other Committee Chairs
Awards – Janna Six - 970.493.5034
Budget & Finance – John Hutson - 303.247.0228
Calendar Sales - JoLynn Jarboe - 303.753.0470
Compliance Officer – Susan Kimbler - 970.385.4118
Deferred Giving - Mark Collier - 303.443.5482
Fundraising - Greg Casini - 303.861.2844
Auction – open
Finance Officer - David Mastronarde - 303.440.0253
Information Technology – Dan Bihn - 970.218.1962
System Administrator - Mark Collier - 303.443.5482
Assist Administrator – Rich Winkelsky - 303.751.7679
Webmaster – Peter Butler - 303.823.8649
Co-listmasters - Mark Collier, Charlie Oriez
Content Evangelist – Charlie Oriez
InnerCity Outings – Kathy Glatz - 303.922.3425
Leader Directory - JoLynn Jarboe - 303.753.0470
Legal – Bill Rogers - 303.494.2225
Legislative – Kirpal Singh - 303.871.6779
Membership - open
Newsletter editor – Jason Wells - 303.813.0166
Outings – Jacob Morgan - 970.472.0205
Political Committee – Peggy Malchow - 303.744.1684
Retreat – open
Staff Committee – Cheri Cohn - 303.335.4013
Staff Supervisor – Peggy Malchow - 303.744.1684
Vitality - Greg Casini - 303.861.2844
Volunteer Development – open
Peggy Malchow - chair (EMG)-303.744.1684
Myrna Poticha (SPG)- 303.771.9866
Larry Skiffington (PPG) - 719.685.9365
David Barber (SdCG) - 719.545.3284
Jennie Crystle (PPG)- 719.685.9644
Susan Kimbler (WG)- 970.385.4118
Dave Fisher (IPG)- 303.440.4703
Rebecca Dickson - alternate (IPG)- 303.499.7261
Changes were proposed from passed out materials:
- Air Quality/Sprawl: Changed to Air Quality - Mike Mueller chair
- Sprawl/Affordable Housing: Bill Myers, Chair
- International Affairs: Bob Cohen and Libby Tart Co-chairs
- Agriculture – Dean and Sue Jarrett Co-Chairs
- Environmental Justice: Kathy Glatz is no longer chair, Chair Open
- ICO: Kathy Glatz, Chair
- Transportation: Bert Melcher Chair
- National Forests: Marty Walter no longer chair, Open
- Population: Fred Elbel is no longer chair, Open
- Urban Land Use: eliminate this position
- Leader Directory: eliminate this position
Political Committee is the same as proposed.
In discussing the committees, several people volunteered to take over chairships as follows:
- Wilderness and Mining: John Zwierzycki volunteers as chair
- Youth Outreach: new administrative committee formed w/Todd Chamberlin as chair
- Conservation Committee: Todd Chamberlin volunteers as vice chair of the Conservation Committee
Steve Welter introduces issue of removing Scott Hatfield from National Forests
Motion: to accept committee chairs/committees as amended/negotiated above except for National Forests/Scott Hatfield: MSP
Discussion re: Concerns about the effectiveness of the national forest chair Scott Hatfield.
Steve Welter: has been contacted by a number of people who have strong concerns about Scott’s behavior. He is disruptive in meetings, impolite to the public agencies and to other members of the conservation community and they feel he is creating real problems with the image of the Sierra Club in the state. Also, they don’t want to include Scott in meetings because of his behavior, which limits our ability to work on the issue.
Also, he has sent out mass emails that are insulting to staff and other community members.
Kirk Cunningham: When we adopt end commercial logging it attracts people who believe deeply. This is a policy disconnect between us and other groups. He is abrasive and not coherent, but we don’t have anyone to replace him. These are complicated issues. Deb is not going to being this job for us, and we need someone. There are daily requests to sign on to things, etc. It would be very helpful to have somebody in this role.
Steve: People Steve talked to feel they can work with our policy, it is Scott’s demeanor and unprofessional attitude that is the problem. Mark Pearson is trying to help to provide suggestions for a replacement person. Harry Riegle is an option, though he would prefer to focus on local issues. Also, there could be a co-chair front range and west slope. Also Phil Caffaro was suggested as a possibility. There may be others.
Judy Johnson: What does the position entail?
Kirk Cunningham: Review Forest Plans timber sales fairly technical stuff. Staff members work on it for the Sierra Club and other organizations
Judy Johnson: I am interested in learning about it. I have experience working on forest plans.
Mark Collier: We might want to have a person who is an organizer be the chair and also have experts on the committee.
Motion: The RMC will leave the position of Forest Chair open, and allow the administrative committee to make the Forest Chair.
M/S/P: 14/1/0
9. *Affiliations with Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Western Colorado Congress and Colorado Environmental Coalition - Kirk Cunningham
Kirk has filled out the paperwork to formally affiliate with some of our sister organizations in Colorado.
(note: All Club entities desiring affiliation with other organizations must receive approval of the appropriate national governance committee chair or their designee. This will generally be the Conservation Governance Committee chair. A completed Application for Affiliation must be submitted to the Office of Volunteer & Activist Services at the San Francisco office.)
Motion: To approve affiliations Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Western Colorado Congress and Colorado Environmental Coalition
9.5 Addition to Agenda: Adjust Group Boundaries
Charlie Oriez introduced the issue of SPG desire to absorb parts of defunct HPG territory.
Motion: Resolve that changes in boundaries between HPG and SPG are approved as follows:
- Zip Codes in Arapahoe Counties shared between Aurora (HPG) and Centennial (SPG) are transferred to SPG
- All Zip Codes in Elbert and Douglas County now held by HPG are transferred to SPG.
SESSION II – UPDATES (9:40am – 10:10am)
10. 9:40Office Update - Susan LeFever
New Excom Handout: We have developed a new handout for Excom members with information about policies and procedures, resources and contacts. It also has information about expectations for the Excom and Excom member. (Handout)
Staffing: Libby Tart has left her position to get a Masters Degree in Urban Planning. We were able to thank her formally at the Chapter Holiday Party in December. Dan Disner has been promoted to Chapter Coordinator and started his new position in mid-December. Dan started working for the Club in 2001 as a part time administrative assistant. Dan wants to get to know all of you better, and hopes to attend one meeting of each group over the next year.
The Argossy Foundation has told us that we will receive a second year of funding for Transportation Organizer Adriana Raudzens. Also, the National Club has funded John Rosapepe through November of 2004 to work on the Energy Campaign.
We have posted the job of Development Associate at 20 hours per week, and hope to have it filled by early February.
March Appeal: We will be starting on the March Appeal very soon, and this is my opportunity to remind you about group phoning. (Handout).
C3-C4 Power Point: The National folks have developed a power point presentation that explains the use of C3 and C4 monies. We will be emailing this to group chairs and group treasurers in the next few weeks. So watch for it.
Blue Sheets: Leader Change Worksheets (also known as Blue Sheets) are a roster of a chapter or group's leaders. The Sierra Club requires every chapter and group chair to submit leader change worksheets every year. The chair must note any changes, deletions, and additions to their leader roster and return the worksheets to the Labels Desk. Sierra Club then enters the information and changes into our leader database, which directly feeds WILD (Web Interactive Leader Directory). The leader change worksheets are the best way of letting everyone know who holds your chapter and group leadership positions. Without updated leadership information, we have no way of knowing who is leading your chapter or group. Your leaders miss out on useful information that will help them in their positions. This year, we will be doing this activity online.
Leader Change Worksheets for 2004 are due on February 14, 2004!!
Mark Collier: We do not have a policy allowing Committees to do phoning and receive funding.
Susan LeFever: the Energy Committee did it last year.
Mark: There needs to be a motion to allow Committees to do March phoning, but I would suggest referring this to the Finance committee to develop a recommendation and some procedures.
This matter was referred to the Finance Committee.
11. Outings Committee Report – Jacob Morgan
The committee discussed the issue of representation of groups and sections for the outings committee, and how to accommodate everyone equitably. A compromise was reached in that those who attended committee meetings would have the authority to discuss and vote on the issues introduced, but that after the meetings, the minutes would be sent to all groups and sections to review the decisions reached and would be allowed a chance to comment.
An “Outing Submission Plan” was discussed and decided upon by the committee. This plan set the process for the submission of outings by leaders to the chapter and local groups/sections so that all entities are informed about the outings taking place, and that a standard approval process is followed. The process approved includes: leader completing an on-line “Outing Submission Form” to provide all necessary information about the outing to the chapter outings chair. The chapter outings chair reviews the submitted information, reviews the leader’s certifications and experience with leading outings, and approves (or denies) the outing submission. If approved, the submitted information with the approval is sent to the group outings chair who then submits the outing for marketing. The chapter outings chair will post the outing information to the chapter calendar.