Cisco 1—Week 9
Chapter 6—NETWORK services
- What are the roles of a client and server and how do they interact over the network?
- What are some common network services available that operate in a client/server relationship?
- How do TCP and UDP transport protocols compare?
- What is the function of a port?
- What are well-known port numbers and the protocols/applications that use them?
- What is Domain Name System (DNS) and its purpose?
- How do various types of Internet applications, such as e-mail, WWW, FTP, IM and voice interact?
- How does a protocol stack interact on a host when sending and receiving a message?
- What is the purpose of a layered networking model?
- What is the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) layered network model?
S02. Standard 2:
E. Forecast the impact of technological products and systems. (09-12).
03. Compare and contrast the past, present and future developments of a technological system. (09).
03. Describe techniques for making decisions about the future development of technology (11)
S03. Standard 3:
A. Integrate conceptual knowledge of technology systems in determining practical applications for learning and technical problem-solving. (09-12)
01. Examine current and past devices for storing data and predict potential devices for the future. (10).
01. Describe techniques for making decisions about the future development of technology. (11).
Monday, October 22, 2012
Review Concepts from Chapter 5 that were missed on test
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Chapter 6—Network Services
Pass out Study Guide for chapter 6
Complete pages 1-and 2 (section 6.1)
Show Powerpoint slides 1-11
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Chapter 6—Network Services
Complete pages 1-and 2 (section 6.1)
Show Powerpoint slides 1-11
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Chapter 6—Network Services
Complete pages 3 and 4 (section 6.2)
Show Powerpoint slides 12-20
Friday, October 26,2012
Chapter 6—Network Services
Do packet tracer 6.2.2 Observing Web Requests
Do regular lab 6.2.1 Observing DNS Name Resolution
Do regular lab 6.2.3 Exploring FTP
Cisco 2—Week 9
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions:
- What is a hierarchical network and why is it required?
- What is the difference between a static, dynamic, and default route?
- How does RIP function?
- What are the limitations of RIP?
- What are the advantages of RIPv2 over RIPv1?
- What advantages does EIGRP have over RIP?
- What is the purpose of the various packet types used by EIGRP?
- What table s does EIGRP use, and what is their purpose?
S02. Standard 2:
E. Forecast the impact of technological products and systems. (09-12)
03Compare and contrast the past, present and future developments of a technological system. (09).
S03. Standard 3:
A. Integrate conceptual knowledge of technology systems in determining practical applications for learning and technical problem-solving.
03 Research technology systems, resources and services to solve technical problems. (11).
B. Identify, select and apply appropriate technology tools and resources to produce creative works and to construct technology-enhanced models. (09-12).
01. Identify/recognize state-of-the-art technology tools for solving problems and managing personal/professional information. (10).
S04. Standard 4:
A. Apply appropriate communication design principles in published and presented projects. (09-12)
03. Adapt design concepts to emerging technologies. (11).
Monday, October 22, 2012
Chapter 5—Routing with a Distance Vector Protocol in an Enterprise Network
Complete lab 5.1.3 and lab 5.1.4
Complete study guide questions 10-19
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Chapter 5—Routing with a Distance Vector Protocol in an Enterprise Network
Complete lab 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.2.5
Work on Lab 5.4.2 Configuring EIGRP and EIGRP summary routes
Show powerpoint slides 22-41
Wednesday, October24, 2012
Chapter 5—Routing with a Distance Vector Protocol in an Enterprise Network
Complete Study guide questions 21-35
Finish Lab 5.4.2 Configuring EIGRP and EIGRP summary routes
Start Lab 5.4.3 Verifying and Troubleshooting EIGRP Operation
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Chapter 5—Routing with a Distance Vector Protocol in an Enterprise Network
Powerpoint JEOPARDY
Take Quiz over chapter 5
Friday, October 26,2012
Chapter 5—Routing with a Distance Vector Protocol in an Enterprise Network
Take online test over chapter 5
Finish any undone labs
Web Design—Week 9
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
- Create and edit rollover buttons
- Make new buttons from an existing one
- Use the library to add instances of a button
- Add links to your buttons
- Create a button from an existing graphic
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
- Export graphics by using the Export Wizard
- Optimize your file before exporting it
- Select a color palette when exporting
- Export an image as a GIF or JPEG file
- Preview a document in the workspace
- Use the Quick Export menu to export graphics
S04. Standard 4:
A. Apply appropriate communication design principles in published and presented projects.
01. Format text, select color, insert graphics and include multimedia components in student-created media/communication products.
03. Adapt design concepts to emerging technologies (11)
B. Create, publish and present information, utilizing formats appropriate to the content and audience.
02. Use technology to publish information in electronic form (e.g., Web, multimedia, digital video, electronic portfolio). (09)
S05. Standard 5:
D. Evaluate choices of electronic resources and determine their strengths and limitations. (09-12).
01Choose a topic and identify appropriate electronic resources to use, citing the name and date of the resource database archive collection. (10)
Monday, October 22, 2012
Creating Buttons and rollovers pg. 69-79
Create Up and over states of a button and working in the button editor
Modifying and previewing a button
Linking buttons to html pages
Creating a button from a graphic
Converting buttons to buttons
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Lesson 6
Exporting images individually and using the Quick Export
Pass out requirements for COPLEY GRAPHICS
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Create a web page for a fictitious company called COPLEY GRAPHICS
Create rollover buttons and design it in fireworks
You will have three days to work on this assignment
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Create a web page for a fictitious company called COPLEY GRAPHICS
Create rollover buttons and design it in fireworks
Tomorrow is the last day for this assignment
Friday, October 26,2012
Create a web page for a fictitious company called COPLEY GRAPHICS
Create rollover buttons and design it in fireworks
Last Day to work on this assignment