Akron Town Council Meeting

July 17, 2017

Present: Jim Saner, President; Rich Solano, Vice-President; Brandon Slone, Member; Melinda Kamp, Clerk-Treasurer; Corbin Hudson, Deputy Marshal; Leah Sander, Press, Andy Perkins, Attorney

Guests: Shannon McLeod, PPR; Eric Walsh, Umbaugh; Al Stong, CEI; Levi and Michelle Dielman

Meeting started at 6:00 pm with the pledge of allegiance.

Rich made a motion to accept June 19th meeting minutes. Brandon 2nd. 3 ayes.

Michelle and Levi Dielman, owner of Dilly’s Bar, submitted application for sidewalk replacement and wanted to know how soon the work could be completed. They spoke about moving the light pole outside of their business. They requested information on a tax abatement and was told they needed to contact the county.

Al Stong referenced a map on the phase 1 sewer project which includes the following: upgrading the existing lift station and lagoon optimization. He also outlined possible grant and loan forgiveness programs to finance the improvements required by IDEM. Eric Walsh discussed financial options and ramifications of those loans. The Council opted to proceed with Project 2 for $2,375,700.00 Rich made a motion, Brandon 2nd. 3 ayes. Al will submit this to IDEM and Vince will approach USDA. Rich asked how much this service from Commonwealth was costing and was told there would be no invoicing until closing. Shannon will have a an environmental proposal for August meeting.

Duke Energy requested a wording change to Resolution 4-28-2017 to exclude the electric utility. Andy will revise the copy and present it next meeting for approval.

Jake’s Report: Incident reports were presented. It will cost about $118 to fix the speed trailer.

The ramp going into an establishment to comply with ADA may be the owner’s responsibility. Jim noted that he was approached by Dilly’s reference putting metal siding on the building. He advised them to contact Casi with planning commission.

Rich made a motion to approve the dockets in the amount of $110,720.41. Brandon 2nd. 3 ayes.

Budget workshop will be July 27th at 3:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned 8:05 pm.


Jim Saner, President Melinda Kamp, Clerk-Treasurer