The Education Excellence Awards recognize programs in Michigan’s local and intermediate public school districts that positively reflect the innovative spirit in today’s schools and measurably improve student achievement. Twenty programs will be recognized at this year’s event, including a newly crowned overall winner based on total score..
Education Excellence Award Winners are Recognized Locally and Statewide
· Winning programs/school districts are spotlighted in MASB news releases sent to state and local media.
· MASB endorses winners’ applications to present clinics at the National School Boards Association conference.
· Winners may be invited to present their program during the Michigan Association of School Boards’ Annual Leadership Conference on Saturday, Oct. 24, at the Grand Traverse Resort in Acme, Mich.
· Submitted programs must be in operation for at least two consecutive years prior to the entry deadline.
· Programs must be original to the applicants and cannot be affiliated with commercially or nationally aligned programs, such as Reading Recovery, Parents as Teachers, HOSTS, PALS, RIF, etc. Programs submitted must be operating in an MASB member district or intermediate school district.
· Programs cannot be a previous Education Excellence Award winner, either in your district or another district.
· Programs may only be entered in one category, and local districts must apply in Categories 1-3, while ISDs must apply in Category 4.
Award Process
Please read the application carefully and follow the directions for each section. Programs submitted for an Education Excellence Award are judged by a highly qualified panel of independent judges who are experts in K-12/Intermediate educational programming and curriculum. Points are awarded for each submission based on the criteria and point allocations which are listed next to each response.
Once all programs have been scored by the judges, MASB will notify the top 20 overall point winners by phone and/or email by April 30, 2015. An invitation will follow inviting all 20 winners to attend the Education Excellence Award Ceremony and Luncheon to be held on Tuesday, May 12, 2015, at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center, Big Ten Room A, East Lansing, Mich. At the Ceremony and Luncheon, winners will be recognized and honored, receive a monetary prize, trophy, poster and will receive an authentic road sign designating them as a 2015 Education Excellence Award winner. Road signs will be delivered directly to the superintendent’s office during the month of May. There will also be one grand prize winner based on overall total score.
Application Deadline
Applications must be received by March 13, 2015.
The Award criteria focuses on how your program…
· demonstrates innovation and uniqueness
· expands educational opportunities to improve students’ abilities to achieve the Four Cs
o communication
o creativity
o critical thinking
o collaboration
· raises student achievement, including measurable data
· uses resources efficiently and effectively
1. Classroom-based program (includes language arts, STEM, social studies, and noncore or student enrichment classes)
2. Beyond-the-classroom program (includes extracurricular, before/after school, community-based and student-led initiatives)
3. School or district-wide technology-based programs
4. Collaboratively oriented ISD program provided to constituent public schools (ISD category only)
Tell us how you heard about the Education Excellence Awards Program?What is the Grade Level(s) of the Program?
Program Title:
School Name:
School District:
School Address:
Zip Code: / School Phone:
Program Coordinator:
Number of years in operation (choose one):
o 2
o 3-5
o 5-7
o 7-9
o 10+
Category (choose one):
o Classroom-based
o Beyond-the-classroom
o School or district-wide technology based program
o Collaboratively oriented ISD program provided to constituent public schools
Explain in 200 words or less, how your program is innovative and unique. List the programs’ goals and objectives. (20 points)
In 200 words or less, list the resources you used to implement your program efficiently and effectively. Examples: budget, funding, facilities, volunteers, paid staff, etc. (20 points)
Explain in 750 words or less, how the program expands educational opportunities that improve students’ abilities to achieve the Four C’s: communication, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration. (25 points)
In 750 words or less, provide evidence/data that measures the results of your program on student achievement. (35 points)
Is there anything else about your program that makes it innovative that you want to include? (0 points)