Practical 24: Multiple membership Models.

In the last practical we considered cross-classified models and introduced the concept of a classification. All the classifications we considered were what we would describe as ‘single membership’ classifications. This means that every lowest level unit is a member of one and only one classification unit. For example each pupil in the ‘’ dataset belongs to one and only one school and each woman in the ‘’ dataset belongs to one and only one district.

It is however possible that we cannot (or do not want to) assign each lowest level unit to exactly one classification unit. This may be due to movements between units over the time period for which the data were collected. For example if our response is exam scores at 16 then some pupils will have been educated in more than one school and thus we may want to account for the effects of all schools. Alternatively our response may have been produced by the aggregation of units. For example in veterinary epidemiology the unit of measurement may be flocks of chickens and each flock may be produced from individual parent birds from several parent flocks, each of which has an effect on the child flock (see Browne, Goldstein and Rasbash 2001 for details). Both of these scenarios are examples of ‘multiple membership’ classifications.

Formally we can define a multiple membership classification as a map c from the set  of N lowest level units to the set  of M classification units such that each individual, ni is mapped to a subset (possibly of size 1) i of . So the single membership classifications are a special case where every i is of size 1. We will firstly consider in this chapter a (simulated) example from employment statistics that has a multiple membership classification, and finish the chapter with a look at the combination of multiple membership models and cross-classified models known as multiple membership multiple classification (MMMC) models (Browne, Goldstein and Rasbash 2001).

Notation and Weightings

In the last practical we introduced a new notation for use with classifications. We can extend this classification to deal with multiple membership classifications. When we have a multiple membership classification, a single lowest level unit will have a random effect for each ‘classification unit’ they belong to. Generally, to avoid lowest level units that belong to many classification units being given too much influence in the model, we assign weights for each pairing of lowest level unit and classification unit. These weights typically sum to 1 for each lowest level unit and we can write a simple multiple membership model of pupils nested in multiple schools as

Here we have a classification ‘school’ and the weight w(2)i,j is the weight assigned to the random effect for school j in the equation for pupil i. What quantities to use as weights is an interesting question. If we have no information other than that each pupil went to a particular selection of schools over the period of their education then equal weights would be logical. If however we know how long they spent in each school then we could use this information to create weights proportional to the times spent in each school.

Both of these methods are making an assumption that the effect of a school is some fraction of the amount of time spent in all schools by each pupil and hence the weights for each pupil sum to 1. An alternative approach would be that schools have an instantaneous effect that is equal for all pupils no matter how long they spend there. We could of course fit this instantaneous effect by having weights of one for each pupil by school combination but this will make comparison of the between schools variance and residual variance difficult.

Office workers salary dataset

We will consider as an example a simulated dataset meant to represent the yearly salaries of randomly sampled office workers.

The Names window will appear as follows:

Here we have as a response variable, ‘earnings’, the amount (in thousands of pounds) that 3,022 workers earned in the last financial year. Most individuals worked for one company although some individuals worked for more, either because they work part time or because they changed job in the time period. For these individuals we have information on the names of all (up to 4) companies they worked for in columns labeled ‘company’, ‘company2’, ‘company3’ and ‘company4’. There are 141 companies in the dataset and we also have the fraction of time the individuals worked for each company and this is stored in columns ‘weight1’ to ‘weight4’. As predictors for salary we have the individual’s age, sex, the number of jobs they worked on and whether they worked full or part-time.

We can firstly plot a histogram of the earnings

The graph will then appear as follows:

As is common with earnings data, the graph shows that the response is highly skewed to the right with the majority of people earning less than £40,000 while a few individuals earn over £100,000. Therefore it is probably better to consider a log transformation of the response and instead fit a normal model to loge(response).

The column ‘logearn’ was created via the command CALC ‘logearn’ = LOGE(‘earn’) and is the (natural) logarithm of earnings. If we now plot a histogram of this variable instead (by changing the ‘y’ column to ‘logearn’) we will see the following:

Here we see a much more Gaussian shape to the histogram suggesting that this will be a better variable to use as a response in a normal response model.

Models for the earnings data

We will firstly consider fitting some simple regression models to the earnings data. The two predictors we will consider first are ‘age-40’ and ‘numjobs’ which represent the age of the workers (roughly centred) and the number of companies they have worked for in the last 12 months.

Upon finishing the 5,000 iterations we get the following estimates:

So we see that older workers earn on average more whilst people who work for more companies in a year earn on average less. For example the average 40 year old with 1 job earns e3.08-0.13=19.1k whilst the average 40 year old with 2 jobs earns

e3.08-0.26=16.8k. Note that due to the log transformation these estimates will be median earnings rather than means.

If we look at the DIC diagnostic we see that it confirms what we see from the significance of the predictors, that both predictors are important.


Bayesian Deviance Information Criterion (DIC)

Dbar D(thetabar) pD DIC

5199.68 5195.62 4.06 5203.74 <age + numjobs>

5228.58 5225.56 3.03 5231.61 <age only>

5361.67 5359.66 2.01 5363.69 <neither>

We can now consider our two other predictor variables, gender and whether the person works full or part-time:

Upon convergence we see the following estimates:

Here we see that both being female (‘sex’ = 1) and being a part time worker on average reduces your salary. It is interesting that putting these two variables into the model has reduced the negative effect of the number of jobs and it is now not significant. If we compare the DIC diagnostic for this model with the previous model, and a model with ‘numjobs’ removed we see the following:


Bayesian Deviance Information Criterion (DIC)

Dbar D(thetabar) pD DIC

4989.96 4983.98 5.98 4995.94 <this model>

5199.68 5195.62 4.06 5203.74 <age + numjobs only>

4990.83 4985.82 5.01 4995.84 <numjobs removed>

So it seems that the ‘numjobs’ predictor is not important. If we now look at the correlations between the predictors:


parttime sex numjobs

parttime 1.0000

sex 0.0399 1.0000

numjobs 0.2908 0.1014 1.0000

We can see here that there are (small) positive correlations between ‘numjobs’ and both ‘sex’ and ‘parttime’ and so the significant effect for ‘numjobs’ in the earlier model was a surrogate for the actual effects due to gender and part-time/full-time.

Fitting multiple membership models to the dataset

We can now consider accounting for the effects of the various companies on the earnings of the employees. If we look at the distribution of the number of jobs variable.

->TABUlate 0 "numjobs"

1 2 3 4 TOTALS

N 2496 472 52 2 3022

We can see that in our dataset changing company is not a common phenomenon and so we could firstly fit a simple 2-level model that accounts for only one company per individual. This would be the type of model we would have to fit if, for example, we only collected the current employer for each individual. For our dataset we will consider just fitting the company that appears in the column ‘company’ which will be the first in numerical order of the companies each individual works for.

After running for 5,000 iterations the results are as follows:

So here we see that the first company of each employee explains 0.052/(0.052+0.253) = 17% of the remaining variation. If we look at the DIC diagnostic:


Bayesian Deviance Information Criterion (DIC)

Dbar D(thetabar) pD DIC

4421.62 4311.72 109.90 4531.52

4990.83 4985.82 5.01 4995.84 <no random effects>

Here we see that the random effects have reduced the DIC by over 400 and so are very important. There are also 110-5= 105 effective parameters for the 141 actual random effects so there are many important and distinct company effects.

If we now want to fit the multiple membership model we need to use the classifications window that we looked at in the last chapter

The window should look as follows:

We now need to click on the Done button to apply the settings. Note that MLwiN assumes that the identifier columns are in sequential order, so in this example ‘company’ (column c2) contains the first set of identifiers and the other three sets must be in the columns c3-c5 respectively. The same is true for the weight columns with columns c13-c16 named ‘weight1’ to ‘weight4’. Note that if an observation is associated with less than 4 companies then both the identifier and weight for the extra companies should be set equal to zero. We have here used a system of filling in the end columns with zeroes although the order of the columns does not matter, as long as the ith weight column matches up with the ith identifier column.

After running for 5,000 iterations we get the following estimates:

So accounting for all the companies explains 0.059/(0.059+0.247) = 19.3% of the variation. More importantly if we look at the DIC diagnostic we see that the DIC diagnostic has been reduced by over 60 and the number of effective parameters has increased, suggesting again many important and distinct company effects.


Bayesian Deviance Information Criterion (DIC)

Dbar D(thetabar) pD DIC

4354.60 4240.63 113.97 4468.57

4421.62 4311.72 109.90 4531.52 <no MM>

Residuals in multiple membership models

We can look at the individual company effects via the residuals window.

The residual graphs will then appear as shown overleaf. Interestingly a couple of the companies with the highest residuals look like potential outliers.

Looking at a plot of the (raw) residuals against normalized scores also shows similar behaviour:

We can consider fitting separate terms for these two companies and treating these as fixed effects. Clicking on their residuals identifies them as companies 54 and 67. Normally we could use the graph window to create dummy variables for these two companies, but we cannot currently do this for multiple-membership models as MLwiN would currently only select individuals who have ‘company’ = 54 (67) and ignore the other 3 potential companies. We can however currently create the two columns using the Command Interface window.

Upon running for 5,000 iterations we get the following estimates:

Here we see that the two companies both have large positive coefficients and the company level variance has reduced from 0.059 to 0.045. If we look at the DIC diagnostic for the new model we see that it has been reduced by a further 4 suggesting this is a slightly improved model:


Bayesian Deviance Information Criterion (DIC)

Dbar D(thetabar) pD DIC

4356.70 4248.63 108.07 4464.77 <with 2 additional fixed effects>

4354.60 4240.63 113.97 4468.57 <with all random effects>

Alternative Weights for multiple membership models

We have so far used weights that are proportional to the time spent in each job and, as this is a simulated dataset, these were the weights that were actually used to generate the response variable. It is possible however to consider using other weightings, for example we could look at the effect of using equal weights so that each company you work for has an equal effect on your final salary.

Upon running for 5,000 iterations we get the following estimates:

The estimates are not greatly different from those we got when using the proportional weights earlier. This is probably because few respondents change job. However if we now look at the DIC diagnostic we see:


Bayesian Deviance Information Criterion (DIC)

Dbar D(thetabar) pD DIC

4369.37 4261.93 107.43 4476.80 <equal weights>

4356.70 4248.63 108.07 4464.77 <proportional weights>

So we can see that the equal weights give a DIC that is 11 higher, which suggests that this is a worse model. This is not surprising given that we used the proportional weights to generate the response. However this shows that the DIC diagnostic is useful for choosing between possible weighting systems.

Multiple membership multiple classification (MMMC) models

In the past two practical we have considered both cross-classified and multiple-membership models. Of course we can think of models that combine both these advancements in one model. For example in our above analysis we may also have information on what secondary school the workers attended and use this as a classification that is crossed with the multiple-membership classification for companies. We call such models multiple membership multiple classification (MMMC) models and Browne, Goldstein and Rasbash (2001) give general MCMC algorithms for fitting such models. In their paper you will find two large examples from veterinary epidemiology and demography, which are too large to include in this practical. We will however consider the third example on Scottish lip cancer in the last practical today where amongst other models we will fit an MMMC model.

One other innovation in Browne, Goldstein and Rasbash (2001) is the ‘classification diagram’ as mentioned in the earlier lecture. When fitting MMMC models using MCMC estimation, knowledge of nesting relationships is not needed to implement the algorithms. For a simple summary of the model, however, it is useful to see the nesting relationships and so we advocate the use of a ‘classification diagram’. A classification diagram consists of boxes to represent each classification with arrows to represent nestings between two classifications, single arrows for single membership relationships and double arrows for multiple membership relationships.

Below are classification diagrams for the two examples in the last two chapters.

What you should have learnt from this practical

  • What is meant by a multiple membership model.
  • How to transform and fit earnings data.
  • How to fit a multiple membership model in MLwiN.
  • How to look at residuals in a multiple membership model.
  • How to compare alternative weighting schemes.
  • What is meant by an MMMC model and a classification diagram.


Browne, W. J., Goldstein, H. and Rasbash, J. (2001). Multiple membership multiple classification (MMMC) models. Statistical Modelling 1: 103-124.
