The Minutes of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Stainton & Thornton Parish Council held in the Memorial Hall, Stainton at 7.15 p.m. on 16th May, 2017
Present: P/Cllrs. Alan Liddle (Chair), Jim Holmes (Vice Chair), Alan Conroy, Angela Cooper, Chris Dean & Brian Neale; M. Newbould (Clerk to the P/Cncl).
25/17, Presentation of Engraved Crystal Vase to the Clerk to the Parish Council On behalf of S & T Parish Council, the Chair presented a beautiful, Warwick Crystal vase to the Clerk to mark her 30 years of service (1987-2017) to the Parish of Stainton & Thornton. The Parish Council was thanked very much by the Clerk.
26/17, Election of a Chair of the Parish Council for 2017/2018 The Clerk, as Proper Officer, requested nominations for Chair. Cllr. A. Liddle was proposed by Cllr. A. Cooper and seconded by Cllr. A. Conroy. There were no other nominations. Cllr. Alan Liddle accepted the position and was unanimously re-elected as Chair. He then signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
27/17, Election of a Vice Chair of the Council for 2017/2018 Nominations were invited for the position of Vice Chair. Cllr. Jim Holmes was nominated, proposed by Cllr. A. Conroy, seconded by Cllr. C. Dean and unanimously re-elected. There were no other nominations. Cllr. J. Holmes accepted the position and duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
28/17, Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. David Coupe, who was attending a charity event to present a cheque. The reason for absence was accepted by the Parish Council.
29/17, Review of the Council’s Standing Orders and agreement for any changes required for 2017/2018 The Council’s SO’s were duly reviewed. Resolved that the current Standing Orders would be updated for agreement at the PC meeting on 13th June, 2017. Acceptance was proposed by Cllr. Jim Holmes, seconded by Cllr. Angela Cooper and carried. The updated SO’s would be circulated electronically in NALC format.
30/17, The Annual Report of the Chair of the Council for 2016/2017 The Annual Report was read out by the Chair and accepted by the Council. The
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procedure for 106 monies was discussed and would be included on the Agenda for the meeting on 13th June, 2017. The Chair would contact CLCA/NALC in advance of the June mtg. Resolved that the Chair’s Annual Report would not be circulated to all households in Stainton & Thornton, but would be displayed on the village notice boards and put on the Middlesbrough Council/Parish Council website. Hard copies were available on request from the Clerk to the Council.
31/17, The Financial Accounts of the Council for the financial year to 31 March, 2017 and the Report of the Responsible Finance Officer (the Clerk) The P/Council accounts for 2016/2017 and the Report of the Responsible Finance Officer (the Clerk) were agreed and accepted by the P/Council and duly signed by the Chair and the RFO. Resolved to continue the present arrangement with Baines Jewitt (Accountants) re the Clerk’s PAYE.
32/17, Review of the Assets Register The updated Assets Register was reviewed by Cllr. A. Conroy and accepted and agreed by the Parish Council.
33/17, Comments from the Internal Auditor received by the Chair were reported to the P/Council.
34/17, Review of Committee arrangements of the Council and election of Environment Committee Chair Resolved that the existing Committee arrangements would continue. Cllr. David Coupe was proposed by Cllr. A. Liddle, seconded by Cllr. J. Holmes and unanimously re-elected in his absence to continue as Chair of the Environment Committee. The Clerk would continue as Secretary. It was resolved that Cllr. A. Liddle would continue to Chair the Planning Cttee. and the Crime & Disorder Cttee., both of which comprised the full Parish Council.
35/17, To elect Members to the Environment Committee Members and volunteers were invited to continue as at present. Cllrs. D. Coupe, A. Liddle and A. Cooper and the Parish Clerk would attend meetings. Residents would be confirmed by the Environment Committee. New members and volunteers were very welcome.
36/17, P/Council Members of the Friends of Stainton & Thornton Green
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Spaces organisation and confirmation of PC insurance cover for Kell Gate Green and the payment of water charges for the field alongside K G Green Members attending Friends of S & T Green Spaces meetings were: Cllrs. David Coupe, A. Liddle (Chair), and A. Conroy (Treasurer). M. Newbould would attend as Minutes’ Secretary. Friends of S & T Green Spaces’ Minutes would in future be issued to all Parish Councillors, who were all welcome to join the Friends’ group and attend meetings. Funding for the personal accident/public liability insurance cover for Kell G Gn. and payment of water charges were confirmed by the P/Council. The Friends would pay an amount (approx. £15 - £20) for new machinery assets cover. The Friends’ AGM would be held on Monday, 5th June, 2017 at 9.30 a.m. in the Memorial Hall, Stainton. 37/17, Review of the Council’s membership of Cleveland Local Council’s Association, appointment of two representatives to CLCA and authorisation of payment of CLCA subscription The Council’s membership was reviewed; Cllr. A. Liddle proposed continuation of membership, seconded by Cllr. B. Neale and agreed. The Chair and Vice Chair were duly re-appointed and agreed to continue as the two representatives to CLCA; and the payment of the CLCA subscription was authorised by the Parish Council.
38/17, Review of the Insurance Cover of the Council and authorise payment of the next annual premium due on 1 June 2017 Insurance cover was discussed. The payment for the premium for 2017/18, which also included cover for Gala Day, was not authorised at this stage. It was noted that all necessary Risk Assessments had been duly completed by the P/Council before the year-end. Resolved that Insurance Cover would be reviewed by the Chair and quotes obtained from Aon and Zurich for a “like for like” policy.
39/17, Review of the salary level of the Clerk to the Council and authorisation of any change in salary for that level as will be recommended jointly by NALC and SLCC and backdated to 1 April, 2017 The salary level of the Clerk was reviewed and would remain at Spinal Level 17 for the year 2017/18. Any change in salary for that level recommended jointly by NALC & SLCC was authorised and would be backdated to 1st April, 2017.
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40/17, The Clerk’s Report of any urgent correspondence and authorisation of any urgent expenditure (a) A letter had been received from The Post Office that the mobile PO service would continue on Tuesday mornings, from 9.30 to 11.00 a.m. outside The Stainton public house, Meldyke Lane; (b) The annual contribution of £200.00 for the Friends of S & T Green Spaces was authorised and passed to Cllr. A. Conroy, Friends’ Gp. Treasurer; (c) Portaloo ordered for Gala Day – payment authorised.
41/17, Planning Applications requiring a response before the next meeting Cllr. A. Liddle reported recent planning applications at Bramblewick and Low Farm Close, none requiring an immediate response. 42/17, Review of the Budget of the Council for 2017/18 The Budget was reviewed, agreed and accepted by the P/Council.
43/17, Suggestions for any new agenda items for future meetings of the Council Suggestions received for the 13th June, 2017 Agenda were as follows:
(a) 106 monies; (b) A regular Bus Service; (c) Inviting the Tees Valley Mayor to attend a Parish Council meeting and a Community Council meeting; and (d) Gala Day for the August PC mtg. agenda.
44/17, The next business meeting of the Parish Council was confirmed as Tuesday, 13th June, 2017 at 7.15 p.m. in the Memorial Hall, Stainton Apologies were received in advance from Cllr. A. Cooper who would be on holiday in South Africa.
The Chair formally closed the meeting at approx. 9.20 p.m.
Accepted as a true record and signed ...... Chair
Date ......
Minutes taken by M. Newbould (Clerk to the Parish Council), 4 Thornton Close, Thornton TS8 9BT, Tel. 01642 590340 Email:
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