Informal Prediction Guides

Directions: Complete the sentences below after reading just the title, first paragraph, or first section of the text. Listen for your teacher’s instructions on what to read. Once you complete the prediction guide, then finish the assigned reading.

From the title / paragraph, I predict that this chapter will be about ________________


The reason I believe this is ______________________________________________



Directions: Survey the chapter. Then complete the sentences that follow.

After surveying the chapter, I believe that the major figure(s) will be _____________



Some major events will be ______________________________________________



Informal Prediction Guides

Directions: Complete the sentences below after reading just the title, first paragraph, or first section of the text. Listen for your teacher’s instructions on what to read. Once you complete the prediction guide, then finish the assigned reading.

**Completed using the article “Warming Signs” from Science World Magazine.

From the title / paragraph, I predict that this chapter will be about ___how global warming will have negative effects on our environment ______________________

The reason I believe this is ____the words “danger,” “warming,” and “climate” are used in the title and subtitle ________________________________________________


Directions: Survey the article. Then complete the sentences that follow.

After surveying the chapter, I believe that the major figure(s) will be _____how wildlife will be affected from the increase in temperatures___________________________



Some major events will be _________global warming and melting of the polar ice caps_____________________________________________________________
