Title Last Name

Address 1

Address 2

Town Postcode

24 January 2013RNINGS DIRECT

Dear Title Last Name

Comrie direct flood warning service

Following the floodingon 27 August 2012 and again on 19 November 2012, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has been working to develop a targeted flood warning service for the village. This new service will be delivered throughour national Floodline service and I am pleased to inform you that itwill golive on 28 January 2013.

We are sending you this letter because our records show that you are already signed up to receive Flood Alerts for Tayside and that you will benefit from our new service. Because your property is within the area that may be affected by the impacts of flooding (see map overleaf), once the new service is live your registration will be automatically amended to include Flood Warnings for Comrie. You shall also continue to receive Flood Alerts for the Tayside region.

If you are happy to receive both Flood Alerts for Tayside and Flood Warnings for Comrie, you do not need to do anything.

If you do not wish to receive these warnings, or you would like to amend your registration, please call Floodline on 0845 988 1188 or, if you have an online account,you can amend your details at

It is important to note that, traditionally, we only provide a flood warning service to areas where we have the technology in place to provide at least 3 hours notice. This is because research suggests that 3 hours is the minimum time required for people to take beneficial action. However,due to the flashy characteristics of the Ruchill Water catchment, in many circumstances, we will not be able to provide such advance warning. Despite this, following extensive consultation with the community in Comrie it becameclear that residents believe any amount of advance warning would be better than no warning whatsoever. Consequently we have taken the unprecedented step to launch a service in an area where it may not be possible to provide 3-6 hours warning as is advised in our literature. Therefore, whilst we will always endeavour to issue warnings as early as possible please be aware that in some circumstances advance warning of flooding may be limited to 30-60 minutes.

More information about Floodline’s direct warning service is available on our website at Alternatively come along to our drop in session at The White Church, Comrie on 31st January 2013, 2-6pm where SEPA staff will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Yours sincerely

Cordelia Menmuir

Flood Advisor

The ComrieFlood Warning Area

*A Flood Warning area means an area where SEPA operates a formal flood warning scheme with the available technology to issue targeted Flood Warning messages for properties located in this area. The boundaries of these areas have been set to include any properties which may be impacted by the effects of river or coastal flooding.

This impact could be that access routes are cut off or dangerous flood waters may be present. The inclusion of any property within a flood warning area does not specifically imply that the individual property is at risk of flooding, but helps to identify the area at risk.