Welcome to the Walnut High School Choir! I am very happy that you chose to become a member of the program. You will find many opportunities to meet people, get involved, learn about music and performance, and have fun. It is a unique elective that will provide you with the opportunity to challenge your musical and performance skills, and become a part of a musical "family." Regardless of which ensemble you join, some of your best high school memories will come from this unique experience of making, sharing, and performing music with other people. You joined at great time too- we are now on our fourth year of having FIVE choirs, and the numbers and quality continue to grow.
Music education has so many benefits that you will discover throughout the year(s)! Becoming an effective ensemble musician can be achieved only through hard work, disciplined practice, and a positive attitude. There are many privileges in being a part of this organization, and along with these come responsibilities. As a member of a musical ensemble, your actions and behaviors directly affect the success and morale of your group. You will be expected to follow these guidelines for the entire year. They have been created from the standards set by the director with input from, and based on the hard work of, WHS choral students of the past twenty-two years. The standards apply to all of the groups, whether you are brand-new to choir or a fourth-year veteran.
Our choir organization has a reputation for having some of the nicest, most well-behaved, and team-spirited kids on campus. We also have a huge percentage of kids who take choir for multiple years. By auditioning, doing the work to fit the class in your schedule, and signing this contract you are signing up to be a part of the tradition. Make no mistake; this is a REAL class, with a curriculum that has always followed the National Music Standards, and also aligns with the depth and scope of the Common Core standards for music. Regardless of which choir you join, if you are willing to work, you will learn a lot and enjoy yourself.
The first part of the contract covers the very basic information required to start the class and dates to get on the calendar. The rest of the handbook covers more specific information. There is a lot of information, so please keep a copy so that you may refer to it if you have questions.
Please read the expectations carefully before signing the contract. The contract, page 13, must be returned by this Friday, August 21.
Rehearsal philosophy: Rehearsal is, first and foremost, a time to make music. We work every day, from bell to bell. If this does not appeal to you, you will want to select another elective. This program has grown because of hard work and discipline, and our students actually prefer that. The quality of performances is directly related to what happens in the classroom every day. Since we spend about 90% of our time rehearsing, it should be enjoyable and productive. ACTIVE, POSITIVE participation is what helps build our organization each year! A major goal of each and every class is that the students display the behavior and habits of professional musicians in rehearsal. Therefore, the following will be expected of all choir members:
1. Come to all rehearsals, in class and after school, on time.
- Be in your seat with all choral materials ready to go before the bell or call time.
2. Bring your MUSIC FOLDER and a PENCIL to every rehearsal.
- Hint- keep your pencil in your folder.
3. Be prepared to make music and give 100% energy at each rehearsal.
- Sit in "choral position" while singing.
- Leave cell phones OFF AND OUT OF REACH.
4. Leave gum, food, and drinks outside the choir room.
- But, bring water!
5. Leave talking, other homework, pencil sharpening, or other interruptions until break or after rehearsal.
6. Show respect for the choir room and equipment. Take care of music, folders, props, sound equipment, and choral room furniture.
7. Always show respect for your fellow choir members.
- This includes rehearsal time, concerts, and yes, even ON-LINE. Consider all
online profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, etc.) public and keep them “classy.”
You will get something out of this group if you maintain a positive attitude and give cheerfully. Also, your rehearsal behavior and effort are used as criteria in officer placements, and audition results for next year's choirs. WE ARE HERE TO MAKE MUSIC!
Students in this class begin with a wide variety of skill and ability levels. Since the success of a choir depends less on natural musical ability and more on student effort, the majority of the grade will be based on the quality of participation. Each person who adheres to the following guidelines and demonstrates ACTIVE, POSITIVE PARTICIPATION(not just seat-filling) will earn ten points per week, (60 for each six week period). Since this is a class that students have chosen as their elective, most students take the class seriously and understand that expectations are high.
A. 85% of the gradeis based on participation and performances. Each student who adheres to the guidelines and demonstrates ACTIVE, POSITIVE participation (filling up a seat is not enough!) will earn two points per day, (60 for each 6 -week period).
1. Failure to adhere to the guidelines will result in point deductions for the following reasons:
- Student not ready at beginning of rehearsal (ex. at folder cabinet during warm-ups, music not in rehearsal order)...... -2
- Music not brought to rehearsal...... …...... -3
- No pencil at rehearsal...... …………...... …...... -3
- Chewing gum/ eating at rehearsal...... ……...…...... -3
- Excessive disturbance during rehearsal (after 1 warning)....…...... -3
- Lack of participation or not following directions (after warning)...... -3
- Cell Phone use during rehearsal………………………………...…….-3
- Three or more tardies...... each-3
- Tardy to outside rehearsal...... -3
- Class Cuts...... -4 for regular day
-5 for block day
-Tardy to dress rehearsal or call time...... -5
- Absence from after-school rehearsal...... -5
- Unexcused absence from performance/dress rehearsal...... -10
Six week Twelve week FINAL
54-60= A 108-120= A 162-180 = A 48-53= B 96-107 = B 144-161 = B
42-47= C 84-95 = C 126-143 = C 36-41= D 72-83 = D 108-125 = D 0-35 = F under 72= F BELOW 108= F
During the first week of school, students will be given a Rubric for Class Participation which will be thoroughly discussed in class. It clearly defines excellent and acceptable rehearsal technique in order to earn full points. It is helpful for all choir members, but I especially encourage new members and parents to read it in order to make the transition into high school choir as smooth as possible. These rubrics are reinforced daily and posted in the classroom.
Note: If you are temporarily unable to sing, you are still expected to participate in the rehearsal by listening, learning your notes and marking your score. You need to use your best judgment if you are feeling under the weather. Obviously, we do not want to expose other students to an illness that would keep them out of school. However, if you are well enough to attend class, you are well enough to participate in the rehearsal.
B. 15% of the grade will be based on:
1) written work, including tests, quizzes, worksheets
2) performance tests, including sight singing, memorization, singingparts in small ensembles, etc. Grades for performance will be based largely on improvement and progressing to the next level in the rubric.
A maximum of 4 points may be made up each semester- it is up to you to
keep up your grade
- Concert Report (Variable points, 3 pts. each) - Choral library work (variable, 1-2 pts.)
- Listening reports (2 pts. each- see me for details) - Others at the discretion of the director
Chamber Singers: Mondays, 3:00 - 5 pm Mondays beginning August 24.
Very often, we split into sectionals for one hour each, but please block out
the time for the whole rehearsal. I will let you know the Friday before
each rehearsal if we will do a combined rehearsal or a sectional rehearsal.
Rhapsody In Blue: Thursdays, 3:00 – 5 pm, Sept 3 only, then,
October--March, excluding concert weeks.
Men’s Ensemble, Treble Choir and Mustang Singers:
Full week of Tech/Dress Rehearsals for the December, February, and April concerts
Possible extra rehearsals or performances (1-2 per year max) with at least one month notice.
Each student will be assigned a numbered folder and corresponding slot in the folder cabinet. This is a convenience for you, but students in the auditioned groups should plan to take their folders home most days in order to practice. You may keep your folder in the slot between rehearsals, or you may keep it in your locker or take it home to practice, but it is your responsibility to plan to have it at rehearsal, every day, and be seated with it by the time the bell rings.
Responsibility for the music and folder is the same as for textbooks. If you lose or damage the musicor write on the folders, you will be billed for the replacement cost of those items.
These are dates that are already scheduled. Please write them down, as the students are responsible for attending the events for their group. A monthly newsletter will be emailed and posted online with additional dates and in some cases, updated or changed dates. Please look for these newsletters approximately once a month. The latest one is always on my page at walnuths.net.
August 21 (Friday) - Welcome to Choir Party 3-4:30 pm (Optional, but fun!)
August 25 (Tuesday) at 6:30 PM- Parent General Meeting
Oct. 2 and 3 (Friday and Saturday)- 7 pm Cabaret Night
November 14 Saturday) - Pancake Breakfast, 7-10:30 am
December 10 & 11, (Thursday and Friday) 7 pm- Winter Concert
(Dress Rehearsals December 7, 8, and 9, 3-6 pm)
February 5- Prelude to Spring Concert
(Dress Rehearsal - February 2, 3, 4, 3-6 pm)
March 10- Open House (tentative performances by all groups)
April 15 and 16 (Friday and Saturday) - Spring Pops Concert
(Tech/Dress Rehearsal April 12, 13, and 14, 3-6 pm)
May 11- Choir Banquet
Auditions for next year- Audition Meeting- March 22
Preliminary auditions in class early May
Chamber Call-Backs, April 26
Rhapsody Call backs, April 28, new choirs announced April 29
CHAMBER SINGERS - additional dates:
Mon., August 24 - after school rehearsals begin
Thurs., August 27 - Back to School Night (National Anthem)
Fri., Sept. 25- Homecoming game(National Anthem- tentative)
Saturday, October 10- Walnut Family Festival, afternoon
Friday, December 4- Tentative Olvera St. Performance
Sun, December 6 - Tree of Lights, Fire Station 6:30 pm call
Nov or Dec- Disneyland (Date TBA and pending audition)
Sat., December 12- Community Performances (Evening)
Weds, March 2 (Tentative) - District Choral Festival
There may also be one overnight trip TBA, and many more performances to be announced as invitations are received. Please check all newsletters.
Thurs., Sept 3- First Rhapsody Rehearsal
Saturday, October 10- Walnut Family Festival
Tues., November 3- Concordia University festival (Classical)
Friday, December 4- Possible Olvera Street Performance
November or December - Disneyland (Date TBA, Pending Audition)
Sat., December 12- Tentative City of Walnut Performance
*Sat, February 6– Brea Show Choir Competition
*Sat., February 13 – Arcadia Show Choir Competition
*Saturday, Feb 20- Temecula Show Choir Competition
*Saturday, February 27 – Chula Vista Show Choir Competition
*Saturday March 5- Diamond Bar Show Choir competition
*Saturday, March 12- Tentative Show Choir competition
* Three or four of these dates will be selected, depending on how many girls have completed their fundraising donations by October. Additional dates may also be scheduled.
November 19, (Tentative) – Redlands Choral Festival
December-Disneyland(TBA, Pending Audition and fundraising)
Wednesday, March 23, Festival at Walnut (hosts))
Spring- Traditional Festival
Saturday, October 10 – Family Festival (Afternoon)
Saturday, November 7 - Barbershop Workshop at CSUF 9 am-7 pm
Saturday, December 12- Possible community Performance
Festival Dates TBA
March 2 – Tentative District Festival
Tentative Disney or Knott's Date (pending audition and fundraising)
Wednesday, March 23, Festival at Walnut (Hosts)
There will be several more dates added throughout the year, especially for the older groups. PLEASE READ THE NEWSLETTERS AND MAKE A NOTE OF THE DATES!
Choir officers are here to help you enjoy your time in the group and help the class and our events run smoothly. Besides their job titles, duties will include lining up the group for performances, uniform inspection for performances, and helping the substitute run the class in my absence. They were selected for their experience in the group and their leadership skills, so they should be able to answer most of your questions. They will be introduced at your first rehearsal. Do not hesitate to ask them about any choir questions/problems you may have. If they can’t answer the question or feel that it needs my attention, they have been instructed to bring it to me. Choir officers should be respected, and are also aware that they should earn that respect by demonstrating excellent behavior and teamwork at all times.
Officer candidates are interviewed in June and selected by the director during the summer. Executive Board Positions for Chamber Singers, Rhapsody in Blue, Men's and Treble Choir have already been selected. Additional Treble Choir and Men's Ensemble officers and a Mustang Representative will be selected during first semester.
All students are encouraged to participate on committees and become involved in choir activities. If you wish to become involved or have questions about choir, please talk to an officer - they are here to help!