Migration from First Class to Gmail for Education

WIKI: http://gmail.greenwich.wikispaces.net

We are excited about migrating to Google Apps for Education Gmail service to serve as the Greenwich Public Schools new email system. Many thanks to the IT/MIS staff for working hard to making this migration happen. Here is some information to help with preparation of a successful migration:

First of all, your First Class account will be available through the end of the school year for you to perform all these tasks, however, once IT/MIS migrates to Gmail – you will no longer receive or be able to send email from your First Class account. Some of the key information: global mail lists, conference folder information such as HR forms; etc will be transferred by IT/MIS.

Although we will be migrating soon to the new system, FirstClass will remain open until the end of June so that you can do the transfer of email contacts, calendars, and actual emails to the new system. As of the Gmail roll-over date, you will no longer be able to send or receive messages from FirstClass BUT you will be able to access old information.


Q: What is the migration date to the new email system?

A: We do not know the exact date, the anticipated date is about June 2nd.

Q: What will my new email address be with new system?

A: Your address remains the same, i.e., . That is, you will still be receiving emails to the same address but now through the Gmail system.

Q Should we clear out our inboxes prior to the migration?

A: Yes, First Class inbox should be deleted/read/exported/acted upon as your emails in the current First Class system will NOT be migrated to the new Gmail account.

Q: How can we handle address book information including Contacts and personal mail lists?

A: Personal mail lists and contacts will not be migrated.

Q: What is the individual storage on each account?

A: 7500MB (7.5 GB)

Q: Is there an auto-logout feature that can be established to protect teachers who accidentally leave their email open?

A: No, there isn’t a log-out feature. Teachers must be responsible for logging out of accounts.

Q: How do we access our new email system?

A: The URL (web address) is: http://www.google.com/a/greenwich.k12.ct.us -- this should be bookmarked on your home computers. Then use your username as FirstName_LastName, i.e., John_Smith to log in.

OR, If you access Gmail through the regular URL: https://mail.google.com/ - you’ll need to use the full email address to access the system, i.e.,

Q: Will our current email password be used for Gmail?

A: No – you’ll be given a generic password and then asked to create your own password.

Q: Is there a “forgot my password” feature?

A: No, if you forget your password you will need to contact the Havtechteam to have it reset.

Q: Is there a “History” feature?

A: No.

Q: Is there an Unsend feature?

A: No

Q: Will there be time limits on storing email? If so, what will the protocol for retrieving an old email be?

A: There are no time limits, it is a size limit.

Q: Can you use Gmail on an iPhone or Smartphone?

A: Yes. “There is an app for that”.

Q: Will information on the First Class calendar be transferred to Google?

A: No.

Q: Will there be a “News” folder?

A: No. There will be a special mass email protocol – still in the works.

Q: Will emails be archived? For how long?

A: Yes. All emails are archived per FOI (Freedom of Information) guidelines.

Q: Will we still be able to email the entire faculty as we do now?

A: Yes. Global mail lists have been recreated.

Email Migration Checklist

£ Go through First Class inbox and delete/read/act upon all email. Your emails in the current First Class system will NOT be migrated to the new Gmail account.

£ Save, print or export Contacts to recreate in Gmail Contacts Personal Mail Lists

£ Export or delete Folders/Email in Folders

£ Export, save or print Calendars to recreate in Gmail