Ophthalmology Curriculum
This version of the curriculum has been modified by the London Specialty School of Paediatrics for use by local trainers. It identifies which competencies will be provided on regional training days, on simulation courses and compulsory training courses as part of the training package. All competencies in black font have been identified as competencies trainees are expected to obtain in their local trusts, by clinical experience or by local teaching programmes.
Red – regional training
Blue – simulation
Green – external courses
Black – local learning
Level of Training / Knowledge / SkillsGeneric / Level 1 / know the principles of visual acuity testing at various ages
understand the microbiology and treatments for common eye infections including orbital cellulitis
know about the eye manifestations of common genetic and systemic diseases
know about support at school and other resources for children with visual impairments / be able to examine the eye and recognise those abnormalities which require urgent referral or treatment
be able to take a relevant history for a child with suspected visual impairment
be able to use an ophthalmoscope to recognize an abnormal fundus and lens opacity
be able to test for colour vision
recognise and interpret abnormal eye movements
Level 2 / continuing development of level 1 competencies / be able to undertake visual acuity testing at various ages
A red eye / Level 1 / know the common causes of red eye / be able to identify children who need referral
be able to initiate investigations and manage appropriately
Level 2 / continuing development of level 1 competencies
A possible squint / Level 1 / know the causes of acute onset and the congenital causes of a squint / be able to recognise abnormal alignment of the eyes and examine corneal reflexes
Level 2 / know how to refer appropriately
Ptosis / Level 1 / know the congenital and acquired causes of ptosis
know about the Tensilon test
Level 2 / know how to undertake the Tensilon test
Proptosis / Level 1 / know the common causes of proptosis / be able to initiate appropriate investigations
be able to examine for signs of relevant systemic disease
Level 2 / continuing development of level 1 competencies
Abnormal eye movements / Level 1 / know the ocular and neurological causes of benign abnormal eye movements / be able to interpret clinical findings correctly
be able to undertake a full neurological examination where appropriate
Level 2 / continuing development of level 1 competencies
Abnormal fundus / Level 1 / know the normal appearance of the retina / be able to identify papilloedema, abnormal vessels and pigmentation
be able to identify haemorrhage
Level 2 / know the value of fundal examination in suspected child abuse cases and certain developmental syndromes
Visual impairment / Level 2 / know the common and preventable causes of visual impairment
know about the investigations that might be used to find a cause
know about the specific developmental patterns that occur in the child with visual impairment
know about educational approaches to the child with visual impairment / be able to recognise congenital cataract and refer urgently for further management
have experience of assessment of child with suspected visual impairment