Articles on unconscious bias

Unconscious Bias (Guest Editorial)

Journal of gerontological nursing, May 2016, vol. 42, no. 5, p. 3-4, (May 1,


Edlund, Barbara J

Impact of Gender on Teaching Evaluations of Faculty: Another Example of Unconscious Bias?

Journal of women's health, May 2016, vol. 25, no. 5, p. 420-421,

Templeton, Kim

Gender bias and substantive differences in ratings of leadership behavior: Toward a new narrative

Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, Mar 2016, vol. 68, no. 1, p. 72-98,

Kaiser, Robert B.; Wallace, Wanda T.

Addressing Implicit Bias: Leading by Example

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, Feb

2016, vol. 91, no. 2, p. 163.,

Williams, Ruth Mary

Reducing prejudice with labels: Shared group memberships attenuate implicit bias and expand implicit groupboundaries

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Feb 2016, vol. 42, no. 2, p. 219-229,

Scroggins, W. Anthony; Mackie, Diane M.; Allen, Thomas J.; Sherman, Jeffrey W

Reducing implicit bias: How moral motivation helps people refrain from making “automatic” prejudicedassociations.

Translational Issues in Psychological Science, Dec 2015, vol. 1, no. 4, p. 382-391,

vanNunspeet, Félice; Ellemers, Naomi; Derks, Belle

Unconscious bias

British Journal of Midwifery, Dec 2015, vol. 23, no. 12, p. 910.,

Sporek, Paulina Ewa

The mixed impact of medical school on medical students' implicit and explicit weight bias.

Medical education, Oct 2015, vol. 49, no. 10, p. 983-992,)

Phelan, Sean M; Puhl, Rebecca M; Burke, Sara E; Hardeman, Rachel; Dovidio, John F;Nelson, David B; Przedworski, Julia; Burgess, Diana J; Perry, Sylvia; Yeazel, Mark W;van Ryn, Michelle

Attitudes and Beliefs of Nonspecialist and Specialist Trainee Health and Physical Education Teachers TowardObese Children: Evidence for "Anti-Fat" Bias.

The Journal of school health, Sep 2015, vol. 85, no. 9, p. 595-603,

Lynagh, Marita; Cliff, Ken; Morgan, Philip J

Unconscious Bias: An Obstacle to Cultural Competence.

The Journal of nursing education, Sep 2015, vol. 54, no. 9, p. S63.,

Bellack, Janis P

A mentor training program improves mentoring competency for researchers working with early-career investigators from underrepresented backgrounds.

Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice, Aug 2015, vol. 20, no. 3, p.683-689,

Johnson, Mallory O; Gandhi, Monica

Unconscious race and social class bias among acute care surgical clinicians and clinical treatment decisions.

JAMA surgery, May 2015, vol. 150, no. 5, p. 457-464,

Haider, Adil H; Schneider, Eric B; Sriram, N; Dossick, Deborah S; Scott, Valerie K;

Swoboda, Sandra M; Losonczy, Lia; Haut, Elliott R; Efron, David T; Pronovost, Peter J;Lipsett, Pamela A; Cornwell, Edward E; MacKenzie, Ellen J; Cooper, Lisa A; Freischlag,Julie A

The implicit associations test: Targeting unconscious physician bias and health care disparities in emergency medicine resident education

Academic Emergency Medicine, May 2015, vol./is. 22/5 SUPPL. 1(S447),

Woods C.E.; Siegelman J.; Bryant A.; Oyewu A.; Salhi B.; Heron S.L.

Do Contact and Empathy Mitigate Bias Against Gay and Lesbian People Among Heterosexual First-Year Medical Students? A Report From the Medical Student CHANGE Study.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, May

2015, vol. 90, no. 5, p. 645-651, Evidence Services |

Burke, Sara E; Dovidio, John F; Przedworski, Julia M; Hardeman, Rachel R; Perry,

Sylvia P; Phelan, Sean M; Nelson, David B; Burgess, Diana J; Yeazel, Mark W; van Ryn,Michelle

Implicit bias against sexual minorities in medicine: cycles of professional influence and the role of the hidden curriculum

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, May

2015, vol./is. 90/5(549-552),

Fallin-Bennett K

Finding what is hidden: a method to measure implicit attitudes for nursing and health-related behaviours

Journal of Advanced Nursing, May 2015, vol. 71, no. 5, p. 1005-1018,

Manns-James, Laura

Cultural care: Sexual orientation as bias in health care practices

International Archives of Medicine, 2015, vol./is. 8/1(no pagination),

Albuquerque G.A.; De Lima Garcia C.; Belem J.M.; Dos Santos Figueiredo F.W.; Da

Silva Paiva L.; Da Silva Quirino G.; De Abreu L.C.; Valenti V.E.; Adami F.

Stereotypical portrayals of obesity and the expression of implicit weight bias.

Body Image, Jan 2015, vol. 12, p. 32-35,

Hinman, Nova G.; Burmeister, Jacob M.; Kiefner, Allison E.; Borushok, Jessica; Carels,Robert A.

Unconscious bias harms patients and staff

BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 2015, vol./is. 351/(h6347),

Kapur N.

Unconscious bias in trauma care providers in a majority Latin American, US city

Critical Care Medicine, December 2014, vol./is. 42/12 SUPPL. 1(A1563),

Zakrison T.; Ruiz G.; Zebib L.; Moore G.; Namias N.; Livingstone A

Evidence-informed person-centered healthcare part I: Do 'cognitive biases plus' at organizational levels influence quality of evidence?

Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, Dec 2014, vol. 20, no. 6, p. 734-747,

Seshia, Shashi S.; Makhinson,, Michael; Phillips, Dawn F.; Young, G. Bryan

Unconscious bias and real-world hypertension outcomes: Advancing disparities research

Journal of General Internal Medicine, July 2014, vol./is. 29/7(973-975),

Ravenell J.; Ogedegbe G.

An investigation of associations between clinicians' ethnic or racial bias and hypertension treatment, medication adherence and blood pressure control

Journal of General Internal Medicine, July 2014, vol./is. 29/7(987-995),

Blair I.V.; Steiner J.F.; Hanratty R.; Price D.W.; Fairclough D.L.; Daugherty S.L.;

Bronsert M.; Magid D.J.; Havranek E.P.

Physicians and implicit bias.

Journal of general internal medicine, May 2014, vol. 29, no. 5, p. 707.,

Jensen, Norman M

Development and implementation of a workshop on inclusive teaching for undergraduate and graduate teachingassistants by postdoctoral scholars at UCSD

FASEB Journal, April 2014, vol./is. 28/1 SUPPL. 1(no pagination),

Merkhofer E.; Pollard D.; Lee S.; Kadandale P.; Vicente-Crespo M.; Otto-Hitt S.;

Clement S.; Wienhausen G.

Using artistic-narrative to stimulate reflection on physician bias.

Teaching and learning in medicine, Jan 2014, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 344-349,

Ross, Paula T; Lypson, Monica L

Implicit Bias and Its Relation to Health Disparities: A Teaching Program and Survey of Medical Students

Teaching and Learning in Medicine, January 2014, vol./is. 26/1(64-71),

Gonzalez C.M.; Kim M.Y.; Marantz P.R.

Physicians and implicit bias: how doctors may unwittingly perpetuate health care disparities.

Journal of general internal medicine, Nov 2013, vol. 28, no. 11, p. 1504-1510,

Chapman, Elizabeth N; Kaatz, Anna; Carnes, Molly

Forging links with the self to combat implicit bias.

Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, Jul 2013, vol. 16, no. 4, p. 445-461,

Woodcock, Anna; Monteith, Margo J.

Are medical students aware of their anti-obesity bias?

Academic Medicine, July 2013, vol./is. 88/7(978-982),

Miller D.P.; Spangler J.G.; Vitolins M.Z.; Davis S.W.; Ip E.H.; Marion G.S.; Crandall S.J.

Patrolling Your Blind Spots: Introspection and Public Catharsis in a Medical School Faculty Development Course to Reduce Unconscious Bias in Medicine

Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, June 2013, vol./is. 37/2(314-339),

Hannah S.D.; Carpenter-Song E.

Disparities in access and in quality of care in rheumatology

Annals of the Rheumatic Disease, June 2013, vol./is. 71/(no pagination),

Borkhoff C.

Global health at home: Development of the vulnerable and immigrant populations (VIP) program for medicalresidents

Journal of General Internal Medicine, June 2013, vol./is. 28/(S465),

Sirotin N.; Pho A.; Boutin-Foster C.

Addressing within-role conflicts of interest in surgery.

Journal of bioethical inquiry, Jun 2013, vol. 10, no. 2, p. 219-225,

Rogers, Wendy A; Johnson, Jane

Weight bias in graduate school admissions.

Citation: Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), May 2013, vol. 21, no. 5, p. 918-920, Burmeister, Jacob M; Kiefner, Allison E; Carels, Robert A; Musher-Eizenman, Dara R

Fostering students' reflection about bias in healthcare: cognitive dissonance and the role of personal andnormative standards

Medical teacher, April 2013, vol./is. 35/4(e1082-1089),

Hernandez R.A.; Haidet P.; Gill A.C.; Teal C.R.

How to recognize and address unconscious bias (book chapter)

The academic medicine handbook: A guide to achievement and fulfillment for academicfaculty., Jan 2013,

Grewal, Daisy; Ku, Manwai Candy; Girod, Sabine C.; Valantine, Hannah

The influence of implicit bias on treatment recommendations for 4 common pediatric conditions: pain, urinary tract infection, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and asthma.

American journal of public health, May 2012, vol. 102, no. 5, p. 988-995,

Sabin, Janice A; Greenwald, Anthony G

Do poor people sue doctors more frequently? Confronting unconscious bias and the role of cultural competency.

Clinical orthopaedics and related research, May 2012, vol. 470, no. 5, p. 1393-1397,

McClellan, Frank M; White, Augustus A; Jimenez, Ramon L; Fahmy, Sherin

The Role of Unconscious Bias in Surgical Safety and Outcomes

Surgical Clinics of North America, February 2012, vol./is. 92/1(137-151),vices |b

Author(s): Santry H.P.; Wren S.M.

Helping medical learners recognise and manage unconscious bias toward certain patient groups.

Medical education, Jan 2012, vol. 46, no. 1, p. 80-88,

Teal, Cayla R; Gill, Anne C; Green, Alexander R; Crandall, Sonia

Implicit race bias revisited: On the utility of task context in assessing implicit attitude strength.

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Jan 2012, vol. 48, no. 1, p. 366-370,

Scherer, Laura D.; Lambert, Alan J.

Exploring unconscious bias in disparities research and medical education

JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, September 2011, vol./is.306/9(995-996),

Van Ryn M.; Saha S.

Association of unconscious race and social class bias with vignette-based clinical assessments by medical students

JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, September 2011, vol./is.


Haider A.H.; Sexton J.; Sriram N.; Cooper L.A.; Efron D.T.; Swoboda S.; Villegas C.V.;Haut E.R.; Bonds M.; Pronovost P.J.; Lipsett P.A.; Freischlag J.A.; Cornwell III E.E.

Non-conscious bias in medical decision making: what can be done to reduce it?

Medical education, August 2011, vol./is. 45/8(768-776),

Stone J.; Moskowitz G.B.

Implicit bias and its relation to health disparities: A survey of medical students

Journal of General Internal Medicine, May 2011, vol./is. 26/(S262-S263),

Gonzalez C.M.; Marantz P.

Explicit and implicit gender bias in workplace appraisals: How automatic prejudice affects decision making.

Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, Jan 2011,vol. 71, no. 11-B, 0419-4217 (2011)

Nadler, Joel T.

Stroke, disability, and unconscious bias: Interrelationships and overdetermination in medical decisions.

Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, Jan 2011, vol. 18, no. 1, p. 70-73,

Sandel, M. Elizabeth

Seeing patients: Unconscious bias in health care (book)


White, Augustus A.,

Does awareness of unconscious associations enhance learning about healthcare disparities?

American Journal of Epidemiology, June 2010, vol./is. 171/(S129),

Sabin J.; Van Schaik E.; Lynch E.; Stoner S.

When best intentions aren't enough: helping medical students develop strategies for managing bias about patients

Journal of general internal medicine, May 2010, vol./is. 25 Suppl 2/(S115-118),

Teal C.R.; Shada R.E.; Gill A.C.; Thompson B.M.; Fruge E.; Villarreal G.B.; Haidet P

Nurses and bias: Providing better care with respect and understanding

Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, January 2010, vol./is. 24/1(2-4),

Tillett J.

The hidden barrier: gender bias: fact or fiction?

Nursing for women's health, June 2007, vol./is. 11/3(254-265),

Cude G.; Winfrey K.

The BIAS map: Behaviors from intergroup affect and stereotypes.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Apr 2007, vol. 92, no. 4, p. 631-648,

Cuddy, Amy J. C.; Fiske, Susan T.; Glick, Peter

Healthcare professional bias against the obese: how do we know if we have a problem?vidence Services |

Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 2007, vol./is. 31/4(365-370),

Vallis TM; Currie B; Lawlor D; Ransom T