7th Grade Social Studies-Mr. Slater
Welcome to 7thGradeSocial Studies! I am very excited for this year. This is sheet is you give you a quick overview of what to expect this year and what we will be learning.
Social Studies:Thinking Historically, Greece and Rome, Feudalism, Mongols, Crusades, Renaissance, Reformation, The Global Age of Trade, and Geography Skills
Materials: These items need to be in class every day:
- Pencil or Pen
- Binder with 4 Dividers
- Agenda
- Loose Leaf Paper or Notebook
- Color Utensils and Glue
Grades will be based on quizzes test, projects, and homework, and classwork. If students keep up with the daily homework assignments, students will be practicing good habits and are set-up to be successful.
Quizzes- Most units will be broken down into smaller sections. There will be some, multiple choice, matching, T/F questions. These can then be used as study tools to prepare for the unit tests which have more short answers and essays. Usually 10-15 questions for quizzes. Test will be larger and have short answer questions. Study Guides are always given for Tests as they are worth double their point value.
Note-taking- Types of notes will be varied- sometimes CLOZE notes, sometimes Concept maps, Cornell notes and sometimes PowerPoints. I will go over notes with students carefully, in an attempt to improve their note-taking so they can find a type to use as they grow older into high school and college. Organization is key as there will be note checks! These should be free points as they come from what we write in class. Many times, notes can be used on quizzes/assignments. SS Starters are our warm-up, are done together and graded as well bi-weekly.
Homework- There will not be many HW assignments. However, when students do not finish their exit activity or classwork for the day, it becomes homework. Students must bring these in the next day and turn it into the tray- as I will not be asking you for it. It is your responsibility to turn it in and get full credit for it. Larger assignments, projects, will become homework if not finished in class. At most there will be 1 HW assignment a week. Any classwork not completed that day, you must turn it into the tray the next day on your own to get credit.
Classwork:Most of the points in addition to Tests is our Classwork. Class many days are structured of 10-15 minutes of review/notes, 10-15 minutes of review/enrichment on topic, 15 minute graded exit activity. Sometimes it may be completion, sometimes it may be graded. Students will be told. If not done that day, it can be taken home and return the next day for full credit in the tray. It is not designed to take longer than its class time. Some days the exit activity may be work-time for an ongoing project, etc. It may be done individually or group, it will vary. Our activities can be found on the district website below:
Contact/Website: You can see our weekly activities with notes, enrichment websites, and readings posted on the district homepage: ( OR Click: Central Middle School, Faculty and Staff, 7th Grade, Mr. Slater. Many student handouts will be posted here along with due dates, assignments, etc.
Absent Work:Each student is responsible for getting their make-up work when they return. When a student is absent, I write their names on any handouts, homework, notes, and put in a folder on the side of the room depending on the day of the week they are absent. The student when returning should immediately go to the absent day’s folder, get their handouts, and then if they have any questions, they can talk to me about due dates for full credit, quizzes for the week, etc. If a student is absent for a long period of time, we can come up with another solution as I am very flexible.
Rewards: For individual rewards, if students are volunteering to answer questions, working well in class, good test scores, good deeds in class/school they will beable to earn tickets. These ticket may be put in the box in the classroom. Every 2-3 weeks 20 names will be drawn to earn prizes/candy.
Classroom Rules and Consequences:
- Keep all hands, feet, objects to yourself.
- Always come to class prepared: Binders, Textbooks, Pencil, Paper, etc.
- Be a good listener
- Stay on task during individual/group work.
- Be respectful of all students and all teachers
1st Offense: Verbal Warning 2nd Offense: Signed Name in Binder/Demerit 3rd Offense:Loss of Friday Recess/2nd Demerit 4th Offense: Office Referral (7 demerits=In School Suspension) (3=Academic Overtime)
In the classroom there is a management binder. On a second offense, a student must sign the binder with the rule they broke and when they broke it. If behavior continues or behavior is severe, academicovetimewill be assigned/or office referral
Communication: To check for weekly activities and homework for Social Studies classes, please check out my website: This is a good resource to keep up with student work, as well as activities and homework for the week. I will do my best to upload important documents student may lose so you have access to it! Any questions feel free to leave me a message at or email me at - Email is the best way to get ahold of me!
Cut and Return!
______(Parent Name) ______(Child’s Name)
______(Parent Signature) ______(Child’s Signature)
Best Contact Info (Email/Phone):______