Central Gwinnett High School
High School Course Syllabus
Course Title Freshman Language Arts Term Fall 2013
Teacher Ms. Nicole Matunas/ Ms. Gia Sachs room # 8304
Email Address
Teacher Web Page / /www.centralgwinnett.net
Teacher Support
/ By AppointmentCourse Description
This course includes a balance of composition, applied grammar, and literature. The development of vocabulary, speaking, listening, researching, and test-taking skills is an integral part of the curriculum.
Course Curriculum Content
The entire list of Academic Knowledge and Skills for each of the following curriculum strands in this course can be accessed through the district web address at www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us.
AKS Strands / Units/TopicsA. Literature
B. Informational Text
C. Writing
D. Speaking & Listening
E. Language / 1. The Hero’s Journey
2. Defining Courage
(Fiction, Nonfiction, Epic Poetry, Art, Music)
Instructional Materials and Supplies
Published Materials / Instructional SuppliesPrentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes
Nonfiction: The Oz Principle
Novels: Night
The Wizard of Oz / Black Ink Pens
Pencils (#2 lead or equivalent)
Highlighter Flash Drive
Colored Pencils Post It Notes
College Rule Paper Notecards 3x5
Copy Paper (Ream)
Composition Notebooks
Evaluation and Grading
Assignments / Grade Weights / Grading ScaleClasswork
Special Projects / Research Papers/Essays
Unit Tests
Performance Final
Final Exam / Classwork 15%
Interim Assessment 5%
Quizzes 20%
Tests/Projects/Essays 40%
Final Exam 10%
Performance Final 10% / A: 90 and above
B: 80 – 89
C: 74 – 79
D: 70 – 73
F: 69 or below
Other Information
Expectations for Academic Success / Additional Requirements/Resources1) Read daily.
2) Ask questions.
3) Participate constructively as a team member.
4) Proofread written assignments and edit meaningfully.
5) Review multiple sources of information.
6) Be “Above the Line” both academically and behaviorally. / · Check for assignments on my teacher web page.
· Students have 2 days after an excused absence to complete any make-up assignments.
· Electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight from 7:05-2:10. Unless teacher instructed for learning.
· There will be no passes to the restroom or to your locker so make sure you take care of business before class.
The syllabus may be updated as needed throughout the semester.