DATE: Monday August 21st /17 LOCATION: WKMHA office

ATTENDEES: P(present) O(absent)


President / Marnie Douglas / P / Director of Divisions / Kara Meadows / P / Past Pres. / vacant
1st VP / Duncan Dixon / P / Director of Programs / James Rayburn / P / Head Dev Coach / Dave Whistle / P
2nd VP / Kevin Freh / P / Referee In Chief / Ryan Thiessen / O / Steering
Committee / Jeff Watson / O
Treasurer / Aimee Ward / O / Head Dev Coach / Cory Cross / P / Administrator / Toni Pickrell / P
Agenda Item / Key Points of Discussion / Action/Motion
1. Call Meeting to Order / Meeting called to order at 7:pm
2. Additions to Agenda Agenda Approval / Motion “That the Board of Directors General Meeting Agenda for Aug 21st be approved and adopted as presented." Motioned by Marnie , 2nd by James
3. Adoption of Previous Minutes / Motion “That the Board of Directors General Meeting Minutes of Aug 8th be approved and adopted as presented." Motioned by Marnie, 2nd by James
4. New Business / Key Points of Discussion / Action/Motion
Presentation Alex Draper West Kelowna Warriors / Review of operations. New team bus for local driving and will be available for rental.
Want to assign 2 Warrior players to each team to come out at practices
5. Reports / Key Points of Discussion / Action/Motion
5.1 President
Marnie Douglas / Review of continued situation. Discussion with BC Hockey today.
Marnie to touch base with BP re that we will be cancelling the registration and refunding the fee in full and that they will not be part of wkmha this year. Motion by Marnie to proceed and cxl registration pending discussion with BC Hockey. 2nd by Aimee, All in Favor
Midget Tier 2 Zone discussion- James spoke with BP at BC Hockey today re frustrations with program / Send point form of breakdown of comm to BP
5.2 1st Vice President
Duncan Dixon / No report
5.3 2nd Vice President
Kevin Freh / absent
5.4 Treasurer
Aimee Ward / Request for funds to pay on ice helpers for rep evaluations / Toni to forward estimate
5.5 Dir. of Divisions
Kara Meadows
5.6 Dir. Of Programs
James Rayburn / BC Hockey confirmed use of UHC for Novice and Initiation for 2017/2018
Coach Assignments see attached
James nominates Jordan Salahor
Review of evaluation process.
Still need evaluators and helpers / Toni to adjust tryout schedule and add programs for extra ice.
Toni to post
Toni to work on list with James
5.7 RIC
Ryan Thiessen / Novice officials- need program details set at beginning and relay to Ryan so he can schedule and inform the officials of the rules
5.8 Past President
vacant / na
5.9 Head Coaches
Dave Whistle
Cory Cross / na
need outline of novice playing regulations including officiating
5.10 Steering Committee
Jeff Watson / na
5.11 Administrator
Toni Pickrell / Review of non parent paid coach fee info for parents.
Review of non parent paid coach contract.
$10k per pd coach. Teams to cover coaches room for tourneys. Other expenses to be covered by the coach
George Cochrane from BC Hockey coming to next meeting / Toni to finalize
Toni to finalize
6. Matters Arising from the minutes / Key Points of Discussion / Action/Motion
7. Next Meeting / Next meeting Monday Sept 5th, 2017
8. Adjournment / Hearing no objection the meeting was adjourned at 1030pm

Guests: O Quorum present: P

Minutes at meeting Signed: ______Toni Pickrell WKMHA Administrator