How to get GTS in VtM:R
by Nupraptor
1. Install VtM:R and patch it to 1.1
I don’t really know if it is necessary to patch VtM:R to 1.1, but it is needed for Online-Playing and VtM:R is a really nice game to play online, even if the community got a bit small lately (especially the german one :,O). Oh, and you don’t need a valid serial to play it ;D
If you don’t have the game or the patch, you can get both at the DC Hub of the GTS Depot. I share them there, along with the NoCD-Crack, but please download it only from me, if there is no other option, since the game has 2 CDs with the size of about 600 MB. It isn’t really expensive anymore, over here in Germany, you can buy it for about 5 $.
2. The women shall grow
The good thing about GTS in Vampire is, that it is easy. The bad thing: They are somewhat low-poly :/
But anyway, before you start up the game, make sure you start it with the parameter
“-console”. Now start up the game, click on “Multiplayer”, then “LAN” and create your character if you don’t have one, yet. It should be a female one of course. There was a pack out there, that had skins of some really nice women, or even some nude ones, but i don’t know which anymore.
You don’t have to care about the stats of the character, it won’t influence the growth ;D
Now, in the Lobby, create a new game in an empty map (preferably New York, since there are some high buildings there from which you can look at the GTS later. Since it is an Diablo-Like RPG, we have to be a bit tricky with the perspective.)
Now walk to a nice place and open the console. Make sure you press Backspace once before typing the command. Now type “sizeme d x y z” they all can be random numbers, but for the best results they shall all four be the same, like “sizeme 3 3 3 3”. Now play around a bit with that function. The higher the number, the bigger the GTS. Too bad there is nothing under the women skirt to look at :/. Oh and for the ones out there who like feet, at some size the feet really begin to look ugly, so HAHA ;D
If the Char is big enough, change to Storytellermode and walk around a bit, to look at the GTS. I think you can switch to first-person, when you’re pressing Y. The view from the ground is somehow limited, but you can click yourself up the skyscrapers. When in ST-Mode (when you are that head-thingy) you can teleport by clicking with the right mouse button. With that knowledge, you can teleport up a wall, by right-clicking on it. Sounds strange, but it is not that hard.
3. Some last words
I usually wanted to make a in-depth Guide, with screenshots and all, but I don’t have time for a long guide lately. My short time is also the reason, why I was mainly lurking around the last weeks, but I hope I can get more active soon.
I hope this guide could help you out, and if there are any questions, ask me ;D
(I won’t give you my Email-addy, ask me in the GTS Depot boards :P)