Justin Cummings-Morrow
Prof. McGuire-PCA
Tango-Who Shall Lead
November 7, 2011
Who Shall Lead?
In some aspects of life, a woman are submissive and viewed as unequal to the man, when it comes to sports, jobs, and even some dances or aspects of cultures[f1]. In the Tango, women were used to show off the man skill. The women would partake in the Tango, as a partner, being submissive to the man, and allow to him to lead, people may question the fact that men are to lead the Tango, but I agree.
Before women danced Tango, men would have to dance with men. Around the time Tango was developed it was viewed as distasteful and women with class weren’t seen practicing the dance. The Tango[f2] was viewed as a duel between two men, in which they would display their skills. The Tango became popular in Paris, in which the upper classes begin to accept it. This ultimately led to the participation of women in the dance. Due to the fact that the women didn’t always practice the dance, I feel the men shall lead. Naturally, the men helped developed the dance and they were in my eyes the “originators”.
“Anything you can do, I can do better, I can do anything better than you!” this is a jingle that comes to my mind when I think of women and men competing. In the Tango, women and men aren’t necessarily competing, but the question is who shall lead? I believe the man shall lead, just because that is how it was. The men lead in the Tango, so I feel there is no reason to allow the women to lead. The fact that someone would consider allowing a woman to lead the Tango, could possibly change some of the aspects of the dance. It’s as if you are altering the dance and changing the roots, some could also view this as disrespect to the creators of the dance.[f3]
The Tango, a wonderful dance, it is very flirtatious and requires chemistry between you and your partner. The women role in the Tango is submissive to the man, only there to show off the man’s skill. As of today, I think the man should lead the Tango dance. Women shouldn’t be allowed to lead because it takes away from some of the originality. Some of the flirtatious gestures that the leader makes, shouldn’t be done by women, I feel that they would be un-lady like. In history, women didn’t even participate in the dance originally, it wasn’t classy and the men would practice with other men. Although it was viewed distasteful and that’s why the women weren’t allowed, they still shouldn’t receive the privilege to lead. It is a question you can ask yourself and many people may vary on answers due to gender, who shall lead the tango? If allowing women to lead, does it alter the dance and some of its originality?
[f1]An example of comment that you shall use while Peer editing.
[f2]Just another example
[f3]You can even highlight an entire paragraph if you like. BE HELPFUL and provide good advice to your Peer!