/ Hampshire Constabulary
Chief Constable Olivia Pinkney
Telephone: 101
Our ref: / Direct dial: <DIRECT NUMBER>
Your ref:
Enquiries to: / Fax No: <FAX NUMBER>
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Email: <EMAIL>



Dear <NAME>,

Managing Sickness Absence Policy – Invite to Appeal Meeting following a Formal Stage 1 / 2 Meeting

**Text in blue will need to be deleted before sending the letter.

Useful reminders about this letter

Contact: HR Operations prior to sending this letter

Timescale: The chair must where possible agree the time and date for the hearing with the individual. If a mutually convenient date is not reached the chair must specify a date..

Save: Save this letter to the individual’s electronic personnel file (ePF) on Hantsfile.

Further to receipt of your appeal letter dated (insert date), I am writing to invite you to attend an appeal meeting following your Formal Stage 1/ 2 Meeting.

I confirm the grounds of your appeal are as follows:

<Insert the grounds of appeal - lift from their appeal letter if possible>

The appeal meeting is being held in accordance with the Managing Sickness Absence Policy. The purpose of the appeal meeting is to consider the above grounds of appeal against the decision which was made on (insert date of the Formal Stage 1/ 2 Meeting).

An appeal meeting has been arranged for <time> on <date> in <venue>. Please allow <x hours / the morning / the afternoon> for this meeting.

On arrival please report to <location> and ask for <name>.

If you require any support or assistance to enable you to attend the meeting, please notify me in advance.

You have the right to be accompanied at the meeting by your Staff Association, Federation, Unison representative, Police Friend or a Hampshire Constabulary work colleague. Please would you advise me of the representative who will be attending.

If you or your representative/ companion are not available at the date and/ or time specified you may propose an alternative date and/ or time provided that the alternative time is reasonable and falls within a period of 5 working days beginning with the first working day after that specified in this letter. The meeting must be postponed to that time.

I will chair the meeting <and will be supported by <name>, <job title>. Your line manager may also attend the meeting. A human resources professional or Police Officer (who should have experience of the policy and be independent from the management chain) may attend to advise on points of procedure.

Also present will be <name> as a note taker. <delete as appropriate>

Subject to your agreement, any other person specified in this letter may attend the meeting.

Enclosed with this letter are the management documents which will be referred to during the meeting:

State what the documents are if applicable.

If you wish to submit any additional documentation please can you send it to me to arrive at least 2 working days before the meeting.

At the meeting, you will have the opportunity to make representations prior to a decision being taken. The potential outcomes of this meeting are:

  • The appeal is not upheld and the previous decision remains OR
  • The appeal is upheld and an alternative outcome is decided.

For additional support, you may wish to contact the Counselling Team via the Wellbeing Helpline. This is a free, confidential counselling service and is available to all individuals. You can contact the Counselling Team via the helpline on 023 8062 6606 or by confidential email at Further information is available at Further information is available at

If you have any questions about the content of this letter please do not hesitate to contact me.

I am enclosing a copy of this letter and an additional copy of the enclosures for you to pass on to your representative.

Yours sincerely


Rank/ Role/ Job Title

cc: HR caseworker (as appropriate)

Representative (as appropriate)

Line Manager (as appropriate)

Electronic personnel file (ePF) on Hantsfile

Enclosed: Copy of the letter

<insert names of management documents if applicable>