Beacon B ible Commentary, Volume VI (BBC), published in 1964 by Beacon Hill Press (Church of the Nazarene), Kansas City, MO .
F ire Bible Student Edition (FBSE) published in 2007 by Life Publishers, Springfield, MO .
Holman Quick Source Bible Dictionary (HQSBD), published in 2005 by Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville, TN .
Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ) questions The number is that of the Fact-Pak questions.
Mark Scripture Portion (MSP) published in 2016 by national youth ministries, Springfield, MO.
The Complete Biblical Library, Mark ( CBL ), published in 1988 by the Complete Biblical Library (subsidiary of Gospel Publishing House), Springfield, MO .
Bible Doctrines: A Pentecostal Perspective (BD), by William Menzies and Stanley M. Horton, published in 1993 by Logion Press (subsidiary of Gospel Publishing House, Springfield, MO.
Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels (DJG), published by InterVarsity Press in 1992 , Downer ’ s Grove, IL .
The Gospel of Mark: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary (M S R C), by Ben Witherington III, published by William B. Eerdmans in 2001, Grand Rapids, MI.
Question number 1 for 10 points . Application q uestion .
Who wrote Mark?
M 1 Mark FBSE, 1340
Question number 2 for 10 points . Application q uestion .
When was Mark written?
M 1 A. D. 55 to 65 FBSE, 1340
Question number 3 for 20 points . Statement and a pplication q uestion . 2 - P art answer.
Mark’s Gospel presents Jesus as fulfilling two unique roles. List them.
M 1 A suffering servant, the spiritual Savior of the world FBSE, 1340
Question number 4 for 10 points . Application q uestion .
Who was Mark’s primary audience?
M 1 Persecuted Roman Christians FBSE, 1340
Question number 5 for 2 0 points . Application question .
What does repentance mean?
1:4 To admit one’s sin, turn from one’s own way, surrender to God and begin following His purposes. FBSE, 1342
Question number 6 for 10 points . Statement and a pplication question . 3 - P art answer.
Water baptism symbolizes our identification with Christ in three things. List them.
1:4 Death, burial, and resurrection FBSE, 1342
Question number 7 for 30 points . Statement and a pplication quotation question .
In two consecutive verses, Mark shows the Trinity’s involvement in Jesus’ baptism. Quote them.
1:10 Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove.
1:11 And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased." MSP
Questi on number 8 for 20 points. 2 - P art application q uestion. 4 - P art a nswer.
What are the “Synoptic” Gospels and what does “synoptic” mean?
M 1 Mathew, Mark and Luke
Having a similar view HQSBD, 138
Question number 9 for 20 points. Application q uestion .
Where was Galilee?
1:9 Galilee was the region surrounding the Sea of Galilee in northern Palestine. It covered the northern half of what the Kingdom of Israel in the Old Testament. HQBD, 124
Question number 10 for 20 points . Application q uestion .
Define “Trinity.”
1:11-12 One true God existing in three distinct but interrelated and completely unified persons. BD, 53
Question number 11 for 20 points . Scripture text a pplication q uestion .
What did Jesus mean when he said the, quote, “kingdom of God has come near”?
1:15 That God’s power, purpose and way of life on earth were fully underway. FBSE, 1343
Question number 12 for 20 points . Application q uestion .
Define “Kingdom of God.”
1:15 God’s ultimate power and authority, as well as His purposes and way of life, both on earth and into eternity.
FBSE, 1453
Question number 13 for 10 points . Application q uestion . 3 - P art a nswer .
Synagogues were used for what?
1:21 Prayer, teaching and worship FBSE, 1453
Question number 14 for 20 points . Application q uestion .
Where were synagogues found?
1:21 Every village where there were at least twelve Jewish men. FBSE, 1453
Question number 15 for 20 points. Application q uestion .
Why was it not illegal for the disciples to pluck and eat someone else’s grain?
2:23 The law of hospitality allowed a traveler to pluck heads of grain and eat them as long as he didn’t use a sickle to cut the grain. BBC, 289
Question number 16 for 20 points . Application q uestion .
Who were the apostles?
3:14 Messengers sent out as Jesus’ agents or representatives. FBSE, 1346
Question number 17 for 20 points . Application q uestion .
What is a disciple?
3:20 A disciplined learner and devoted follow of Christ. DJG, 176-177
Question number 18 for 20 points. Application q uestion .
Where did the devil come from?
3:23 The devil, or Satan, was an angel created by God whom God had to punish for trying to make himself greater than God. JBQ #465
Question number 19 for 20 points . Application q uestion .
Why is the devil not as powerful as God?
3:23 The devil was created by God and has been defeated by Jesus’ death and resurrection. JBQ #466
Question number 20 for 20 points . Application q uestion .
Can a Christian be demon-possessed?
3:23 No, greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world. God’s Spirit and a demon cannot live in the same body.
FBSE, 1348
Question number 21 for 20 points. Application question.
What is a parable?
4:2 A parable is a brief story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson. FBSE, 1350
Question number 22 for 30 points. Application question.
Why did Jesus teach in parables?
4:2 Jesus wanted to reveal truths about God’s Kingdom to those whose hearts were ready. At the same time, His parables concealed those truths from those whose hearts were hard and unreceptive to God. FBSE, 1350
Question number 23 for 30 points . Application q uestion . 3 - P art Answer .
According to the “Parable of the Sower,” what are the main enemies of God’s Word?
4:15-20 Satan
Lack of personal growth and discipline
Worldly concerns such as riches and pleasure FBSE, 1350
Question number 24 for 20 points. Scripture text application question.
What did Jesus mean when he said, quote, “even what he has will be taken from him”?
4:25 When people fail to apply the truth they receive, they become less responsive to the Spirit and Word of God.
FBSE, 1351
Question number 25 for 30 points . Application q uestion . 6 - P art answer.
What are common symptoms of demon possession?
5:3-5 Social isolation
Disregard for personal appearance
Control of speech
Super strength
Self-destructive behavior CBL, 121
Que stion number 26 for 20 points. A pplication question.
Describe the “man with an evil spirit.”
5:2 The man was under satanic power and influence, because evil spirits literally resided in his body.
FBSE, 1351-1352
Question number 27 for 10 points Application q uestion .
How large is a legion?
5:9 Approximately 4,000 to 6,000 soldiers CBL, 123
Question number 28 for 10 points. A pplication question. 2-Part answer.
What did the healed woman’s faith accomplish?
5:34 Physical healing, spiritual salvation FBSE, 1352
Question number 29 for 3 0 points. Application question.
Why did a lack of faith prevent Jesus from doing many miracles?
6:6 A lack of faith limits what people can receive from God, because God is not free to exercise His power in those circumstances. MSRC, 195
Question number 30 for 30 points . Application q uestion . 3-Part answer.
What can prevent Christ from doing powerful things among His people today?
6:6 Failing to accept what the Bible says is true
Question number 31 for 20 points . Statement and a pplication essence q uestion .
James says the sick should be anointed with oil. Give, in essence, the verse that says the Twelve did this.
6:13 They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them. MSP
Question numbe r 32 for 2 0 points . Application q uestion .
Why were the sick anointed with oil?
6:13 Anointing oil in the New Testament represented the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. FBSE, 1354
Question number 33 for 20 points . Application q uestion .
Define compassion.
6:34 A deep empathy for another’s misfortune that moves one to help. FBSE, 1354
Question number 34 for 20 points. Application question.
Why did Jesus leave his disciples to pray?
6:43 Personal time alone in prayer was the source of Jesus’ power and authority in ministry. MSRC, 221
Question number 35 for 10 points . Application q uestion .
Which Jewish religious group accepted the books of Moses and oral traditions as inspired?
7:1 Pharisees FBSE, 1306
Question number 36 for 20 points . Application q uestion .
Define legalism.
7:6 Substituting outward acts for proper inner attitudes that come from an authentic relationship with God.
FBSE, 1355
Question number 37 for 1 0 points. Application question.
When did people dedicate a gift as Corban?
7:11 When they made a vow to God. MSRC, 226
Question number 38 for 20 points . Statement and a pplication q uestion .
Paul stated that the gospel had to be first presented to the Jews. What words of Jesus agree with this?
7:27 “First let the children eat all they want,” he told her, “for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” MSP
Question number 39 for 20 points. Application question.
What is significant about Mark recording the word, “Ephphatha”?
7:34 Mark recorded the actual word that Jesus spoke to heal the deaf-mute man. Jesus didn’t use magical phrases to perform miracles; instead, he spoke with authority in plain language. MSRC, 234
Question number 40 for 1 0 points . Application q uestion . 2-Part answer.
What does yeast represent?
8:15 Evil or corruption of the truth FBSE, 1358
Question number 41 for 20 points . 2 - P art a pplication q uestion .
What was the yeast of the Pharisees, and what was the yeast of Herod?
8:15 Placing their religious traditions above the Word of God
A worldly mindset that resisted God FBSE, 1358
Question number 42 for 10 points . 2-P art a pplica tion q uestion .
What Greek word, and what Hebrew word mean “The Anointed One?”
8:29 Christ, Messiah
Question n umber 43 for 10 points . Application q uestion .
What does “Satan” mean?
8:33 Adversary HQSBD, 317
Question number 44 for 20 points . Statement and a pplication q uestion .
In Mark 8:33, Jesus called Peter “Satan.” How had Peter acted like Satan?
8:33 Peter tempted Jesus to not suffer and die. This was the same temptation that Satan offered in the wilderness.
FBSE, 1359
Question number 45 for 20 points . Application q uestion .
What does it mean to take up your cross?
8:34 To make a deliberate choice to deny your own interests and boldly identify with Christ. FBSE, 1359
Question number 46 for 3 0 points . Application q uestion .
Explain Jesus’ transfiguration.
9:2 Transfiguration refers to a change of form, such as a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. In Jesus’ case it was the changing of His body of humiliation into one of glory. CBL, 233
Question number 47 for 10 points . Application q uestion .
When Jesus said that Elijah had come, to whom did He refer?
9:13 John the Baptist FBSE, 1360
Questi on number 48 for 10 points. Application q uestion . 3 - P art a nswer .
Although Jesus said that “Everything is possible for him who believes,” what kinds of prayer should we not expect God to answer?
9:23 Foolish, selfish or wrongly motivated FBSE, 1360
Question num ber 49 for 2 0 points . Scripture text a pplication q uestion .
Referring to the demon, what did Jesus mean when he said, quote, “This kind can come out only by prayer”?
9:29 If the disciples had followed Jesus’ example and developed a strong and consistent prayer life, they would have had spiritual power to drive out the demon. FBSE, 1361
Question number 50 for 20 points . Application q uestion . Give a complete answer from 2 consecutive verses .
What statement shows that it is sometimes more important to train a few leaders than to always minister to multitudes.
9:30-31 Jesus did not want anyone to know where they were, because he was teaching his disciples.
MSP & CBL, 253
Question number 51 for 20 points. Statement and a pplication q uestion .
When Jesus said it was better to pluck out your eye than to go to hell, He was using hyperbole. What is hyperbole?
9:43 A figure of speech that relies on deliberate and obvious exaggeration to emphasize a truth and which is not meant to be taken literally. FBSE, 1361
Question number 52 for 30 points . Application q uestion . Give a complete answer from 3 consecutive verses .
Why is biblical marriage only between one man and one woman?
10:6-8 “But at the beginning of creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ MSP
Question number 53 for 20 points . Application q uotation q uestion .
What was Jesus’ purpose in coming to earth?
10:45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Question number 54 for 20 points . Application q uestion. Give a complete answer.
In the instance of the rich young man, what hyperbole did Jesus use?
10:25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
Question number 55 for 10 points . Scripture text a pplication question .
What did Jesus mean when he asked, quote, “Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?”
10:38 Could the disciples share in His fate? FBSE, 1363
Question number 56 for 20 points. Application q uotation question .
Quote the two consecutive verses which answer this question, “What is the secret of leadership?”
10:43-44 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. MSP
Question number 57 for 20 points . Scripture text a pplic ation question .
What did Jesus mean when He said He would, quote, “give his life as a ransom for many”?