Scent-Free Policy
North Queens Community School
Policy Statement:
North Queens Community School values the health of students and staff and is committed to providing a scent-free learning and working environment. The expectation is to minimize the risk of exposure to scents through information, awareness and avoidance.
Many people in the school are sensitive to scents from personal products including, but not restricted to deodorant, hairspray, cologne, perfume, body spray and hand sanitizer. Symptoms vary including, headaches, migraines, difficulty breathing, sinusitis, eye irritation, and asthma flare-ups.
This policy applies to all people while in the school building, on a school bus, or when travelling on a school trip. It includes students, staff, visitors and volunteers.
The school shall:
· Ensure that appropriate signage is posted at visible, prominent locations to inform visitors, substitutes, volunteers and contractors of the scent-free Policy.
· Include notice of the scent-free policy on school correspondence.
· Inform parents in writing of the policy.
· Include the policy in the student handbook.
· Include notice on all monthly newsletters
Students and staff are not to wear, use, or bring to school perfumes, cologne, bodyspray, scented hair spray, scented hand cream or scented hand sanitizer. If someone has sensitivity to another specific product, not mentioned above, that product may be added on a case by case basis.
Students and staff are asked not to use cleaning products unless they are identified as fragrance free or if a strongly scented product must be used, it should be after hours and with prior notification.
All violations of the policy should be referred to administration.
People in violation of the policy
· will be asked to refrain from using the product in the future
· may be asked to work in an isolated area
· may be sent home or asked to change clothing
· intentional or chronic use will be considered a discipline issue and may result in suspension (student) or other discipline action (staff)
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