Attendance Report for Meeting No. 2894, April 14th 2015

Total Membership:-32

Apologies ;_ Judy Oates, John Henshall, Mike Moore, Rob Fick, Neville Brandon, Mike Hiosan, Mark Huddleston, Jeff Hollands, John Chapman, Don Williams. Mike Tucker, Kirk Jones

Leave of Absence: (2) F. Bibby, John Price

Visiting Guests : Shishir Singh

Visiting Rotarians - Nil

Honorary Life Members (2): Ken Rowland, Bob Simes


Barbeque dates 2015

(Please contact Mike Hiosan if you can assist)

May 8th Marion Primary School Mother’s Day Breakfast BBQ

May 16th Narnu Farm – Beyond Wellness BBQ (4-7pm)

Bunnings April 24th May 22nd

(Please assist by nominating times you can help, with Ray)


The Keith Walter Award

Colin Ames spoke of what a unique person Keith was, and that many Rotarians may be experiencing difficulty in choosing someone to nominate who matches those qualities. However we all know someone who demonstrates some aspects of Keith’s commitment to improving our community. It is these people that the Keith Walter Award aims to recognize.

Nominations close on May 8th.

Bookshop Half Price Sale

Lyle reported that $2848 was raised over the 4 days. He thanked all those who had helped out during that time.

Anzac Day (25th April)

Dawn Service will be held at the Edwardstown Memorial Garden, Raglan Street. Lyle would like 2 volunteers at 6am to assist with handing out programs

Cats and The Wedding Singer production

Payment should be made to Don Williams asap for those who have booked tickets for the above productions to be held on 15th May & 29th May respectively. Cats $26.50 ea. The Wedding Singer $27 ea.

Rotary Race Day

As this is Derby Day in the SAJC calendar, we expect a large crowd of some thousands of traditional race goers, as well as families looking for an outing for the day. As well as a full race program, there will be lots of free fun activities for children

BBQ for Clovelly Park Primary School

Ray & Leslie reported that this was an extremely successful day at Belair with over 550 sausages consumed by the 350 students present. Coles Parkholme was very generous in donating the sausages, apple juice etc.

Sporting Equipment Needed

Leslie is looking for donations of sporting equipment to be made available to a Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre – tennis rackets, balls, foot /soccer balls, cricket bats etc. please contact Leslie on 0413 948 678 if you can assist.

Next week our special guest speaker will be Steven Marshall MP, Leader of the Opposition.
Steven Marshall was elected as the Member for Norwood in the South Australian Parliament in March 2010 and is Leader of the State Liberal Party.
Prior to becoming the Member for Norwood, Steven was involved in the manufacturing industry, running his family’s furniture manufacturing business Marshall Furniture right here in Edwardstown from 1997. At the time Steven became Managing Director, the business employed 200 people.
After successfully selling the business in 2001, Steven worked in various board and executive positions for a range of South Australian companies. Immediately prior to entering Parliament, Steven was employed as the General Manager of the Textile Division of iconic South Australian wool exporter Michell Pty Ltd.
Steven has also been involved in public service and community initiatives his whole life. He is the founding Chairman of Compost for Soils, a program started in SA that has subsequently been implemented nationally.
Steven is an Ambassador for SCOSA, having previously served on the Board for 5 years. He received a Centenary of Federation Medal for Services to the Disability Sector in 2001.
This is Steven's fourth year as a Board member for Reconciliation SA and has recently become a White Ribbon Ambassador, supporting the campaign to end violence against women.
Steven is 47 years of age and has lived in the Norwood area for his entire adult life. He has two teenage children, Charlie and Georgie.
Please have a good think about who you can invite to this meeting. We will also include a brief presentation on the work of Rotary International.
Note there will be no “minute spots” from members. If you have an announcement, please email President Merilyn and she will read it on your behalf. There will also be no sergeant session.


These rosters are as originally prepared and may not include changes Rotarians have made between themselves. If you arrange a swap, will you please advise your roster compiler and the Bulletin Editor Judy Oates (Libby Carey until 23 April)


April 21st Joseph Masika Ray Trenorden

April 28th Leanne Wagner Greg Carey


Be at kitchen 1a Aberfeldy Ave, Edwardstown by 10.45 am

Kitchen Phone 8293 5780 * denotes a swap.

Apr 23rd Judy Oates Apr 30th John Henshall

May 7th Mike Hiosan May 14th Neville Brandon

May 21st Kirk Jones May 28th Stephen Trenorden


Apr 14th – Apr 27th Mark Huddleston

Although the performance of this roster need not take long, will you please take note of and report to Mike Tucker (83816861) any nesting boxes that are in need of attention; generally due to tree growth or weather, and could possibly become detached and fall.


Apr Don Williams John Chapman

May Judy Oates Kevin Donaldson


Date / Monday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Apr 20th
Apr 25th / Lyle Strachan / Lyle Strachan / John Henshall / J Oates
L Carey / Closed
Anzac Day
Apr 27th
May 2nd / Lyle Strachan / Lyle Strachan / John Chapman / J Oates
L Carey / N Brandon
S Oliver

Please try and arrange a swap and advise Lyle Strachan if unavailable.

Rotary Club of Edwardstown

Meeting 2895


April 21st

Dave Be

The Adventures of Smarty

Chair – Clair Gasson

April 28th

Hon Steven Marshall MP

Leader, State Liberal Party

Chair – Mark Huddleston


May 5th

Committee Meetings

May 11th

Group 8 Meeting

Somerton Surf Life Saving Club

May 12th


John Chapman would like apologies, visitors, make ups etc., phoned to him please at 82943163 or 0428272677 by 10am Tuesday. Alternatively put your known absent dates in the diary at the Tuesday meeting


26th April Marion Moore Birthday

This Bulletin is available on line at