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Regular Council Meeting
October 14March 11, 2014
The regular meeting of the Jarratt Town Council was held on Tuesday, March 11October 14, 2014. All Council members were present except J.ames Brown..
for abo from those in attendancethe are to be and that previously unexpended surplus referred to monies already in the Town’s coffers, but not allocated.He stated that the numbers were included to show a balanced budget and that he understood her concern about showing them as “income” when the monies are already in the Town’s possession. the funds income--revenue from the new subscriber-based service offered to residents adjacent to Town.
ereGreensville County Clerk of Court, ,Approval of Agenda:
Mrs. Wilson added to “New Business” closed section.Mrs. Wilson asked to add the following: Old Business- Closed sectssion aboutconcerning the drug store property, , New Business-discuss meals tax, property maintenance flyers, Code Official’s job description;, Facilities and Utilities- park updates and Holiday tree; New Business – meals tax;, and Misc.- JRA. Council C,an the a ssi .” Mr. Grizzard add ..added parks update to “H,S,W.”. Mrs. WilsonMr. Grizzard made the motionoved to adopt the amended agenda. Mr. Gillam Grizzard seconded the motion and the motion was carried.
Approval of Minutes:
Without objection, the minutes were adopted.Under Citizens Comments, thely identifyas Without objection, the minutes were adopted the.
Per Mr. Grizzard’s agenda request, Mr. Rae presented the Council an update on the drainage project. He informed them of meetings between himself and Mr. Grizzard and local and regional VDOT representatives concerning roadside ditches and the need for thorough and on-going maintenance of those drainage channels. He and Mr. Grizzard had also met with representatives of Dewberry to discuss alternatives for the Grigg Avenue project. According to Mr. Rae, Dewberry’s staff are also working toward identifying homeowners from whom the Town should pursue easements for this project and future drainage maintenance.
Finance and Personnel:
Without objection, Council agreed to pay bills.
for Council Presiden. No other nominations were offered. Mr. Grizzard moved to elect Mr. Wyche. the presented Town’s The Council agreed to table the descriptions until such time that they could meet with the employees to discuss the responsibilities and get feedback on the adequacy and accuracy of the descriptions. proposedsto be completed by the Town’s employees to document equipment service and repair. Additionally, she presented a proposed to compile important information about each vehicle (make, model, VIN, etc.) to be kept in the Town Office.presented Council with swhich d based on recommendations discussed following a meeting with Town staffshad nGreensville Correctional Center and had been told that the Town needed to a letter detailing the inmates would be expected to perform. Once the fax was received, Ms. Washington would evaluate the responsibilities and her workforce.
Facilities and Utilities:
Mr. Grizzard stated that the park in Little City is ready for construction once the fill-dirt has had a chance to to be set up after the dirt has settled.a bid from Abetco for $5100 to remove from the old drugstore building.the asbestos removal firm, a,begin work on the Town’sOnce the work is complete, renovations can begin to transform the space into a restaurant based on interest the Town has received from potential renters. The Council discussed placing a holiday tree in the Little City Park area as well as possibly locating a tree somewhere along Jarratt Avenue.
Mr. Grizzard stated the maintenance shed needs to be cleaned out and organized.under and around. Mr. Wyche added that the Office driveway needs rocks and is back in operationthe .
Health, Safety, and Welfaree
Mr. Grizzard made a motion to hold fora Clean-up Wweek start onfrom April 14, 2014 until April 18. Mrs. Wilson seconded the motion and motion was carried.C toin the service area them of the program and m the Negotiations with Greensville County are still ongoing and should be done before the May meeting.Cat sh had sent moreconcerning
Mr. Warf stated that the suggested amendments to the all of amending of the Property Maintenance Code had been added along with the few was completed and definitions recommended for inclusion from the public hearing. have been included. After reading over the new language and giving opportunity for comment, Mr. Grizzard made a motion to adopt the current proposed Property Maintenance Ordinance. Mr. Wyche seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously adopted by roll call vote. carried.
Mr. Warf updated Council on the efforts to purchase both the property adjacent to the Town Office and the Rodriguez property on Braxton Avenue.An offer has been made to purchase the property adjacent to the Town Hall and Mr. Rodriguez’s property on Braxton Avenue to gain ownership of property. Both landowners had agreed to negotiate on a sale price.
Mrs. Grizzard reminded discussed with cCouncil members to be aware ofabout staying on top of abandoned vehicles which are not being kept covered at all times.
Mr. Grizzard stated that he met with VDOT concerning ditch and drainage maintenance and also mentioned some concerns regarding road conditions. VDOT officials agreed that and they stated that Jarratt Avenue was not originally built to handle its current traffic load. without anticipating so much traffic coming through the town’s limit. In regards to Jarratt Avenue, they suggested that the Town attend the VDOT advised the Town to attend the VDOT rRegional meetings with the counties to request a substantial rebuild of the road base and surface.request assistance to correct the issues. In regards to drainage, VDOT agreed to added that they would fix the issues that are in the state right a wayswork on issues which are within the road right-of-ways..
To complete the update on drainage, Mr. Grizzard stated that he had talked with CSX about maintenance on pipes and ditches on their property. CSX has agreed to do some maintenance, but no work has been done to date.Phone calls are still being made back in forth with CSX concerning their portion that they are responsible for but no action has been taken as of yet.
Mr. Grizzard presented stated that he have bbids he had received for the removal of the trees at the park in Little City. Mrs. Wilson made a motion to accept the bid from M. B. Rideout forof $5000 for the removal of trees and stumps and the refill of the area with sufficient the clearance of the trees and stumps; and raise the ground up with dirt. Mr. Gregory seconded the motion and the motion was carried.
Mr. Grizzard asked if the Ffire Ddepartment could use the shed on the Flagg property for practice. Council The councilmembers had no objections to the request. Mr. Grizzard’s motion to made a motion to donate allow the fire department to burn the shed on the Flagg property was carried.for Fire Department’s training.
No Reportreported that she had n who said they we about providing grass cutting services. O; but Council asked her to continue seeking bids discussion ofthe on the site of the old Burruss houseissue .the legality of on Town streets. Council consider to clarify the proper use of them within Town limits to tthe issue to allow beethe suggested soliciting bids for grass cutting services for those yards the Town has been cutting who are in violation of the property maintenance code. agreed to take the bids to see if it is cost-effective to outsource the service.
Development and Planningg
No Report.Mr. Rae updated Council, see supra. (VRS)of is seeking to relocate to the closed Jarratt Georgia-Pacific plant property. He explained that the company takes “--” and deconstructs them into their component materials and sells those materials as commoditiesThe plant would have the capacity to process a year, first VRS would employ imately 1
funds necessary to begin local operation; but he feels confident that they will be able to secure those resources. VRS will get the to process. He responded that each year there are millions of vehicles retired due to age, damage, etc. They will seek cars from private individuals, non-profit organizations, insurance companies, natural disasters, among other places.benefits and the No Report.
Old Business:
Mrs. Wilson stated that the flyers for the property maintenance wcould be done in- house more cheaply than sourcing them from a supplier..
Mrs. Wilson stated that she is still working on the job description for the Town’s Code Official. Mrs. Wilson added that one resident had shown some interest and Mr. Grizzard stated he will contact him. Mr. Grizzard stated that he suggest an ad in the paper with minimum pay of $38,000 with no benefits and part time.finished workr. notified Council of the to complete the site work and prepare plans for the necessary drainage projects. to discuss plans for the park area in Little City meet on and to approve the proposal. Mrs. Wilson secreceived on for Little City ParkCreviewed the sbefore. Because the Town has used their equipment in the past and knows the quality of the equipment, he felt it was the best option.for fill dirt to be placed in Little City Park.accept M. of for 40 loads
Mrs. Wilson discussed meal tax for the Town. Mrs. Wilson added that the meal tax could help pay for the cost for the Code Official and some other projects. Mrs. Wilson stated that she felt the Town should to have a seller’s commission and use the form in which Henrico County and Roanoke’s registration form. Mr. Grizzard made a motion to have a public hearing for meals tax prior to next month regular council meeting. Mr. Wyche seconded the motion and the motion was carried. The clerk stated that the extensions for the leaf truck has been ordered and delivered.
Citizen’s comments:
Mr. & Mrs. McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. Poarch, Irene Ferguson, Helen Horne, Pauline Adams, and Dana Kinsley came to express their feelings and concerns about the new Property Maintenance Ordinance. The focus of their comments were concerns about the enforcement of the Town’s ordinancesElaine Lane (formerly Elaine )intersection of Jarratt Avenue and Halifax Road in commemoration of her son, Deputy Thomas E. Felton, Jr., who perished at the railroad crossing on 29 April grant Mrs. Lane’s request. explained to Council that he owned the vehicles parked in the lot adjacent to his house and that it was his intent to maintain them in compliance with the Town’s abandoned vehicle ordinance. He agreed that, occasionally, a tarp would blow off of one of his vehicles, but that he would try to replace it as soon as practical.had nGreensville County’s handling of the dog situation which Mrs. Adams had brought to Council’s attention. At the time of the meeting, the County had taken no action.
New BBusiness:
No Report.
CLOSED SECTIONPursuant to Virginia Code §2.2-3711, subsection A, cl. 3, the Council voted to enter closed session for the purpose of discussing the acquisition of real property for a public purpose. At the conclusion of the closed session, Council reentered open session and approved a motion to pursue acquisition of a Town property in the business district for the purpose of promoting business growth.Mrs. Wilson discussed a meal tax for the Town which could be used to help pay the cost of a Code Official and some other projects. Mrs. Wilson stated that other localities offer a rebate to businesses submitting payment on-time or early. She suggested modeling the Town’s tax documentation on Henrico County’s and City of Roanoke’s registration forms. Mr. Grizzard moved to hold a public hearing on a meals tax prior to the next regular Council meeting. Mr. Wyche seconded the motion and the motion was carried.No ReportShe also re are positions on the Zoningwhich need to be filledneeded members.
gin evaluating updates to at their No Report.
Mrs. Grizzard stated that she was invited to the upcoming a meeting ofor the Jarratt Recreation Association tomorrowthere had been a number of recently, but that to his knowledge, the County Sheriffs had the suspects and recovered most of the stolen items.e JVFD firehouse.
e firehouse
Citizen’s comments:
sce for the ;sTnoticesthem also had questions about the most of the provisionsmodeled on those in the C and gave the Town the ability to address problem homes in Town. sused T, specifically referring to trash collection in the Town of Stony Creek.workers had never complained about the additional trash collection work and that the substantial portion of one of the annual salary.;on just adeveloping oractivitiesasked some of the attendees who were early teens if they could suggest some activities they would like to see in Town. They suggested a place to play games, with internet access. A bowling alley or skating rink were also suggested.were asaddressing who has ne potential rodent infestation Mr. Warf said the Town would send a letter reminding the homeowner to keep the grass cut on and around the pileNo Report.
Closed Session: Pursuant to Va Code §2.2-3711(a)(3) the Council entered a closed session to discuss the terms of the sale of real property. At the end of the closed session, the Council affirmed that their discussions were consistent with the stated purpose of the session. Mr. Grizzard made a motion to affirm the negotiated terms agreed to during the closed session. Mrs. Wilson seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Closed Session:The Council approved a motion to enter a closed session pursuant to Va Code §2.2-3711(A)(5), discussion concerning a prospective business. Following the conclusion of the closed session, the Council unanimously approved a motion certifying that only the approved subject of the closed session was discussed during the session and that no action was taken requiring Council approval at this time.