Appointment Brief
Chair Designate of Concern Worldwide (UK) and trustee of Concern Worldwide
September 2016
Letter from Chris Elliott, Chair, Concern Worldwide UK
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your interest in becoming a trustee and Chair designateof the Board of Concern Worldwide (UK) and Trustee of Concern Worldwide.
Concern Worldwide, the global organisation, was founded in 1968 in response to the devastating famine in war torn Biafra. In 2004,the UK operation was formally established, bringing together fundraising offices in Belfast and Glasgow with a base in London. Concern Worldwide (UK) is an integral part of Concern Worldwide, playing a vital role in fundraising and advocacy and providing a cruciallink between UK humanitarian and development actors and the organisation’s country programmes.Concern Worldwide (UK) does not directly implement programmes overseas but supports Concern Worldwide to do so.
Concern Worldwide is committed to achieving real change in the most difficult countries in the world. To contribute to this ambition,Concern Worldwide (UK) has developed an inspiring and ambitious strategy (2016-20) to significantly grow our organisation. Concern Worldwide (UK) is particularly focused on tackling hunger and malnutrition through influencing UK governmental policy, raising the profile and engaging with the public on these policy issues, and raising funds from the public and institutional donors to deliver programmes which alleviate hunger and extreme poverty.Concern Worldwide (UK)also has deep expertise in emergency response; it is a member of the Disaster Emergencies Committee and supports the global organisation to respond to humanitarian crises.
The UK charity sector as a whole faces significant challenges and-with the right approach- opportunities in the coming years. Concern UK is no exception. The public fundraising environment is changing, and will require an agile and creative approach in order to maintain income. In the international development sphere, results-based contracts with major funders are becoming more common, requiring expertise and skills in new areas.
My term as Chair and trustee comes to an end in July 2017 and so we are seeking a Chair designate for Concern Worldwide (UK) who will also become a trustee of the Irish charity Concern Worldwide. We believe that in the rapidly changing and challenging environment strong collaboration with other parts of the organisation is essential and this is why for the first time we are looking for a strong candidate who has the time and commitment to serve not only as the Chair of Concern Worldwide UK but also as a trustee of Concern Worldwide (based in Dublin). It is important that youshould have an interest or background in international development and, through strong strategic vision and leadership, will work with Concern’s (UK) management team to maximise the organisation’s impact.
If you want to use your talents and skills to help benefitthe world’s poorest communities,we’d love to hear from you.
Chris Elliott
Concern Worldwide (UK)
Concern Worldwide (UK)’s identity, vision, mission and values
Our identity – who we are:
Concern Worldwide (UK) is a non-governmental, international, humanitarian organisation dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries.
Our vision – for change:
A world where no one lives in poverty, fear or oppression; where all have access to a decent standard of living and the opportunities and choices essential to a long, healthy and creative life; a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
Our mission – what we do:
Our mission is to help people living in extreme poverty achieve major improvements in their lives which last and spread without on-going external support.
Concern Worldwide (UK)’s values:
Built on our history and the voluntary, compassionate commitment of Concern’s founders:
We focus on extreme poverty: We are driven by a clear focus on eliminating poverty in the most vulnerable places and responding to humanitarian crises.
We believe in equality: People are equal in rights and must be treated with respect and dignity.
We listen: Listening and partnership are key to empowering the poorest and most vulnerable to transform their own lives.
We respond rapidly: People affected by disasters are entitled to have their most basic needs met through rapid, effective, and principled responses.
We are courageous: Taking necessary risks, balanced with sound judgement, allows us to work in the most challenging contexts.
We are committed: Going the extra mile to support communities in times of need and in the face of very difficult operating environments.
We are innovative: Finding effective solutions requires innovative thinking combined with a pragmatic approach.
We are accountable: Accountability and transparency are central to all of our actions and use of resources.
Concern Worldwide tackles hunger and transforms lives across the world. In 2015 Concern Worldwide directly reached 7.6 million people in 28 of the world’spoorest and most vulnerable countries.Concern (UK) contributed funds to work in 27 of these countries.
Afghanistan / Democratic People’s Republic of Korea / Republic of SudanBangladesh / Lebanon / Rwanda
Burundi / Liberia / Sierra Leone
Central Africa Republic / Malawi / Somalia
Chad / Mozambique / South Sudan
Democratic Republic of Congo / Nepal / Syria
Ethiopia / Niger / Tanzania
Haiti / Pakistan / Turkey
Kenya / Philippines / Uganda
Case studies of Concern Worldwide’s work
Overseas Programmes: Growing resilience in Ethiopia
Ali Assen Ali, from Ethiopia’s Amhara region, used to live in a small hut with few possessions or opportunities to earn money. For the last three months of every year, feeding and caring for his family was a struggle.
In 2013, Concern set up a seed potato co-operative in Ali’s village. He was given 50kg of seed which he used to grow one tonne of potatoes. By 2016, Ali was able to grow more than seven tonnes, selling them for about £2,000 and keeping some seed in reserve for future planting.
With the profits, Ali bought livestock including oxen, sheep, a horse and a donkey. These give him a range of ways of making money – vital for getting through emergencies like the drought currently affecting Ethiopia. If one source of income dries up, he has others to fall back on. Ali says: “I will be resilient to any shocks in the future.”
Ali plans to grow his business, do more trading and build a new house. He says: “Concern’s support has been invaluable. I am grateful for their help and I know they will continue to help other poor the way they helped me.”
Advocacy and campaigns: Good Cop Bad Cop
Ahead of the UN Climate Negotiations in November 2015 in Paris, COP21, we focused our Growing Resilience initiative on supporting the poorest to adapt to the impacts of climate change, which are already affecting them. We launched a petition, ‘Good Cop, Bad Cop’ calling on world leaders to agree a deal that provides support for the world’s most vulnerable communities.
Using caricatures of world leaders as good and bad cops, we collected nearly 10,000 signatures urging David Cameron to be a 'good cop' and received a personal response from the Prime Minister stating that the UK government would encourage all countries to deliver their commitments under the Paris agreement. Alongside the petition, we produced a briefing paper detailing our policy recommendations and case studies of some of our most successful climate adaptation programmes.
Fundraising: Comeback from Crisis
From September to December 2015 Concern ran an integrated awareness and fundraising campaign called ‘Comeback from Crisis’. Income raised was matched through DIFD’s UK Aid Match scheme. Working with communications partners and across all areas of fundraising – individual giving, trusts and foundations, community and digital - the appeal reached an audience of over four million and raised almost £1.7million to support vulnerable communities recovering from emergencies and disasters.
A highlight of the appeal was a photo exhibition which was on display in October 2015 outside King’s Cross station in London. Featuring photographs and stories from Sierra Leone, Uganda, Philippines, Malawi and Nepal, it raised awareness of how Concern helps people devastated by crisis to rebuild their lives.
Role Description
Chair Designate for Concern Worldwide (UK)
Position:Chair Designate of the Board of Trustees
Location:Battersea, London.
Works with:The trustee board has a maximum of 16 trustees; two of whomrepresent our parent body, Concern Worldwide, based in Dublin, whilst the remainder are selected by trustees.
There is one standing sub-committee, the Audit and Finance Committee, and fundraising sub-committee is being established. Other committees are established for defined timeframes for specific projects/tasks as and when required e.g. trustee recruitment
Direct report: Executive Director, Concern Worldwide (UK)
Concern Worldwide (UK) is a company limited by guarantee and all of the trustees are also full directors of Concern Worldwide (UK)for company law purposes. The company has one member, Concern Worldwide. The company is registered as a charity with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (Charity Number 1092236).
Role Summary
- Provides leadership and direction to the board of Trustees, enabling themto fulfil their responsibilities for the overall governance and strategic direction of the organisation.
- Ensures that the organisation pursues its objects as defined in its governing document, charity law, company law and other relevant legislation/regulations.
- Works in partnership with the Executive Director, senior staff members and support employees, to further the aims of the organisation and to optimise the relationship between the board of Trustees and the staff.
- Facilitates the board of trustees in stimulating excellent, well-rounded and carefully considered strategic decision-making.
- Participates as a full member of the Board of Trustees of the parent company (Concern Worldwide).
Main Responsibilities of the Chair
In relation to the Concern Worldwide (UK) Board
- Ensure the formulation of strategic plans and regular review of long-term strategic aims of the charity.
- Ensure the development of organisational policies, goals, targets and evaluate performance against agreed targets.
- Approve the annual cycle of the board meetings and agendas; chair and facilitate meetings, monitor decisions taken and ensure they are implemented.
- Liaise regularly with the Treasurer to maintain a clear grasp of the charity’s financial position and to ensure full and timely financial transparency and information disclosure to the Board.
- Lead and mentor other Board members to fulfil their responsibilities and enable access to training/coaching/information to enhance the overall contribution of the board.
- Annually review the Board’s structure, role and staff relationships and ensure implementation of agreed changes/developments.
- Encourage team working among Board members.
- Lead the board to identify and recruit new trustees as required.
- Create a strong, profitable and fulfilling working relationship with trustees and the Executive Director through review and self-reflective evaluation of individual contributions and overall effectiveness of the board.
In relation to the Executive Director (ED)
- The Concern UKBoardand Concern Worldwide appoint the ED and lead the process of appraising and constructively guiding their performance.
- Assume guardianship of the legal and financial integrity of the organisation.
- Consult with ED on matters of strategy, governance, finance and Human Resources.
- Oversee the ED’s activities with regards the implementation of the organisationsstrategy and internal policies.
- Maintain careful oversight of any risk to reputation and/or financial standing of the organisation.
- Receive regular informal progress reports of the organisation’s work and financial performance through the ED.
In relation to the community and code of conduct
- Represent the organisation as a spokesperson at appropriate events, meetings or functions.
- Lead the Board in fostering relations with potential supporters and potential funders/donors.
- Act as final stage adjudicator for disciplinary and grievance procedures if required.
- Facilitate change and address conflict within the Board of Trustees, within the organisation and liaise with the ED to achieve this.
- Bea member of other committees or working groups and attend relevant meetings when appropriate in role as Chair.
- In order to perform the above role, the Chair should have reasonable access to all staff and information, in line with the board’s fiduciary duties.
For more information on the roles and responsibilities of a UK trustee please refer to the charity commission guidance using this link:
In relation to the Board of Concern Worldwide
Concern Worldwide is a company limited by guarantee and all of the trustees are also full directors of Concern Worldwide for company law purposes.The company is registered as a charity with the Irish CharitiesRegulatory Authority. The Chair of the Concern Worldwide (UK) Board is invited to also become a trustee of Concern Worldwide.
The main responsibilities are prescribed, primarily, by the Irish Companies Act 2014 and the Charities Act 2009.For more information on the roles and responsibilities of an Irish charity Trustee please refer to the following guidance:
- Guidance of the Director of Corporate Enforcement on the principal powers and duties of Directors under Irish Law
- The website of the Irish Charities Regulatory Authority for general information about its governance of charities in Ireland
Qualities of the Chair of Concern Worldwide (UK)
A general background in strategy, governance, finance, HR, fundraising would be useful. Previous experience as a Chair or trustee would be welcomed.
- Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of Trusteeship.
- Adherenceto Nolan’s seven principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.
- Commitment to the charity’s objects, aims and values and a willingness to devote time to carry out responsibilities of the role.
- Strategic and forward looking vision in relation to the charity’s objects and aims.
- Demonstrated ability to exercise sound, independent judgement, political impartiality and the ability to think creatively in the context of the organisation and external environment.
- Good communication and interpersonal skills and the ability to respect the confidences of colleagues.
- Experience in balancing tact and diplomacy with willingness to challenge and constructively criticise.
- Experience of chairing trustee meetings.
- An understanding of the UK charity sector, good governance practices, Charity Commission and Companies House requirements, relevant legislations and statutory requirements, fundraising regulation and best practice.
- Knowledge of international development.
- A wider involvement with the voluntary sector.
- Experience of charity finance or charity fundraising.
- Leadership skills exercised through a period change.
Terms of appointment
- Appointed trustees are likely to commence in Jan 2017.
- Trustees can serve for up to 9 years, with provisions for trustees to retire by rotation every three years. A field trip would ideally be undertaken at least once, though this is not mandatory.
- Board membership is not a remunerated position. However, expenses necessarily incurred in performing Board duties will be borne by Concern.
- Board and Committee meetings are normally held in central London. Trustees should be available to attend meetings 4-5 times peryear plus one Trustee Away Days meeting (Friday and Saturday) once per year.
- Concern Worldwide meets 5 times a year on a Saturday, these meetings are held in Dublin
- It is important that the Chair is able to visit the organisations overseas programmes from time to time and be available to the Chief Executive/senior staff members on a regular basis.
- In addition to Board Meetings, other contact – usually electronic or by telephone – will be necessary.
Concern Worldwide (UK) is keen to achieve greater diversity among our board of trustees so we welcome applications from all sections of the community. In particular we would like the board of Concern Worldwide (UK) to have a greater representation of females and individuals originating from developing countries.
To register your interest:
To register your interest in becoming Chair designate for Concern Worldwide (UK) please email a letter of motivation stating the skills and approach that you would bring to the post along with your CV to Lucy Asare-Akoto at by 23.59 hrs on Sunday 9th October 2016.
All candidates who are short-listed for selection will be notified via email after the application deadline. Unfortunately we are unable to contact all unsuccessful applications.
In considering all applications and the appointment of Trustees, Concern Worldwide (UK) is bound to observe and comply with all applicable legislation and regulation, including but not limited to the Charities Act 2011, the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986, and the Insolvency Act 1986.
Code of Conduct and a Programme Participant Protection Policy
Concern has a Code of Conduct and a Programme Participant Protection Policy which have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organization, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context staff have a responsibility to the organisation to strive for and maintain, the highest standards in their day-to-day conduct in the workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a positionwith Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Programme Participant Protection Policy and the Concern Staff Code of Conduct as an appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Programme Participant Protection Policy and the Concern Staff Code of Conduct candidates acknowledge that they have understood the contents of both documents and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions set out within them..
Concern receives a substantial amount of funding from external donors each year. Increasingly donors are introducing requirements whereby future funding is conditional on the organisationensuring that the names of any new employee, trustee or volunteer do not appear on terrorism lists generated by the European Union (List of person, groups and entities to which Regulation (EC No. 2580/2001 applies), the US Government (Office of Foreign Assets Control list of specially designated Nationals and Blocked Persons) and the United Nations (Consolidated List).