Ordinary Meeting of Takeley Parish Council will be held on

Wednesday, 4th October2017in Takeley Station House at 7.30pm.


1.Welcome and apologies for absence.

2. Remind everyone in attendance & who will be participating that they may be filmed, recorded or photographed or otherwise reported about by a person attending the meeting.

Designate a separate area to accommodate (i) members of the public who wish to attend the meeting, and do not wish to participate, but who object to being filmed, recorded or photographed or otherwise reported about and (ii) children and vulnerable adults where the relevant responsible adult has not given consent for them to be filmed, recorded or photographed or otherwise reported about.

Remind those who wish to film, record or photograph or otherwise report on the proceedings to avoid those who are sitting in a separate area, and in addition the restrictions on filming children and vulnerable adults.

  1. Declarations of Interest: To receive declarations of interest in any items on the agenda.

Members are reminded that they should request a ‘Change Form’ if their circumstances have changed and their register needs amending.

  1. Minutes of the last meeting (06/09/2017) which have been circulated, will be approved & signed by the Chairman
  1. District and County Councillor Reports - (15 mins. max.)

District/County Councillors will provide verbal or written reports and answer questions.

Please direct any questions/comments to the County/District Councillors present at this time.

  1. Open Forum - (15 mins. max.)

Please direct any questions/comments to the County/District/Parish Councillors present at this time.

7 / Clerks Report.
8 / Financial Report / Members will approve cheque transactions
To agree any outstanding quotations for works within the village
To approve advertisement costs for assistant clerk vacancy
To approve a new unity bank account specifically for PGCH funds as per our Financial Regulations and notification from external auditor.
To approve a new unity bank account in advance of receipt of De-fib monies.
To approve advertising costs for new assistant clerk vacancy.
To agree date of next Finance Meeting.
9 / De-Fib Group / To hear any updates.
10 / Old School House, / To approve the content of the Working Party Group minutes.
To note folder available of quotes for inspection and details of work.
Any other update in relation to the Old School House.
Geoff Bagnell update on meeting.
11 / Priors Green Community Hall / To hear any updates that may be relevant at the time of the meeting.
12 / Highways & Transport issues / TPC will receive an update, including reported items &
agree action required including recommendations to the
Local Highways Panel.
13 / Sports Field & Recreation Ground / TPC to be made aware of any issues.
summaries of work.
To discuss erecting a sign at the SJH entrance to the
Recreation Ground to raise awareness for public use and
to prevent vehicles blocking the entrance
14 / Planning / Stop Stansted Expansion – Updates.
To report on planning received at time of meeting.
15 / Village Services / TPC will receive an update & agree action required.
16 / Uttlesford District Council Update / Chairmans update on meeting with Uttlesford,
To approve and adopt changes to code of conduct in packs
To hear updates from senior management on health, PSCO’s and any other items discussed at the Uttlesford meeting.
17 / Personnel / To note Assistant Clerk is leaving 20th October,2017
18 / Other reports including:
Footpaths & Trees / To be tabled by members.
To consider parish pinboards in the village.

The next (ordinary) meeting of Takeley Parish Council will be held on

Wednesday,4th October2017at 7.30pm in Takeley Station House.


Clerk to Takeley Parish Council

Julia Peachey
