Board Meeting Minutes

Location: Yellowknife, NT

Date: 8-9 June 2010

WRRB Board Meeting MinutesPage 1 of 7

8-9 June 2010

Board Members:

Moise Rabesca (Tåîchô Appointee)

Joseph Judas (Tåîchô Appointee)

Charlie Rabesca (Tåîchô Appointee)

Grant Pryznyk (Federal Appointee)

Ray Case (GNWT Appointee)


Bruce MacDonald (Federal Appointee)


Jody Snortland

Allice Legat

Karin Clark

James Rabesca – Translator

Jonas Lafferty – Translator

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8-9 June 2010

1.1Call to Order10:15 a.m.

1.2Opening Prayer:Joseph Judas

2.0Agenda and Previous Minutes

2.1 Approval of Agenda

Add: 2.3 Review of Action Items

5.4 Signing Authority

5.5 Board Training

Motion #162-08-06-2010To approve the agenda with additions above

Moved:Moise Rabesca

Second:Joseph Judas

Motion Approved

2.2 Approval of Minutes

Draft minutes for 16 February 2010 and 4-5 May 2010 tabled for review and approval.

Motion #170-09-06-2010To approve the 16 February 2010 minutes as amended

Moved:Moise Rabesca

Second:Ray Case

Motion Approved

Motion #171-09-06-2010To approve the 4-5 May 2010 minutes as amended

Moved:Ray Case

Second:Charlie Rabesca

Motion Approved

2.3 Review of Action Items

Completed action items tabled along with the updated Action Item table.


3.1Forestry Presentation – Bill Mawdsley, Director, Forest Management & Todd Nash, Consultant, Meyers, Norris, Penny

PowerPoint Presentation tabled, entitled “NWT Forest Fire Management Program Review”

Consultant, Meyers, Norris, Penny, hired to conduct a program review to determine how wildfire should be managed on landscape. The final report is to be submitted for Standing Committee in October 2010. Program review terms of reference and presentation to be provided for review and comment. The disaster compensation policy is also under departmental review.

Conducting research on location of caribou in relation to burned areas; interested in having the WRRB provide guidance on wildfire protection of caribou populations and habitat.

To provide information about 2008 Sandy Lake/Behchokö fire; EFF fire training schedule; weekly fire map

** Moise Rabesca excused himself from Item 3.2 declaring a conflict of interest and left

3.2ENR-TG Revised Joint Proposal

Motion #163-08-06-2010To go in camera at 10:26 a.m.

Moved:Ray Case

Second:Charlie Rabesca

Motion Approved

Motion #164-08-06-2010To come out of camera at 11:55 a.m.

Moved:Ray Case

Second:Charlie Rabesca

Motion Approved

Motion #172-09-06-2010To go in camera at 1:42 p.m.

Moved:Charlie Rabesca

Second:Joseph Judas

Motion Approved

Motion #173-09-06-2010To come out of camera at 2:10 p.m.

Moved:Charlie Rabesca

Second:Joseph Judas

Motion Approved

Motion #174-09-06-2010To acknowledge receipt of the revised proposal and conclude that the conditions of the adjournment have been met. The Board will proceed with the final phase of the proceeding.

Moved:Ray Case

Second:Joseph Judas

Motion Approved

** Note – concurrence from Bruce MacDonald via written letter dated June 5, 2010.

Media release to be issued June 14, 2010.

3.3Intervenor Recommendation Review

Suggestion made to add the intervenor recommendation review to the public registry. Concerns were raised that recommendations could possibly change following the submission of the revised proposal and that intervenors will have no chance to rebut the compilation. Hearing transcripts provide complete documentation of all recommendations made; closing arguments are the chance for verification of recommendations. Intervenor recommendation review to remain as an internal reference document.

ACTION #78-08-06-2010 (Staff): To search transcripts to ensure a complete intervenor recommendation review exists

3.4TK Monitoring & Research Program Update – Allice Legat

PowerPoint Presentation tabled, entitled “Tåîchô Knowledge Research and Monitoring Program”

Program design is to be completed by June 2010 following verification by Working Group and Tåîchô Chiefs.

3.5Black Bear Wildlife Research Permit

ENR submitted a wildlife research permit application to assess the habituation of black bears to bait along Highway 3. This would require the use of satellite collars. Questions raised about whether the study design is effective and why the research is being conducted when a management plan has not been completed. ENR previously committed to developing a management plan; request that a management plan and literature review be completed and research needs be identified.

Motion #167-09-06-2010To not support the wildlife research permit as submitted. Request ENR to conduct a literature research and complete a management plan which identifies research needs.

Moved:Ray Case

Second:Moise Rabesca

Motion Approved

3.6Great Slave Lake Integrated Fisheries Management Plan – Alternate Selection

The WRRB has been invited to participate on the Working Group developing a Fisheries Management Plan for Great Slave Lake, which maximizes the commercial potential of Great Slave Lake, yet ensures subsistence fishing rights are protected. Karin Clark attended the first meeting of the Working Group in May 2010 and informed the group of Section 12.1.3(b) of the Tåîchô Agreement, which states “... the WRRB does not have authority respecting fish or fish habitat in Great Slave Lake.” As the Working Group will also be including tributaries of Great Slave Lake, they prefer that the WRRB be involved. The Working Group reports to the Great Slave Lake Advisory Committee.

As the Working Group is mainly technical people, Karin Clark will be the main member and Moise Rabesca will be appointed as the alternate.

Motion #168-09-06-2010To appoint Moise Rabesca as an alternate member to the Great Slave Lake Integrated Fisheries Management Plan Working Group

Moved:Charlie Rabesca

Second:Ray Case

Motion Approved

3.7Conference of Management Authorities Implementation Funding Request

CMA Implementation Funding Budget tabled. The budget provides for incremental funding to carry out responsibilities required under the NWT SARA legislation and Tåîchô Agreement.

Motion #169-09-06-2010To approve the CMA Implementation Funding budget as presented

Moved:Joseph Judas

Second:Moise Rabesca

Motion Approved

ACTION #80-09-06-2010 (ED): To write letter to GNWT and TG requesting support to receive additional implementation funding


4.12009-2010 Audited Financial Statement

Draft 2009-2010 Audited Financial Statement tabled for Board review. Further review by auditor required before final approval by the Board.


5.1L. Schmidt’s Resignation

ENR Appointee, Lance Schmidt, submitted a letter of resignation on May 5, 2010.

Motion #165-08-06-2010To accept Lance Schmidt’s May 5, 2010 resignation

Moved:Joseph Judas

Second:Moise Rabesca

Motion Approved

ACTION #79-08-06-2010 (ED): To write letter to L. Schmidt thanking for his contributions to the Board

5.2Privacy Policy

Draft Privacy Policy, June 4, 2010, tabled for Board review. Further review by legal counsel required before final approval and adoption by the Board.

5.3Policy Development

Staff have requested to develop additional policies for administrative and financial management of the Board and its affairs. Policies will be developed over time and brought to the Board for review and approval.

5.4Signing Authority

With the removal of Mike Romie and resignation of Lance Schmidt, the signing authority requires changing.

Motion #166-08-06-2010To remove Mike Romie and Lance Schmidt from the WRRB’s signing authority list at CIBC and RBC

Moved:Charlie Rabesca

Second:Moise Rabesca

Motion Approved

5.5Board Training

Members have requested that additional training opportunities be provided, including review of the Tåîchô Agreement. Staff are to bring forward relevant training opportunities to the Board as they arise.

6.0Information Items

Information items tabled for review by the Board Members.

7.0Other Items

7.1Next Meeting

The next meeting is proposed for June 29, 2010 in Yellowknife, in conjunction with Tåîchô Workshop, June 29-30, 2010.

7.2Round Table

Joseph Judas – Request for training on the Tåîchô Agreement, facilitated by Wendy Stephenson or James Wah-Shee (Action #81-09-06-2010)

Charlie Rabesca – Request map of where outfitter camps are located within Wek’èezhìi (Action #82-09-06-2010)

Closing Prayer:Joseph Judas

Adjournment3:00 p.m.

Minutes Approved:

Original Signed7 October 2010


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8-9 June 2010