APPENDIX C KEY STAGE 2 (validated)


At the end of Key Stage 2 pupils are assessed using teacher assessments for writing and science, and externally marked statutory tests in reading, maths and from this year a separate test for grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Source: DfE Statistical First Release 51/2013 12 December 2013

  • 78% of pupils achieving Level 4 and above in reading; 8% below national
  • 76% of pupils achieving Level 4 and above in writing; 8% below national
  • 77% of pupils achieving Level 4 and above in maths; 8% below national
  • 63% of pupils achieving Level 4 and above in reading, maths and writing (combined); 13% below national
  • 85% of pupils achieving 2 Levels of Progress in reading; 3% lower than national, a 2% improvement from 2012
  • 79% of pupils achieving 2 Levels of Progress in writing; 13% lower than national, a fall of 1% from 2012
  • 81% of pupils achieving 2 Levels of Progress in maths; 7% lower than national, and a fall of 3% from 2012
  • 63% of pupils achieving Level 4 and above in reading, maths and writing (combined); 13% lower than national.

Those children known to be eligible for FSM

  • 66% of pupils achieving Level 4 and above in reading; 9% below national – 12% below Poole
  • 53% of pupils achieving Level 4 and above in writing; 18% below national - 26% below Poole
  • 67% of pupils achieving Level 4 and above in maths; 7% below national – 10% below Poole
  • 46% of pupils achieving Level 4 and above in reading, maths and writing (combined); 14% below national – 20% below Poole


The Local Authority has the statutory duty to moderate teacher assessment in writing. The Primary Adviser leads moderation in Poole, alongside both head teachers and teachers, who have all undertaken a statutory rigorous selection process to ascertain the accuracy of their moderation judgement. Schools undertake cross-cluster, school-to-school moderation through out the year, overseen by qualified moderators and the primary Adviser. Statutory focussed moderation, following a four-year cycle, takes place in the summer term. The LA also has the statutory duty to monitor school’s procedures in delivering the end of Key Stage tests to ensure there is no maladministration. This involves a percentage of schools each year on a rolling program visited before, during and after the tests are taken.

Key headlines

The results for 2013 are very disappointing with Poole being placed at the bottom of the national table for a majority of the indicators above. The reasons are multi-factorial and the LA and head teachers are already engaged in making significant improvements for 2014. Poole is a small LA (16 schools where key stage assessments are taken) where the results in one or two schools can have a significant effect on overall results. Those children identified as known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) achieve significantly less than other pupils in Poole and less than other FSM pupils nationally. LA officers have interrogated both historic and projected performance data and those schools with any area of underperformance are already being supported through rigorous monitoring and quality assurance via procedures detailed in the LA ‘Policy for Monitoring and Intervention for Schools 2013’.

Key actions for Improvement 2013 – 2014

The primary headteachers and the local authority have agreed the following actions which are already underway:

  • There is a shared agreement that there is a need to balance short term rapid improvement of results for Year 5 and 6 with changed practice to sustain improvement for future years
  • The LA to convene half termly meetings (4 hours per meeting) with the headteachers to drive this agenda.
  • A KS1 and 2 Action Plan from each school will be produced for this year detailing how results for all pupils will improve, with reference to pupil premium and other vulnerable groups.
  • A data sharing agreement has been reached whereby data from all year groups, at pupil level, will be analysed to ensure that pupils are on track to achieve expectations.
  • KS1 and 2 moderation protocols and plan to standardise practice and to ensure compliance with the new Standards and Testing Agency practice.
  • Schools have been placed into clusters (5 per cluster) to jointly moderate and to share good practice, and provide professional development opportunities. They will be supported by the Primary Adviser.
  • There will be a transfer of all data for all pupils and their books at transition stage.
  • The Poole Schools Association will promote school to school support which will involve local Teaching Schools. The LA will be a member too to provide data, broker external support and signpost good practice within and outside the LA.
  • Active engagement with the National College and other Local authorities to learn from their good practice.

The School Monitoring and Intervention Team:

  • Has re-iterated the role of the LA team and are working with the headteachers to identify the issues and for schools to own them
  • Will provide an intensive year 5 and year 6 improvement project led by the Primary Adviser for all year 5 and 6 teachers to promote quality first teaching.
  • Have employed an additional post to undertake data analysis and provide a full analysis of pupil level data from June 2013 from DfE.
  • The analysis has identified which schools did not deliver the expected results and which pupil groups needed more support. We will continue to analyse the termly data download from schools.
  • Have commissioned additional school improvement advisers to work on behalf of the LA and provide additional capacity for LA school reviews.
  • Will continue to broker support outside the LA especially via the National College and local teaching schools.
  • Meet with all primary Chairs of Governors (4 Dec 2013) and continue to deliver data training sessions for Governors and to ensure they understand their responsibilities to ensure the pupils in their schools make the appropriate progress.
  • Will meet with the external school improvement partners to ensure that they are challenging appropriately. Review their effectiveness and require schools to seek another if insufficient challenge is provided.
  • Work with HMI to provide further bespoke training (Getting to Good, Making Good Progress in literacy and maths)
  • Will ensure that those teachers (20) participating in the Maths Masters programme (Winchester University impact on longer term subject knowledge

The LA School Monitoring and Intervention process

  • LA School Monitoring and Intervention process is in action in line with the LA School Monitoring and Intervention Policy
  • During the autumn term all primary schools were visited.
  • Those schools categorised as being in the ‘challenge / red’ LA category of school intervention are sending raw data to LA on a half term basis, meetings set up half termly to track and whole school reviews organised where not previously one done.
  • Further visits agreed in line with school category.

Key Stage 2 Results (historical data)

Poole vs National Key Stage 2 Data
Number Achieving at least L4 in single area
KS2RWM_15 / KS2RWM_16
2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013
England-KS2 L4 English / 80.00 / 80.00 / 82.00 / 85.00 / 87.00
Poole-KS2 L4 English / 81.00 / 81.00 / 85.00 / 84.00 / 83.00
England-KS2 L4 Reading / 85.77 / 83.00 / 84.00 / 87.00 / 86.00
Poole-KS2 L4 Reading / 86.66 / 85.00 / 88.00 / 86.00 / 78.00
England-KS2 L4 Writing / 67.72 / 71.00 / 75.00 / 81.00 / 83.00
Poole-KS2 L4 Writing / 67.17 / 70.00 / 77.00 / 77.00 / 76.00
England-KS2 L4 Maths / 79.00 / 79.00 / 80.00 / 84.00 / 85.00
Poole-KS2 L4 Maths / 76.00 / 80.00 / 81.00 / 83.00 / 77.00
Number Achieving at least L4 in both English and Maths (changed to L4+ in Reading, Writing and Maths in 2013)
KS2RWM_15 / KS2RWM_16
2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013
England-KS2 English & Maths / 72.00 / 73.00 / 74.00 / 79.00 / -
Poole-KS2 English & Maths / 70.00 / 73.00 / 76.00 / 78.00 / -
England-KS2 Reading, Writing & Maths / - / - / - / 75.00 / 75.00
Poole-KS2 Reading, Writing & Maths / - / - / - / 71.00 / 63.00
Progress Measures in both English and Maths (changed to L4+ in Reading, Writing and Maths in 2013)
KS2RWM_15 / KS2RWM_16
2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013
England-Prog KS1-2 Eng / 81.00 / 83.00 / 84.00 / 89.00 / -
Poole-Prog KS1-2 Eng / 78.00 / 78.00 / 82.00 / 83.00 / -
England-Prog KS1-2 Maths / 80.00 / 82.00 / 83.00 / 87.00 / 88.00
Poole-Prog KS1-2 Maths / 76.00 / 80.00 / 79.00 / 83.00 / 81.00
England-Prog KS1-2 Reading / - / - / - / 90.00 / 88.00
Poole-Prog KS1-2 Reading / - / - / - / 85.00 / 85.00
England-Prog KS1-2 Writing / - / - / - / 90.00 / 92.00
Poole-Prog KS1-2 Writing / - / - / - / 78.00 / 79.00