Ancient Greece Project
Due Date: February 5, 2014
You have been assigned a god/goddess from Greek Mythology. You must research, create a poster, and give a five-minute presentation based upon the mythological character that you have selected. You must answer the following questions in your presentation:
- Indicate what they are the god or goddess of and what special powers they possess.
- What symbol(s) represent your god or goddess?
- Find and read a myth that involves your god or goddess. What moral was learned from the myth involving your character? (Abrief summary of a story associated with your character would be a good idea to includein your presentation.)
- Why did the Greeks (and people from other nations) come up with these myths? Why do you think these stories still exist today?
Your poster must include:
- A picture of your god/goddess
- A visual of their symbol(s)
- The information from questions 3 and 4, presented in a creative way!
Rubric for Presentation
Content / Presentationaccurate and
well organized.
Notes complete
and well
20 pts. / Presentation
accurate. Notes
15 pts. / Presentation
Manner is
10 pts. / Incomplete
5 pts.
Presentation / Eye contact
with audience.
Well prepared.
Easy to hear
and understand.
20 pts. / Some eye
contact. Reads
from notes.
Able to be
heard and
15 pts. / Poorly
prepared. Hard
to read from
notes. Inaudible or
hard to hear.
10 pts. / Not prepared.
Missing or
Inaudible. Disorganized.
5 pts.
Visuals / Appropriate.
Well prepared.
Referred to and
15 pts. / Provided visuals that are appropriate.
10 pts. / Had visuals that did not correspond to the topic.
5 pts. / No visuals
0 pts.
Total: ___/55
Due Date: February 5, 2014
You have been assigned a demi-god from Greek Mythology. You must research, create a poster, and give a five-minute presentation based upon the mythological character that you have selected. You must answer the following questions in your presentation:
- Indicatewho the parents of your demi-god are.
- What special power(s) they possess?
- Find and read a myth that involves your demi-god. What moral was learned from the myth involving your character? (A brief summary of a story associated with your character would be a good idea to include in your presentation.)
- Why did the Greeks (and people from other nations) come up with these myths? Why do you think these stories still exist today?
Your poster must include:
- A picture of your demi-god
- The information from questions 1 through 4, presented in a creative way!
Rubric for Presentation
Content / Presentationaccurate and
well organized.
Notes complete
and well
20 pts. / Presentation
accurate. Notes
15 pts. / Presentation
Manner is
10 pts. / Incomplete
5 pts.
Presentation / Eye contact
with audience.
Well prepared.
Easy to hear
and understand.
20 pts. / Some eye
contact. Reads
from notes.
Able to be
heard and
15 pts. / Poorly
prepared. Hard
to read from
notes. Inaudible or
hard to hear.
10 pts. / Not prepared.
Missing or
Inaudible. Disorganized.
5 pts.
Visuals / Appropriate.
Well prepared.
Referred to and
15 pts. / Provided visuals that are appropriate.
10 pts. / Had visuals that did not correspond to the topic.
5 pts. / No visuals
0 pts.
Total: ___/55
Due Date: February 5, 2014
You have been assigned a creature or human from Greek Mythology. You must research, create a poster, and give a five-minute presentation based upon the mythological character that you have selected. You must answer the following questions in your presentation:
- Why are they important to Greek Mythology?
- What is unique about your character?
- Find and read a myth that involves your character. What moral was learned from the myth involving your character? (Abrief summary of a story associated with your character would be a good idea to includein your presentation.)
- Why did the Greeks (and people from other nations) come up with these myths? Why do you think these stories still exist today?
Your poster must include:
- A picture of your character
- The information from questions 1 through 4, presented in a creative way!
Rubric for Presentation
Content / Presentationaccurate and
well organized.
Notes complete
and well
20 pts. / Presentation
accurate. Notes
15 pts. / Presentation
Manner is
10 pts. / Incomplete
5 pts.
Presentation / Eye contact
with audience.
Well prepared.
Easy to hear
and understand.
20 pts. / Some eye
contact. Reads
from notes.
Able to be
heard and
15 pts. / Poorly
prepared. Hard
to read from
notes. Inaudible or
hard to hear.
10 pts. / Not prepared.
Missing or
Inaudible. Disorganized.
5 pts.
Visuals / Appropriate.
Well prepared.
Referred to and
15 pts. / Provided visuals that are appropriate.
10 pts. / Had visuals that did not correspond to the topic.
5 pts. / No visuals
0 pts.
Total: ___/55
1 / Zeus
2 / Hera
3 / Poseidon
4 / Helen of Troy
5 / Heracles
6 / Medusa
7 / Achilles
8 / Aphrodite
9 / Apollo
10 / Pandora
11 / Athena
12 / Artemis
13 / Demeter
14 / Polyphemus
15 / Hestia
16 / Agamemnon
17 / Daedalus
18 / Hector
19 / Icarus
20 / Medea
21 / Hades
22 / Midas
23 / Minos
24 / Odysseus
25 / Orion
26 / Paris
27 / Perseus
28 / Priam
29 / Hephaestus
30 / Persephone
31 / Cronus
32 / Ares
33 / Chaos
34 / Cerberus
35 / Hermes
36 / Dionysus
37 / Hecate
38 / Iris
39 / Nike
40 / Triton