Ancient Greece Project

Due Date: February 5, 2014


You have been assigned a god/goddess from Greek Mythology. You must research, create a poster, and give a five-minute presentation based upon the mythological character that you have selected. You must answer the following questions in your presentation:

  1. Indicate what they are the god or goddess of and what special powers they possess.
  2. What symbol(s) represent your god or goddess?
  3. Find and read a myth that involves your god or goddess. What moral was learned from the myth involving your character? (Abrief summary of a story associated with your character would be a good idea to includein your presentation.)
  4. Why did the Greeks (and people from other nations) come up with these myths? Why do you think these stories still exist today?

Your poster must include:

  1. A picture of your god/goddess
  2. A visual of their symbol(s)
  3. The information from questions 3 and 4, presented in a creative way!

Rubric for Presentation

Content / Presentation
accurate and
well organized.
Notes complete
and well
20 pts. / Presentation
accurate. Notes
15 pts. / Presentation
Manner is
10 pts. / Incomplete
5 pts.
Presentation / Eye contact
with audience.
Well prepared.
Easy to hear
and understand.
20 pts. / Some eye
contact. Reads
from notes.
Able to be
heard and
15 pts. / Poorly
prepared. Hard
to read from
notes. Inaudible or
hard to hear.
10 pts. / Not prepared.
Missing or
Inaudible. Disorganized.
5 pts.
Visuals / Appropriate.
Well prepared.
Referred to and
15 pts. / Provided visuals that are appropriate.
10 pts. / Had visuals that did not correspond to the topic.
5 pts. / No visuals
0 pts.
Total: ___/55

Due Date: February 5, 2014


You have been assigned a demi-god from Greek Mythology. You must research, create a poster, and give a five-minute presentation based upon the mythological character that you have selected. You must answer the following questions in your presentation:

  1. Indicatewho the parents of your demi-god are.
  2. What special power(s) they possess?
  3. Find and read a myth that involves your demi-god. What moral was learned from the myth involving your character? (A brief summary of a story associated with your character would be a good idea to include in your presentation.)
  4. Why did the Greeks (and people from other nations) come up with these myths? Why do you think these stories still exist today?

Your poster must include:

  1. A picture of your demi-god
  2. The information from questions 1 through 4, presented in a creative way!

Rubric for Presentation

Content / Presentation
accurate and
well organized.
Notes complete
and well
20 pts. / Presentation
accurate. Notes
15 pts. / Presentation
Manner is
10 pts. / Incomplete
5 pts.
Presentation / Eye contact
with audience.
Well prepared.
Easy to hear
and understand.
20 pts. / Some eye
contact. Reads
from notes.
Able to be
heard and
15 pts. / Poorly
prepared. Hard
to read from
notes. Inaudible or
hard to hear.
10 pts. / Not prepared.
Missing or
Inaudible. Disorganized.
5 pts.
Visuals / Appropriate.
Well prepared.
Referred to and
15 pts. / Provided visuals that are appropriate.
10 pts. / Had visuals that did not correspond to the topic.
5 pts. / No visuals
0 pts.
Total: ___/55

Due Date: February 5, 2014


You have been assigned a creature or human from Greek Mythology. You must research, create a poster, and give a five-minute presentation based upon the mythological character that you have selected. You must answer the following questions in your presentation:

  1. Why are they important to Greek Mythology?
  2. What is unique about your character?
  3. Find and read a myth that involves your character. What moral was learned from the myth involving your character? (Abrief summary of a story associated with your character would be a good idea to includein your presentation.)
  4. Why did the Greeks (and people from other nations) come up with these myths? Why do you think these stories still exist today?

Your poster must include:

  1. A picture of your character
  2. The information from questions 1 through 4, presented in a creative way!

Rubric for Presentation

Content / Presentation
accurate and
well organized.
Notes complete
and well
20 pts. / Presentation
accurate. Notes
15 pts. / Presentation
Manner is
10 pts. / Incomplete
5 pts.
Presentation / Eye contact
with audience.
Well prepared.
Easy to hear
and understand.
20 pts. / Some eye
contact. Reads
from notes.
Able to be
heard and
15 pts. / Poorly
prepared. Hard
to read from
notes. Inaudible or
hard to hear.
10 pts. / Not prepared.
Missing or
Inaudible. Disorganized.
5 pts.
Visuals / Appropriate.
Well prepared.
Referred to and
15 pts. / Provided visuals that are appropriate.
10 pts. / Had visuals that did not correspond to the topic.
5 pts. / No visuals
0 pts.
Total: ___/55
1 / Zeus
2 / Hera
3 / Poseidon
4 / Helen of Troy
5 / Heracles
6 / Medusa
7 / Achilles
8 / Aphrodite
9 / Apollo
10 / Pandora
11 / Athena
12 / Artemis
13 / Demeter
14 / Polyphemus
15 / Hestia
16 / Agamemnon
17 / Daedalus
18 / Hector
19 / Icarus
20 / Medea
21 / Hades
22 / Midas
23 / Minos
24 / Odysseus
25 / Orion
26 / Paris
27 / Perseus
28 / Priam
29 / Hephaestus
30 / Persephone
31 / Cronus
32 / Ares
33 / Chaos
34 / Cerberus
35 / Hermes
36 / Dionysus
37 / Hecate
38 / Iris
39 / Nike
40 / Triton