
Type of modality / Active, mentally challengingBoard Game
Type of play / Shared cooperative
Interaction pattern / Multilateral
# of participants required / At least 2 players but no more than 4
Equipment/supplies / Gameboard
Letter Tiles
Letter Pouch
Tile Racks
Facilities required/environment / An open table or an open area on a floor
Precautions / Play in a clean area so pieces don’t get lost or confused with other objects also a Choking hazard

Sequence/Directions (Details of how a to move through the activity from start to finish)this can be less than ten steps of more than ten steps…

1. Set the game board and other pieces up on the surface you choose to play

2.Player 1 picks one letter tile from the letter bag followed by player 2 doing the same. Whoever has the letter tile closest to the letter ‘A’ goes first

3.Replace the two letter tiles and then each player picks 7 letter tiles to place on their letter rack for game play

4.Player 1 then formulates a word while using his/her letter tiles from their rack. Once a word is formed the word can be placed on the board starting with a letter being on the middle square on the board. A word can only be placed on the board either across to the right of down. Diagonal and backward words are not allowed.

5.To complete the turn, Player one must count how many points received (per squares on the board) and draw as many letters used for that turn out of the letter bag to replace them. You should continually have 7 letters on your tile rack.

6.Player 2 then repeats the process as listed above.

7.Player 2’s tiles that are being played on the board haveto combine with at least one of the tiles that have previously been placed on the board. If one or more tiles connect they must form to make a word. The player gets credit for each newword that is formed

8.Other players may challenge any of the words you make, so have one dictionary ready for game play

9.Process is repeated until all tiles are used

Activity Analysis (What is required of this activity without any adjustments, accommodations, alterations)

Category / Skills
Primary body position / DynamicSitting
Part of the body required / Mainly upper extremities
Movement / Carrying in the hands, Scissor Grasp, Radial-Digital Grasp, Pincer Grasp, Picking Up, Putting down objects, Reaching, Releasing, Stretching, Turning or twisting hands and arms
Physical / Balance (dynamic sitting), Crossing midline, Fine muscle coordination, Range of motion (upper extremities), Visual-motor integration
Cognitive / Arousal/alertness, Sustaining Attention, Calculation, Categorization, Cognitive flexibility, concept formulation, concentration, Decision making (simple), Intellectual Knowledge, Memory (long term), orientation (person), Organization and planning, Problem Solving (simple), Reading, Recognition (number & shapes), Sequencing, Spelling, Strategy
Social / Heterogeneity, Homogeneity, maintaining social space, relating with equals, regulating behavior, relationships (forming), social conduct, social cues, showing respect & warmth, Showing tolerance
Perception / Auditory, Tactile, Visual
Communication/language / Reception to spoken language, reception to written language, expression of spoken language
Self-care / N/A
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Joy of winner, guilt of cheating, frustration of losing


Ways to SIMPLIFY demands / Ways to make more COMPLEX
Cognitively / Increase number of tiles/letters a person can take so they have more letters to select from. / Use more complex words (do not allow words that are less than four letters.)
Physically / Decrease the number of game pieces. Have a spinning board, bring bag of tiles closer, have someone assist placing letters / Make person stretch to reach board, play standing.
Socially / Have all players help each other/eliminate competition / Increase the number of participants to 4 players or make teams. Teams can make it more complex as members have to agree with choice