Transition from Provisional to (full) Registration - Summary Record of Sources of Evidence
Name ______Registration Number ______
An audit of a randomly selected number of applications will take place to confirm each applicant has shared evidence from a range of sources to substantiate how they have met each of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachersat the Proficient career stage.
Teachers who are identified will be notified of their participation in an audit and asked to forward to the Board, within 28 days of being notified of their inclusion in the audit, their Summary Record of Sources of Evidence document, detailing explicit and clear explanations of evidence used. This record is a summary of the examples of evidence and also the process(es) used with an evaluator at the site level. No hard copies of evidence need to be included with this audit.
Evidence considered should cover a broad scope of your knowledge, practice and engagement. Evidence can be drawn from numerous sources and maybe used to address multiple descriptors within and across Standards.
Examples of evidence may be sourced from:
- teacher’s work – planning, preparation, organisation, documentation
- student/children’s learning /student/children’s work samples
- curriculum and planning documentation
- assessment and reporting documentation and record keeping
- collaborations and communications with parents, carers and community
- classroom/learning environmentmanagement strategies and practices
- professional learning plans and learning communities
Teachers involved in the audit are also required to explain the process(es) used to share their evidence with their evaluator.
Examples of process(es) may be sourced from:
- professional observations
- collaborations with colleagues
- performance and development processes
Induction and mentoring can support teachers as they move from the Graduate to Proficientcareer level. During the time that you have held Provisional Registration have you participated in induction/ mentoring which has assisted you to gain (full) Registration?
If no, why not?
(eg no support offered, no ongoing work)
If yes, please describe what this involved?
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
- Know students and how they learn
What evidence was used to substantiate meeting this Standard to the Proficient career stage?
- Know the content and how to teach it
What evidence was used to substantiate meeting this Standard to the Proficient career stage?
- Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
What evidence was used to substantiate meeting this Standard to the Proficient career stage?
- Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
What evidence was used to substantiate meeting this Standard to the Proficient career stage?
- Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
What evidence was used to substantiate meeting this Standard to the Proficient career stage?
- Engage in professional learning
What evidence was used to substantiate meeting this Standard to the Proficient career stage?
- Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
What evidence was used to substantiate meeting this Standard to the Proficient career stage?
Explain the process used to share this evidence with your evaluator.
I declare that the above is a true and correct summary record of the sources of evidence I used to substantiate meeting each of the Australian Professional Standards for teachers at the Proficient career stage for the purpose of applying to transition from Provisional to (full) Registration.
Signed: ______Dated: ______