Board of DirectorsMINUTES
09/16/2014 /
Location: Country Cupboard– 9:00 Meeting Start
Attendance: Karen Nagle, Marcia Cooney, Kristi Cellitti, Nancy Berghauer, Dave Scarr, Shelly Ritter, Rita Pollard, John Wolfe, Juliann Brown, Edie Moyer, Patti Tamecki, Andrea Long.
Absent: Sue Greene and Lisa Erickson
- Secretary (Pollard)
The Board reviewed the minutes. Karen moved to accept the minutes as written. Nancy seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
- Treasurer (Long)
Andy noted that we received additional dues and payment for a website advertisement as well as reimbursement from SHRM. Expenses included the expenses from the state conference and board meeting.
Rita moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Edie second and all approved.
- Membership(Moyer)
There were no new members to review. We have begun to use the SHRM website for membership and discontinued using the Yahoo account as the SHRM website is easier for sending out and maintaining memberships. This requires to only maintain one list, however, SHRM does not allow email responses. Therefore we continue to use the Yahoo account for email for which we want a response.
We will send out membership notices about November. It was agreed that we would alert people at the October meeting this will be coming with a reminder in November.
- Program Committee (Cooney)
We have topics for most meetings, but need an idea for the 7 A coffee and conversation in February.
We anticipate having a discussion from Kristine of Susquehanna University about internships and how they can add value. Could also have participation from Bucknell.
For coffee and conversation, it was suggested that we talk to the group about the board and our strategic plan in April or May.
We do not have a topic for the May meeting. John suggested Conflict Resolution/Mediation. John will send information about a possible speaker.
- Seminar/ Education Committee (Ritter)
The Women’s Leadership Symposium is in October. Patti will be attending the Symposium on SHRMA’s behalf.
Sue Greene will take over this role when Shelly becomes president in January.
- Public Relations Committee (Pollard)
Discussion surrounded transitioning communication and public relations to the internet with Kristi supporting that via the website. It was agreed that we should use whatever medium – web page, face facebook, linked in or whatever resource will best reach our members. It was agreed that in November as part of coffee and conversation we will ask the membership what manner with which they want to be communicated to assure that they are getting the emails and other information disseminated. The importance of keeping the website up to date was addressed.
It was discovered that SHRM requires us to maintain a Privacy Policy during an audit of our website. The group reviewed two drafts sent out by Juliann and the group agreed that the shorter one would meet our needs. Patti moved to take the shorter one with Edie seconding and all in agreement. Kristi will attach the Privacy Policy to the presenting existing link.
- Labor/Legislative (Wolfe)
There was no update this month, but John remains on the mailing list for the local politicians and can share information as received.
- Scholarship (Greene,Ritter)
It had been previously agreed that we would support conference attendance in lieu of a college scholarship. Dave suggested that we could use money to pay an intern to do work for the chapter. We would need to identify what we want for this, possibly research.
- Workforce Readiness (Tamecki/Cellitti)
Nothing to report at this time.
Old Business
There was no old business to discuss.
New Business - Upcoming election
The group was asked about potential changes in their role. Dave acknowledged
that he may leave the board to join a chapter in New York where he has been
working. He will let the Board know so we may need a new Board member.
The Nominating Committeeis made up of Angela Hummel, Lindsey Carr and
Candy Davis.
The need for a Privacy Policy was discussed during the Public Relations committee
Other possibilities for our website were discussed including how the Centre
County chapter uses their website for things like membership updates and a link
with membership renewal information as well as a newsletter. While some of the
ideas are of interest, this would need the commitment of a member to keep it up to
date. Understanding what information our membership wants, i.e. SHRM
certification or other information could help us determine how best to use our
We revisited our discussion of possibly partnering with the West Branch. They had suggested a Legal Legislative conference as they have dates to do a half day meeting. We already have Mark Fontana on schedule to do this for us as well as the statewide Legislative and Legal Conference in April so we may want to explore a different idea. Additionally, as our agenda is pretty well set for the year, we would likely need to add an additional meeting. Ideas included having a SHRM presenter, possibly having the Federal Mediation Service provide a free presentation Karen also mentioned that she knew an attorney who would be willing to do a free presentation. It was also agreed that we should share our programming calendars to facilitate attendance of members at the others meetings. Typically, they do lunch meetings the second Wednesday of the month. Attendees from the other chapter would be responsible for program fees.
Candy Davis has indicated that she would be willing to contact members who are not presently attending to see what they are looking for in the chapter and how we could meet membership needs. We also want to better communicate the benefits of membership and attendance. One idea was to do a meeting summary or send out the Powerpoint or put a link on the website for members to access. Surveying the membership was also discussed. While this does not always provide a lot of information we could do so quarterly via survey monkey. The group continued to feel that breakfast at the current location is the best option for our meetings, membership and attendance.
Next Board Meeting
10/21/14 9:00 – 10:00 AM