JUNE 15, 2015

The regular meeting of the Ramsey Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Re’ at 7:32 p.m. Also present were Mrs. Mandel, Mrs. Oliver, and Mr. Wittmann, Commissioners, Council Liaison Jones, and Recreation Director Patterson. Mr. Blasius, Mr. Popolo, Mrs. Prestifilippo, and Mr. Winterhalter were absent.


Mr. Wittmann moved that the minutes of the May 18, 2015 meeting be accepted as received, seconded by Mrs. Oliver, and passed.


Greg Kolenut and Andrew Magnus, representing the Ramsey Junior Football Association, were present to discuss sponsor banners. Any recommendations which were discussed will be sent to the governing body. Going forward, rules and regulations for the display of sponsorship banners within the borough will be developed. There are two sizes, 3 feet by 5 feet for $500 and 4 feet by 6 feet for $750. Custom banners are also an option as are flag banners. One pennant, Good Energy’s, remains up since there was a problem getting it down. These sponsorship banners are an important piece of the fundraising for the RJFA. Football costs are quite high. For example, there is a $75 fee per game for a medical person on site. As many as fifty or sixty banners are possible although thirty or forty banners is a more reasonable number. The locations for the banners at MacFarran Field were discussed. Nothing would be on the main road. The base color is white; the banners are mesh rather than vinyl. All of the banners are made by the same vendor. Generally they would be put up, using clips, on Fridays and taken down on Mondays. Practice starts on Saturday, August 8th. The season starts on Saturday, September 19th and runs for ten weeks into November. Councilman Jones noted that the banners must look good and be tastefully done.


The final deadline for camp registrations was Friday, June 12th. By that date, approximately 410 campers were registered. Mr. Patterson had received eight calls after that deadline. Those children will be allowed to register.

Mr. Popolo’s son and Kaitlin Kelaher are the 2015 scholarship winners. The scholarships are five hundred dollars each.

Home Run Derby is scheduled for Saturday, June 20th. Those Commissioners who will be available to help should be at Finch Park by 9:15 a.m.

Mr. Wittmann secured one hundred tickets for the Friday, July 17th Yankee game against the Mariners. The cost is $50 per participant for the ticket and the bus. The two buses will leave promptly at 4:30 p.m. from Smith School. To date, ten tickets have been sold. Those who participate will be asked to contribute to the tips for the bus drivers.

The “Movie in the Park” is scheduled for Friday, June 26th, to be handled by Michael Wright. The movie will be “Night at the Museum 3.” Four Yankee tickets will be raffled. Ms. Re’ will contact the police, purchase prizes for the pre-movie bingo games, and ask if the refreshment stand could be open.

Councilman Jones reported that the borough’s Fourth of July activities will be held on Friday, July 3rd, with a Sunday, July 5th raindate.

Plans for the Ramsey Run will be finalized at the July meeting since the August meeting will be canceled. As in 2014, a DJ will be hired for the morning.

The football sponsorship banners were discussed and will be allowed at MacFarran Field during the 2015 season. Nothing will be facing on Williams Drive. They will be displayed from Friday to Monday during the season. Their placement will begin at the building. Councilman Jones will share the information with the governing body. Further guidelines will be established going forward.


There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m. upon motion by Mrs. Mandel, seconded by Mrs. Oliver, and passed.