Accessible Information and Inclusive Practice Workshop
December 2nd 2009
Library Training Room – BLU Complex
CAPSL and TIC would like to invite you to attend the above named workshop which aims to assist College to implement the recently adopted Accessible Information Policy ( This policy makes a formal commitment that all College information, whether online, in print or person to person should be available in an accessible format, without discrimination against those with print disabilities.
Furthermore, through the Trinity Inclusive Curriculum project, College has made a further commitment to embed inclusive teaching, learning, and assessment practices within the academic environment of College.
These workshops are being facilitated by Simon Ball from JISC TechDis ( in the UK who are experts in the field of accessible information and inclusive use of technology and will hold a workshop consisting of three separate but related sessions in College on December 2nd, which will focus on the provision of accessible information and inclusive use of technology in teaching.
Staff may not be able to attend all sessions and may want to select from those outlined below:
Session 1: 9.30 - 11.00
"Everyday accessibility: using Microsoft(R) Word and PowerPoint, and PDFs, to maximise accessibility"
This session is aimed at all staff involved in the creation and provision of information within College, including administration, teaching, learning resources and support. It will demonstrate some simple techniques that everyone can apply in their daily practice when working with MS Office and PDFs that will result in these being much more accessible to a wide range of users.
11.00 – 11.30Coffee Break
Session 2: 11.30 - 12.30
"Achievable technology: making teaching more inclusive using simple techniques such as podcasting and screen capture"
This session is aimed at teaching staff and Directors of Teaching and Learning. It will demonstrate a range of free and user-friendly technologies that can be employed to make your teaching more accessible and inclusive. These include automated and self-voiced podcasting software, screen capture, and the use of learning object creation tools.
12.30 – 1.30Lunch: Not provided
Session 3: 1.30 - 2.30
"Accessibility: Roles and Responsibilities - whose job is it anyway?"
This discursive session is aimed at managers, heads of schools, Directors of Teaching and Learning, decision makers, teaching staff, and web designers. It will explore the responsibilities of a range of roles across the university in terms of inclusive practice. Specific reference will be made to assessment and feedback, as well as web and VLE accessibility. Resources that managers can utilise to self-evaluate accessibility and subsequently adjust policy or process will be signposted.
If you wish to attend, please RSVP stating whether you wish to attend:
Session 1 Session 2
Session 3All Sessions
Tick all that apply.