IRIS Newsletter 56
May 2018

IRIS newsletter 551

Latest IRIS version 1.13.0 Build 18148

A revised upgrade build (18148) of version 1.13.0 has been posted on the IRIS Agency Portal.

This new IRIS 1.13.0 Build 18148 was devised specifically to fix the following errors:

- Unable to save a case/client when attempting to create a new Non-Sub case.
- Non Sub Case - Child Concerns entry not saving under Family Services Case Type.

- Updated suburbs table to include 3024 Manor Lakes and 3940 Capel Sound.

* Please note: This new IRIS 18148 build only needs to be deployed if you are experiencing any of the above issues.

All upgrade files and instructions can be found via the data submission timelines page on the Funded Agency Channel website: <

Detailed and specific instructions are provided on this site. It is vital that you carefully read and follow all the instructions so that the upgrade will be completed successfully.Thefunded agencies, DHHS and DET/DJR, are required to complete the upgrade by 30th of June 2018.

Please note: The ‘old’ version (1.12) data fileswill not be accepted from 1 July onwards. Only upgraded 1.13 data files will be accepted.

Background on the IRIS update project and release cycle

This upcoming May 2018 IRIS release includes significant new functionality, including:

  • Changes to the non-sub case for Child FIRST and Integrated Family Services (IFS)
  • SLKs for children and partners across Child FIRST, IFS, Stronger Families and Cradle to Kinder.
  • New fields that capture pre & post intervention ‘Engagement with universal services’ for children in Child FIRST, IFS, and Stronger Families cases (Cradle to Kinder case already included limited engagement information)
  • Changes to some drop down lists – for example several ‘Hub’ related referral sources are now available, intended for use by IFS agencies in the five Hub areas.
  • Agencies using the Child FIRST, IFS, Stronger Families and Cradle to Kinder Programsmust refer to the specific instructions on the newsletter page.

Child FIRST - Family Services catchment agencies must run the same version

The client/case referral system in IRIS will only work between participating agencies if they are all using the same version of IRIS.

Therefore, each Family Services-Child FIRST intake agency (after upgrading) must ensure that all partner agencies in their catchment area have run the upgrade to 1.13.0before resuming the referral process.

All referrals and track-backs from the IRIS 1-12-0versions that are not yet processed and finalised must be closed, tracked-back and imported before doing the upgrade.

Child FIRST-Family Services

Agencies using the Child First-Family Services Program must refer to the specific upgrade on the download page.

Financial Counselling Program-DJR

Agencies using the Financial Counselling Program must refer to the specific upgrade instructions for the CAV FCP Client Data Extract on the download page. Please note the upgrade will install the data extract automatically if the extract file already exists in the IRIS folder.

Changes in IRIS 1.13.0

The version upgrade from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 includes the following enhancements:

Client Details tab:
- New Optional Fields: ‘Eligible for NDIA’ & ‘Identify as LGBTI’.
-'Region' field name changed to 'DHHS Local Area'.
- Safety Alert’field text changed to stay red after saving the client record.
All Cases - New Feature - Printing Case Notes: A new feature has been added whereby it is now possible to Print 1 Case Note at a time. (To print all case notes click on ‘Combined View’ and print.)
All Cases: ‘Demographics’ and ‘Notes’ tabs added under ‘Related Persons’ section .
All Cases Case Details tab: Household Type lookup value changed from ‘Lone person’ to ‘Single person’.
All Cases Related Persons tab:Label changed from'With Client' to 'Living with Client'.
All Cases Services tab: Service time can now be entered by hours and minutes.
All Cases Case Details tab:the lookup value of 'unknown' has been added to Source of Income.
All Cases Closure tab: Point of Closure and Reason for Closure lists have been updated.
All Non-Sub Cases- Layout changed with Client information, Admin information and Notes separated for all case types.

All Cases Case Details tab: the lookup value of 'unknown' has been added to Source of Income.

All Cases Closure tab: Point of Closure and Reason for Closure lists have been updated.

All Non-Sub Cases - Layout changed with Client information, Admin information and Notes separated for all case types.

Cradle to Kinder Cases mandatory field changes:
The following fields under ‘Client Background’ are now mandatory:
- First time Mother?
- Referral to Antenatal Service?
- Gestation Period
- Mother’s Education Level (word 'mother' added to field name)
- Mother Currently in OOHC (word 'mother' added to field name)
- Mother Previously in OOHC (word 'mother' added to field name)
- Current Children CP History
Cradle to Kinder Case: New field ‘CRIS Client Id’ addedto the Child Details section.
Cradle to Kinder Case ONLY: 'SLK' field added to the Child Details section.
Non-Sub Cases - Family Services Cases:
- New mandatory field added: ‘Concern in related to Child/unborn’ with dropdown list:
- No children
- No concern
- Wellbeing concern
- Significant wellbeing concern
- Outcome field is now mandatory with an updated dropdown list.
Family Services Case Details tab: ‘CP Status’ field should be activated when Referral Source 'Aboriginal Children in Aboriginal Care' is selected.
FS, Stronger Families, 200 Hours & Changing Future Cases: ‘Household Type’ & ‘Housing Type’ are now mandatory fields.
FS and Cradle to Kinder cases: ‘Housing Tenure’ is an optional field.
All FS Cases: 'Info sharing - Child Wellbeing' and 'Information sharing - FV perpetrator' added in New Services dropdown list.
FS Cases ONLY: ‘Engagement’ tab added under ‘Related Persons’ tab.

FS Cases ONLY: 'Case category' and 'Case category date' removed.

SASS Cases - CP Outcome field: New dropdown values ‘Case unallocated’ and ‘Case contracted’ added.

SASS Cases - Services tab: ‘Vocational education/training’ added to ‘Referral to’ in New Service dropdown list.

SASS Cases Case Details tab ONLY: ‘Gender’ field removed from Client Background section in the SASS case details section.

FV & SASS Cases: New ‘Referral Sources’ for - Support and Safety Hub and MDC values.

Family Violence Cases ONLY: Change implemented to permit the reopening of FV cases within 3 months period fromthe date of closure.

Family Violence Cases: ‘Unknown’ added to ‘FV Cause/contributed’ field in Case Details tab.

Family Violence Cases: New mandatory field added ‘Client completed MBCP’.

Reposition of two fields in FV cases: 1) ‘FV Caused/Contribute’ to Disabilities; 2) (Client) ‘Involved in CP (Child Protection).

FV & SASS Cases: Lone person changed to ‘single’ person in household type

FV & SASS: Addition of sub-fields ‘Adult & Child’ in declined DOB has been deferred

SASS Case: Audit function of who is tracking case notes has been deferred.

Updated Kindergartens List:Fields that contain kindergartens have been revised with the latest Department of Education and Training (DET) list of registered children’s services organisations.

Open cases for FV & SASS

Service Providers are to close any open cases that pre-date 2016-17 and are no longer receiving a service. If the case is inherited and history unknown, please use the last known service date as the date of closure.Once all outstanding cases are closed, please run and resubmit an 'all data' export to capture the historical data. Once the data has been processed, the Performance and Reporting team will then update the team room reports.

If using TRAKCARE the data will need to be resubmitted to capture the year the case was closed.

If the open cases that have been sent by FSV don’t match your system please contact the IRIS Helpdesk.


Please email to reserve your place. Bookings are essential.

IRIS Training Dates:

Wednesday 19September 2018 (10am - 12pm)

Friday 12 October 2018 (10am - 12pm)

Wednesday 14November 2018 (10am - 12pm)

Wednesday 28November 2018 (10am - 12pm)

Friday 12 December 2018 (10am - 12pm)

Feedback Welcomed

The IRIS team welcomes any feedback, suggestions and improvements on the IRIS system, the IRIS processes and the communications (such as this) disseminated to funded organisations.

IRIS Helpdesk: 03 9096 6919

To receive this publication in an accessible format phone 03 9096 6919, using the National Relay Service 13 36 77 if required, or
Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
© State of Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services July 2016

Email (Help desk) (Data export)