Bylaws of the Antioch College Alumni Association Board of Directors


In order to further the purposes of the Antioch College Alumni Association (Association) as set forth in the Constitution, the aims and goals of this Association shall be, through its own actions, offices of Antioch College (College) and local alumni chapters, to:

A.Foster communication among fellow alumni, alumni chapters, the Association and the College.

B.Coordinate and conduct the Annual Alumni Reunion.

C.Support the development and operation of alumni chapters.

D.Conductfundraising in collaboration and coordination with the fundraising efforts of the College.

E.Aid in the recruitment and mentoring of students.

F.Help identify, arrange and enhance co-op jobs.

G.Confer, coordinate and collaborate with the Board of Trustees of the College to enhance the well-being of the College on matters within the Association’s purposes.

H.Participate in other necessary and appropriate activities to further these aims and goals and the purposes set forth in the Constitution.

Article ISelection of Directors

Section 1 - Eligibility

The Board of Directors (Board) shall be selected from among the members of the Association.

Section 2 - Selection Procedures

A.Elected Members. The Nominating Committee, established under Article VI, Section 2 of these Bylaws, shall work with the College to solicit and gather nominations to fill positions on the Board.

The Nominating Committee shall present its list of nominations to the Board in writing at least 30 days in advance of the Board meeting that immediately precedes the Annual Meeting of the members of the Association (Annual Meeting), or at a Special meeting called for the purpose of nominating Directors.

The Board shall vote to approve the list of nominees for Directors. If a majority rejects the list, the Board may then amend it. All names on the list of Board-approved names shall be submitted for election by mail and/or electronic ballot.

Notice of the slate of nominees, voting instructions and ballots shall be sent to all members of the Association by mail and/or electronically. The Board shall set a date that is at least 14 days in advance of the Annual Meeting and only those ballots that the Office of Alumni Relations or its successor receives by mail or electronically by the close of business on the date set by the Board shall be counted.

The nominees who receive the most votes shall be elected to the Board by number of votes received until all vacancies on the Board are filled (e.g., if six positions are to be filled, the six nominees receiving the most votes shall be elected). In the event of a tie, the Board shall break the tie by a majority vote.

B.Appointed Members. The Board may appoint by a majority vote such additional Directors as may be deemed necessary 1) to fill any vacancies that exist on the Board or 2) to complete the terms of Directors who resign in mid-term. All appointments should take into account such factors as involvement with the College and the diversity of the Board with regard to skills, gender, age/year, geographic distribution, race/ethnicity, and sexual orientation.

If an appointment is to fill the remainder of a term of another Director who has left the Board, the appointed Director will be eligible to be elected to two full three year terms after completing the remainder term if the remainder term was one year or less, but will be eligible to be elected to one full three-year term after completing the remainder term if the remainder term was more than one year.

Article IITerm of Service and Responsibilities of Directors

Section 1 - Term of Service

A. Term of Service. Elected Directors shall assume office at the end of the Annual Meeting, or on another date designated by the Board when the Board meets to approve the slate of nominees. Appointed Directors shall assume office at the Board meeting (which may be a regular or Special Board meeting) immediately following their appointment.

B. Term Limits. Directors shall serve no more than two consecutive three-year terms in addition to any remainder term to which the Director had been appointed as provided in this Section 2 B, with the exception that, subject to the following sentence, a president or vice-president may serve on the Board until his/her term of office expires. In no event shall a Director serve as a Director for longer than 12 consecutive years even if such Director has not yet completed his/her second two-year term as president or vice-president. Former directors who have served their full permitted consecutive term as Directors, including any time as president or vice president as permitted in these By-laws, shall not be eligible to run for the Board until two years following the last date of their serving as a Director.

Section 2 - Responsibilities of Directors; Board

Each Director isexpected to participate in and contributeto the work of the Board, which includesattendingregular and special meetingsof the Board absent compelling personal or professional circumstances, serving ontwo standing Board committees, being active in achapter of the Alumni Associationwhere feasible and making a personally significant financial contribution to the College.

The Board is expected to assist the College. The Board’s responsibilities shall not include the management or operation of the College.

Article IIINumber of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of no fewer than 21 and no more than 30 Directors.

Article IVMeetings of Directors

Section 1 - Regular Meetings

A. Schedule and Purpose. At least three regular meetings of the Board shall be held in person each year. One shall be on campus during the annual College Reunion and the other two required meetings shall be held at any time at the call of the President. The purpose of the meetings shall be to nominate Directors, elect Officers, receive reports from current Directors, Officers, and committees, and transact other business of the Association.

B. Notification. The Secretary shall send written or other notice of regular Board meetings to all Directors at least 30 days before any such meeting. The notice shall state the time, place, and agenda of the meeting.

Section 2 - Special Meetings

A. Presidential Prerogative. The President may call Special Board meetings upon his or her own initiative.

B. Directors’ Request. The President shall call Special Board meetings at the written request of 1/3 of the Directors. Special Board meetings shall be called no later than 30 days after the President receives such request.

C. Notice and Means. The notice shall state the time and purpose of the meeting as well as other relevant information. Special Board meetings may be held via telephone conference or other means. Written notice of such Special Board meetings shall be sent by the President or Secretary to all Directors at least five days before any such meeting.

Section 3 - Validity of Actions Taken at Meetings or in Writing

An action shall be valid if it is taken at a regular or Special Board meeting that is properly called and if a quorum of the Board attends that meeting. If no quorum exists at a regular or Special Board meeting, the President may give notice to Directors within ten days after the date of such meeting to vote on an action in writing. The action shall be valid if all of the Directors vote in favor of the action in writing within ten days after the date of such notice.

Section 4 - Quorum

A quorum at any meeting shall be a simple majority of the number of Directors then serving. An action taken by a vote of the majority of Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be a valid action.

Article VOfficers

Section 1 - Number

The Board shall elect from among the Directors:

A.a President

B.a Vice President

C.a Secretary

D.such other Officers as the Board may from time to time determine

Section 2 - Election

A. Nominations. The Nominating Committee, established under Article VI, Section 2 of these Bylaws, shall work with the College to solicit and gather nominations to fill the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and such other offices as the Board may from time to time determine.

The Nominating Committee shall present its list of nominations in writing to the Board at least 30 days in advance of the Board meeting that immediately precedes the Annual Meeting, or at a Special Board meeting called for the purpose of electing such Officers.

B. Voting. Each Director may vote for one nominee for each office to be filled. The votes shall be cast by written ballot at the Board meeting at which the list of nominations is presented. The nominee who receives the most votes shall be elected, provided that no one shall be elected to office without a majority of the votes of those Directors present.

Section 3 - Term

A.General. Each Officer’s term of office shall be two years, or until a successor is duly elected and takes office. Officers shall assume office at the end of the annual meeting following their election as an Officer or in the case of a vacancy, at the time of election as an Officer. An Officer may be re-elected for one additional two-year term in the same office.

B.President and Vice-President. A president- or vice president-designee who has not been elected by the Association as a Director within the prior six years at the time his/her next term of office would begin, must stand for election as a Director and be elected by the Association before being eligible to serve further as an Officer.

Section 4 - Duties

A.President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board, serve as Chair of the Executive Committee, and act as the liaison to the College Board of Trustees. He or she shall also be a member of all committees ex officio, except the Nominating Committee. As President, he or she shall perform all other duties appertaining to the office.

B.Vice President. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President. In case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall act as President for the remainder of the President’s term of office. The Vice President shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee, and shall perform all such other duties as the President and the Board may designate.

C.Secretary. The Secretary shall serve on the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall prepare the minutes at all Executive Committee meetings, Board meetings, Special Board meetings, and Board conference calls. The Secretary shall also send out meeting announcements and distribute copies of the minutes and the agenda to each Board member. The Secretary shall send the minutes of Board meetings, Special Board meetings, and Board conference calls in writing to the Directors. Once the Board approves the minutes, the minutes shall be sent to the person or office that manages the Association web site promptly for posting.

Article VICommittees

Section 1 - The Executive Committee

A. Composition and Purpose. The Executive Committee, consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary, other elected officers, and the Chairs of the Standing Committees, has two primary functions: (1) to conduct business of the Board between meetings of the full Board and when the Board is in recess and (2) serve as advisors to the President. Whenever practical and reasonable, the Executive Committee will utilize the ability to convene special meetings by phone or other means to refer substantive issues to the Board as a whole for discussion and decision. In addition, the Executive Committee shall serve such other functions as the President deems necessary between Board meetings or when the Board is in recess.

B. Notice and Closure. Executive Committee meeting notices and agendas shall be distributed to all Directors at least one week in advance of the Executive Committee meeting. Attendance at Executive Committee meetings shall be open to all Directors, except for discussion of personnel matters and other sensitive issues requiring confidentiality as determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 2 - The Nominating Committee

A. Directors. The Nominating Committee, consisting of a Chair and other members, shall work with the College to propose candidates for membership on the Board and shall provide sufficient information to enable timely decisions by the full Board. In addition, the Nominating Committee shall work with the College to actively recruit candidates who are both qualified and able to devote the necessary time and energy to serve on the Board. The Nominating Committee should take into account such factors as involvement with the College and the diversity of the Board with regard to skills, gender, age/year, geographic distribution, race/ethnicity, and sexual orientation. It shall work with the College to devise procedures for filling vacancies as they occur.

B. Officers. The Nominating Committee shall work with the College to propose candidates for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, and such other Officers as the Board may from time to time determine.

Section 3 - The Chapters Committee

A. Chapters. The ChaptersCommittee shall work with the College and the alumni to form and support alumni chapters and to keep members of chapters informed of developments involving the College and/or the Association.

B. Co-op. The Chapters Committee shall work with the College and the alumni to identify, arrange and enhance co-op jobs.

Section 4 - The Reunion Committee

A. Reunion. The Reunion Committee shall work with the College to coordinate and conduct the Annual Alumni Reunion.

B. Awards. The Reunion Committee shall work with the College to propose nominees for the following Alumni recognition awards: Horace Mann Award, J.D. Dawson Award, Arthur Morgan Award, Rebecca Rice Award, and in conjunction with Alumni of Courage for Diversity, the Walter Anderson Award, plus such other awards as the Board shall from time to time determine.

Section 5 - The Communications Committee

The Communications Committee shall work with the College to promote and foster timely and useful communication among Directors, committees, alumni chapters, the College Board of Trustees, the staff of the College, and the entire College community.

Section 6 - The Legal Committee

The Legal Committee shall advise the Board on all legal matters concerning the activities and actions of the Board and its Officers. The Legal Committee also may, at the request of the President, the Board, any standing committee or at least 1/3 of the Directors, advise the Board on matters of internal governance.

Section 7 - The Development Committee

The Development Committee shall assist the College with its fundraising efforts, establish goals for Board giving, and solicit gifts from Directors for the College in coordination with the College development office and the Board’s committees.

Section 8 - Other Committees

Ad hoc committees shall be established as needed by the President with the approval by a majority of the Board. Chairs of ad hoc committees may sit on the Executive Committee at the discretion of the President in consultation with the Executive Committee.

Section 9 - Committee Assignments

A. Committee Members. The President shall appoint the members of all committees after 1) soliciting from each Director his or her preferences, skills, qualifications and what the Director hopes to accomplish on a preferred committee, and 2) taking into account such information, the balance of the composition of the committees, the seniority of the Director, the length of time a Director has served on a committee and the responsibilities of each committee.

B. Committee Chairs. The President shall appoint the Chairs of all committees after soliciting input from committee members and with the advice of the Executive Committee.

C. Appeals. Any Director may request in writing reassignment to another committee. If the President rejects such a written request or fails to respond within 30 days, the request may be made to the incoming Executive Committee; or the President may forward the request to the incoming Executive Committee, which shall act within 15 days of receipt of a request, to determine whether to grant or deny the request. The President shall sit with the Executive Committee and shall have a vote in all such proceedings, which may be closed under provisions of Article VI, Section 1, except that the closure decision would be up to the Vice President. The appellant shall be allowed to attend and present his or her appeal.

Article VIIResignations, Removals and Grievances

Section 1 - Written Resignations

Directors and Officers may resign by written notice to the President. Those resigning shall be afforded an opportunity to state their reasons for resigning during the Board meeting that follows their resignation.

Section 2 - Removals

A. Failure of a Director to perform his or her responsibilities as set forth in Article II, Section 2 shall be grounds for removal by action of the Board.

B. Directors are expected, absent compelling personal or professional circumstances, to attend Board meetings. Directors who are unable to attend a particular meeting shall notify the President and Secretary of the reason for their absence. The unexcused absence of a Board member from two consecutive meetings of the Board at which an action item is on the agenda shall be grounds for removal by action of the Board.