Association Franco Anglaise
JUNE2012 Activities
Telephone 05 46 85 44 80
Please check the web-site Blogs or contact a Committee Member for further information of any event.
Snip and StitchFriday 1st June at 10.00 hr
A new activity, which is held each month from 10.00 hrs through to 16.00 hrs. To be held again at the Palais des Congres. The leader will be Catherine Alexander and all pursuits of knitting, patchwork, embroidery, lacework etc .etc. can be arranged with her. (A small charge will be made)
Coffee MorningEVERY FRIDAYfrom 10.30 onwards
Will be heldat the following venues where you can have a happy hour or for an informal chat over coffee / tea with fellow members. Do not forget that most venues serve a lunch afterwards, so why not stay and enjoy one.
1st JuneCafé L’Iguana, Pontaillac8th JuneCafé Bar, St Romain de Benet
15th JuneCafé Riberou, Saujon22nd JuneCafé Dransard, St Palais
29th |JuneCafé de la Paix, Marennes
Jubilee Tea PartySaturday 2nd June at 15.00 hrs
David and Sheila invite you to bring along cakes and sandwiches for an English style tea party in celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee. It will be held in their garden at Corme Ecluse.
Photography ClubMondays 4thand 18thJune at 14.30hrs
Bruce Broughton and friends request fellow photographers to join them at the Temple Vaux on the 4th June for the setting up of the exhibition and at Salle Richelieu in Saujon on the 18th for further tips and demonstrations on the use of cameras
FranglaisMondays 4thand 18th June at 17.30 hrs
Come along to the Maison des Associations for an entertaining evening exploring French and English customs and culture, and discussion. We are looking for more English speaking participants. The leaders will be Elisabeth or Alain
Visit to Orchid meadowTuesday 5th June at 15.00 hrs
Nick Murton-Douglas has invited members to visit his field full of all sorts of wild orchids.Head for Fort Maubert and phone – Nick will guide you in.
French ClassesWednesdays 0900 and 10.45
This is an external event and held in member’s homes. A charge is made. More details from Gary.
BoulesWednesdaysat 14.30 hrs
BOULES is every Wednesday if the weather permits. Enjoy a non competitive game and retire for a drink afterwards at the Paris Bar. Held at the Bouladrome in Royan (Contact Gary Coleby or Roger Dale)
AFAART EXHIBITION AT VAUX TEMPLEThursday 7th to Saturday 16th June
The exhibition is open in the mornings from10.00 to 13.00,andin the afternoons from 15.00 until 19.00. Come along and see the work of our members – some produced within AFA activities and some in their own time.
The Exhibition Vernissage is on Wednesday 6 th June at 18.00 hrs.
Gardening ClubSaturday 9thJune at 11.00 hrs
The annual visit to the Spring Garden show at Prissé-la-Charrière(see the Jardinage Blog)
AFA Summer Dinner EventFriday 15th June at 19.30 hrs
This year the AFA Summer meal is at the Moroccan Restaurant of the Ferme de Magne at Nancras. Gwyn and Richard need names (and cheques made out to AFA) before the 10th June. The price for members is 23 Euros and for non members 28 Euros.
Computer TechnologyTuesday 19th June at 14.30 hrs
Gary and Tim hold another session on the mysteries of the computer. Held at the Maison des Associations. . Contact either Tim or Gary if there is any computer problem that you would like to discuss.
Wine ClubWednesday 20thJune at 18.30 hrs
Join Jean-Loup for another trip around the Wine Regions of France.This month we are in the RhoneValley, There is a charge for the wines consumed. Contact Jean-Loup to book your place. Heldat the Maison des Associations
Après-Midi des LecteursWednesday 20thJune at 14.30 hrs
This month the meeting for the lovers of French and English literature is being held in the garden (in good weather hopefully) of Jean Gilchrist at Le Chay. Contact Diane and follow the latest Blog on the Association web site
FrEnChathéThursday 28thJuneat 15.30 hrs
Come along and enjoy the experience of chatting with others in their second language. Have a friendly cup of coffee / tea. Led by Dave Gilchrist, the meeting is held at the Café Thoma’s Royan
Genealogy with PaulFriday 29th June at 15.00 hrs
Explore your ancestry with help from Paul Conner in a session held at his home in Gemozac
Book ExchangeSaturday 30thJune at 10.30 hrs
Jean Gilchrist invites you to her home in Le Chay to exchange your books and have a chat about them over coffee
Sunday WalkwithValSunday 1st July at 10.30 hrs.
The walk this month is the regular end of term walk from Val’s home in Vaux and returning for a picnic in her garden.
Fancy dress PartyWednesday 6th June 18.30 to 23.30 hrs
Maurice and Carol Chapman invite members to their open evening at the camping site L’Orée du Bois, 225 Route de la Bouverie,17570 Les Mathes. Fancy Dress optional. Entertainment free, pay for food and drinks. Happy Hour 18.30-19.30.