The World Prophetic Report

By Bob Shea December 12th, 2017

There are so many prophecies pouring in I didn’t have enough room or time to continue the weekly compilation. Correct me if I am wrong but I am hearing verbs of past tense, as in, arrived, poured out, has started, reserved, crossed over and accelerated to name a few. As many of you can attest to, the timing of buyinga house is critical regarding your future equity but that’s not really my primary point.

I only use this as a comparison of not realizing your season during the time of your purchase of whether you are in a bull or a bear market. Two quick personal examples, one being in June, 1987,when my wife and I purchased what we New Jersey people call a shore house. We were as happy as could be while sharing our shore property with family and friends all summer.

Life was grand but little did we know of the upcoming October stock market crash. Again, this is not about the equity or lack thereof in this particular case but it is about being in a season without realizing it. In June, at the time of our purchase, the bear was already here and the damage was done but we just didn’t know. And if I may offer one last boring comparison. In May of 1995, we started a negotiation on a property that sat on the market for over 5 years.

Nobody wanted this land, partly due to the fact we were supposedly still in a down turn market and nobody was buying. We eventually were able to purchase and before we knew it, property values were sky rocketing once again. I would like to say we became real estate geniuses after making previously mentioned missteps but not the case.

Again,we simply didn’t realize that the market was about to experience an upward turn and in fact when we closed on the deal, in actuality we were in a new market or season. Transition has a quiet time attached to its beginnings and ends and right now, as the prophets are touting, we have arrived to the Promised Land. Yes it’s quiet and confusing all at the same time.

The enemy sees what is transpiring and he is all over the map with his tricks of the trade but let’s remember, the enemy can be distinguished by what we are feeling or by which tool he is using. This tool is confusion and he knows it is about to get old and recognized by us like never before. So we need to thank the Lord for the threshold that is being crossed by us even though we might not realize we stepped into this small quiet section(season) called transition or arrival.

Let’s all believe the prophets and decree, declare and decide that it is all true. Let’s look with our spiritual eyes and not with our physical ones. If you can’t find your spiritual eyes, we pray right now for that to occur. Thank you in advance Lord for all of us having difficulty seeing, we believe and declare for 20/20 vision, in Jesus name, Amen!! Enjoy this week’s report and I hope to see you soon.

God Bless,

An interesting footnote: When I finished gathering the prophetic reports, the time was 12:12 and today date is 12/12. Also when I finished revising the entire report the time was 2:22. Just having some fun here so enjoy the Gematria.

Number 12 definition: governmental authority, a completeness or perfection, and the authority given to mankind by God.

Since 12 was used 4 times,

Number 4 definition: It indicates completeness. The number 4 is derived from its place in creation because the physical universe was established and set in motion on the 4th day of the creation week.

If you want to extrapolate even further,

4 12’s (Time:12:12 on Date 12/12) = 48

48 definition:My Father is Exalted

222 Definition:God is my Light

Let’s pull it all together for the grand finally; It has become God’s perfect time of completeness for giving mankind His authority so He may become Exalted by bringing Heaven to earth and this is accomplished by using God as my Light!! Can I get an Amen on that!!

Janet Chambers: I heard God saying: "I've poured out new wine, and you have experienced the new wine, but what I'm about to pour out is champagne." In a vision, I saw the Lord with a huge bottle of spiritual champagne, and He's shaking and shaking it and any minute now that cork is going to pop!

Dr. Theresa Phillips:Yet, could this be the great revival for America???Yes, this is a start of an awakening because we see, and say it’s wrong what we see happening! Giving us power and encouragement is the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther theses ...Thank GOD for the reminder. Can you nail your convictions to the wall unafraid of what others think? Really you don't need your friends to give you permission to have conviction... Just let the Lord give you revelation and "Start There".That's a revival. When we are returned to our First Love.When we stand anyone for the GOOD OF ALL when we cry aloud and spare not when we say Yes Lord Yes. Yes in Revival...

Mary Dorian: I heard the word "Trillions" spoken in the spirit. A trillion is a number equal to 1,000 times one billion or 10 to the 12th power. The Lord has reserved all the wealth and money needed in anticipation of the Great Harvest that will go forth all over the world. Ministries small and large will be supplied. Speaking to all of my brethren who have a mandate from God to bring the Gospel and make disciples: You have been discouraged and worried as to how you will continue but the Lord says, "Don't downsize. Make room to expand!" Money will not be your problem. Any previous great move of God has always prospered. What is in short supply, though, are laborers.

Doug Addison: The Lord spoke to me that the reason the Wind of Change angel is coming early this year is because there is such a strong attack of discouragement and hopelessness. God is moving to balance the scales of justice because the enemy has been over-attacking people everywhere. We are about to experience an amazing new revival and Satan wants to distract us from what God is bringing.

Jamie Rohrbaugh: The Lord showed me this morning that many of you have crossed over into the Promised Land, but you don’t feel like you have. Instead, you feel like everything has stopped. This is because you are pausing for a moment by the Lord’s design. You are in Gilgal.

Faith Marie Baczko:The hour is now, the pace is fast and accelerated as God continues to move in power to secure KEY PLACES OF AUTHORITY in the Earth: The City of God—Jerusalem, the Supreme Court, hundreds of conservative judges about to be appointed, and the heads of key positions in all spheres of Life!

Amie Rogers: “Unprecedented weather to begin this unprecedented season! I am opening the doors over you, you will be moving forward with unprecedented favor, speed and provisions! Keep speaking the words I have spoken to you previously. Keep trusting that what I have spoken WILL BE!”

Ben Lim: The number eight in the Hebrew generally stands for, ‘New Beginnings!” Though theMaccabees stood through the darkest of nights and fought in an impossible war, they experienced a new beginning. Get ready for your God’s new beginning to dawn upon you! Get ready for the Lord of Hosts to light up the passions of your life again. Get ready for the Holy Spirit to multiply your efforts and your strengths again. Your one days‘ worth of sowing and toiling is not in vain! The Lord is about to give you the increase! The Lord will cause you to grow. The Lord will cause you to burn forth His light of new beginnings!