
Volvo Car Corporation (VCC) is an automotive OEM that acts in the premium segment.

Everything we do at Volvo Car Group starts with people. It is what makes us different from other car companies and it is at the heart of everything we create. That is why all cars from Volvo are DESIGNED AROUND YOU. We know people better than any other car brand and we are looking for talented graduates. If you have got passion and drive for CAE engineering, you can apply for a thesis work starting Jan 2016 at R&DInterior Restraints.

Volvo Car Group is regarded as the role model for traffic safety based on our products and our commitment to safety.

During a crash of sufficient severity the passenger airbag (PAB) is activated and deployed through the instrument panel (IP). This deployment through the IP is essential for the function and robustness of the airbag system. Traditionally, the interaction between PAB and IP has been evaluated by physical test methods. Since VCC strategy is to decrease dependency of early product verifying test series, this interaction must be verified virtually during development phases. The purpose of this master thesis is to develop methods for virtual assessment of the PAB / IP interaction using primarily LS-DYNA.


  • To understand the system study the current physical behavior between PAB and IP on a current car model. Complete system and IP component test.
  • Setup a CAE model correlating to the physical behavior. Use available models.
  • Compare results fromCAE modelwith measurement data from test series.
  • Develop main principles for interaction in the deployment phase of the PAB through the IP.
  • Establishavirtual test setup for the interaction of the PAB and IP, able to verify CAE results and feasible for requirement setting of the PAB behavior. Correlate simulation model to measurement data
  • Understand whether variation should be considered for evaluated system.Conduct contribution analysis to find most contributing parameters. Incorporate geometrical / mechanical variation as parameter in simulation. Vary most contributing parameters in order to compare output variation with measurement data variation. Use DOE or other statistical means if beneficial.
  • Suggest and evaluate potential for improvements.Define technical requirements / specifications are necessary.


This thesis work needs to be conducted by 2 students. The time period is 20 weeks with start in January 2016.

Contact Information

Johan Rosenberg
Technical Expert Airbag Technologies /
Johan Ahlbin
Interior Safety Simulation