Juniors, it is not too early to start researching colleges. Think about going on some college visits over spring break and on weekends. Keep in mind that most colleges and universities have information sessions, open houses, and campus tours year-round. Check the college websites for dates and times to visit. The National College Fair where representatives from hundreds of colleges and universities nationwide will be present will be held at the Montgomery County in April 2018. Magruder juniors are invited to attend. Families can attend the evening before.
THE REDESIGNED SAT WAS LAUNCHED IN MARCH, 2016. There have been no changes in the ACT. KHAN ACADEMY on line prep will continue to be available FREE to help students prepare for the redesigned SAT. Through Khan Academy, students will have access to four official full-length tests, plus study and test-taking tips. Details at khanacademy.org/SAT. There are also private prep classes available. A list of these options is below. Students in need of price reductions for these classes may qualify for financial aid. Visit the Center for information on the SAT vs. ACT.
ALL Magruder students are strongly encouraged to prepare for the SAT or ACT. Taking the test without preparation will put students at a huge disadvantage with other exam takers. Listed below are opportunities to help you do your best.
COLLEGE BOARD.COM: Free sample SAT questions and full SAT practice tests.
: Free sample ACT questions and full ACT practice tests.
MCPS Class: Offered atsome local high schools – available through the Montgomery College Workforce Development & Continuing Education Office. For information call 240-567-5188 or visit
Private Classes: The following list has been compiled from referrals and recommendations from parents and students. Most offer SAT and Act Prep. Magruder High School does not endorse or recommend any specific program.
Capital Educators301-881-7700capitalducators.com
Harriet Broder & Associates301-299-4380
Kaplan Test Prep301-770-2834kaplantest.com
Peer2Peer Tutors240-744-2470 peer2peertutors.com
Potomac Education Center 301-983-5456 poteducationcenter.com
PowerScore800-545-1750 powerscore.com
Princeton Review888-955-4600 princetonreview.com
Revolution Prep877738-7737 revolutionprep.com
Studyworks800-783-1728 StudyWorks.com