Introduction to Immunology (BIOL 449)

Class meets M-Th from 3-5pm inGenome Science Building, Room 1374. Attendance is required.

1.Purpose of the course: to give students an understanding of not only HOW the immune system works, but also WHY the immune system functions in the manner in which it does.

2.INSTRUCTOR: Lorraine Cramer, Ph.D.

A.Address:6214 Marsico Hall


125 Mason Farm Road

Chapel Hill, NC 27599


1)Directions to Dr. Cramer’s office:

a.My office is on the 6thfloor of Marsico Hall. Marsicois on 125 Mason Farm Road (opposite the Ambulatory Care Center). We are on the southern most side of campus. There is a bus stop in front of the building and the NS/V route will drop you off and pick you up there.

b.My office is in room 6214 (turn right out of the elevator bay, then left down the hallway). My office is at the far end of the hallway.

c.There is a parking garage on Manning across from the hospital if you need to drive and park.

d.Please feel free to make an appointment to come and talk with me..

2)I offer office hours from 1-2:30 Monday through Thursday. You MUST email me to schedule an appointment.

Email is the best way to get in touch with me.

3.Information on class structure:

A.A summer class is a very intensive course; class meets every day for two hours. Attendance is required (you will have a two days grace -it is up to you to get information from missed days as well as to let me know why you missed). If you miss more than 2 classes, a point will be taken off of your weekly homework score for each day missed.

B.Textbook:Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System, 5thedition, Abbas, Lichtman.

C.We are going to cover most of the book. The purpose of the course is to understand thebasicsof the immune system. Iwill be using the textbook as notes. Literally.

4.Homework Assignments:

A. There will be four homework assignments worth a total of 10 points each. Each homework assignment has a group component work worth5 points and a student component worth 5 points. Each student will be graded on a 1-5 point scale for their aspect of the group PowerPoint. The group will have an overall group assignment awarded. The structural homework will be a group project worth 10 points. A grading rubric will be available for both the PowerPoints as well as the structural homework. Participation and ranking will be an aspect of each grade.

1)Weekly PowerPoints: Consists of a GROUPPowerPoint animation of topics to be covered in class from Thursday through Wednesday of the following week. Individual group pieces are due Thursdayat 10pm (May29, June1, June 8, and June 15). Each student in the group will be responsible for assembling the group work into a functional/cohesive PowerPoint. The group project should be submitted into Dropbox onFriday by noon. Topics to be included will be identified at start of the week. Students who are late submitting their individual PowerPoints will be docked 25% of their individual grade.

  • Each group will divide and assign topics covered in class to individuals in the group. Each person in the group is responsible for creating one-two slides to cover their assigned topic. Each aspect should illustrate how each of aspects of the assigned topicfunction/act. There should be a bullet point summary of the steps taken the animation for each PowerPoint in the note section at the bottom of the slide.
  • The group is responsible for making the PowerPoint functional, uniform (i.e. a unit that looks like one person created it: meaning similar background, font, setup, etc.) cogent and clear. Creativity is encouraged, but accuracy and the ability of someone outside of class of understanding of the material presented is the goal (Think explaining immunology to your roommate).
  • There will be time in class to clean up the final PowerPoint before it is due, but this will be primarily homework.
  • There will be a grading rubric will be available and ALL students will view and grade each groups PowerPoint. Students will vote on who made the best/most succinct/organized PowerPoint. The person receiving the highest overall ranking for each topic will be awarded an extra 0.5pts/week (Top students will get 5.5 points for their weekly assignments/top groups will get 5.5 points).

2) StructuralHomework: (10 points) This homework consists of the creation of a3 dimensional functioning immunological molecule (we will discuss which ones in class in more detail).

  • The moleculeshould easilyfit onto a tabletoparea, be stable and have adetailed in a key to go with the molecule.
  • It should be accurate, functional, and contain every aspect of the molecule that was discussed in class.
  • Creativity is encouraged, but accuracy/detail is important.
  • It also does not have to be expensive; you can make it out of coat hangers, or pipe-cleaners, shape-able foam?

5. Exams and extra credit

A.There will be a midterm exam and the final exam. The midterm is worth 50 points and the final will be worth 100 points. Immunology is a cumulative subject, so all information builds on past information.

B. In order to take a makeup exam, youmust have an excused absence (cleared by Dr. Cramer) and take the makeup within 48 hours of the scheduled exam.

C. There are 2 points of extra credit available for news articles relating to material we are discussing in class.Each student must submit their article on the discussion forum prior to the start of class each day and summarize what it discusses in class.

6.The UNC honor code

A.I expect you to know and understand the UNC honor code. If you do not know or understand it, please go the following link and read the honor code carefully.

B.No cell phones or other electronic devices will be allowed to be used during the quizzes or exams. If you are caught cheating, your exam will be taken and you will receive no credit and be put to the UNC Honor Court.

7.Total points for class:

Total points:

Homework assignments 50 points

Midterm 50 points

Final exam 100 points


200 points

(2 points of extra credit possible for news article, 2 total points for top PowerPoint topic/individual/2points for group award)


A.Grades will be based on percentage of total points.

94-100% A

90-93.99% A-

87-89.99% B+

84-86.99% B

80-83.99% B-

77-79.99% C+

74-76.99% C

70-73.99% C-

67-69.99% D+

64-66.99% D

60-63.99% D-

Below 60% Failing