June 1, 2015

The Eagles Mere Borough Council meeting was called to order on the above date by President Feese with the following Council members and the Mayor, Joan Werner in attendance: VP Christelle Loftus, John Ecker, Dave Werner, Walter Haussmann, Robert Spahr and Secretary/Treasurer Wilson. In the gallery: J. Moore, K. Smith, B. Zelten, B. Moyer, B. Smith, J. Wilkinson.

Public Comments: regarding parking in the downtown area, see new business.

Minutes- for the previous monthly meeting were approved on a motion from Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Werner.

Treasurer’s Report – for the previous month were approved with the minutes. Notes- the Traveler’s bond agent will be notified Frank Byrne’s bond will not need to be activated, he has fulfilled his obligations and released from further responsibility for 2013 taxes.

Solicitor is still working on liens for North Financial, llc. Unpaid trash fees customers will be assessed late fees and sent statements after June 1.

Street Superintendent Report: written report regarding pedestrian signs on Eagles Mere Ave was emailed to council.

Open Records Officer: No RTO forms received filed.
Ordinance & Zoning Officer’s Report- Permits issued: Caviston for garage, Esterhai for storage shed. Eagles Mere Inn permit was denied, a zoning hearing is required.

Code Inspections, Inc. – Permit issued for Delacour to replace existing deck.

Parking Officer Report: Nothing at this time.

Business Conducted –

Ø  Pedestrian Signs on EM Ave.- safety issues have developed with the yellow channeling signs placed on Eagles Mere Avenue at areas where cars are parked along the street. It was suggested that either the signs be removed or no parking areas designated to alleviate the narrowness of the lanes. A lengthy discussion ensued to address the many complications of limiting parking within the downtown area. Joe Yakup from Pendot had provided the borough with a copy of their publication that indicates the Borough can mark areas on state roads for ‘no parking, standing or stopping’ without their involvement. Mr. Spahr suggested installing another crosswalk at Jones Ave to extend the the safety zone and slow traffic sooner. This would move the existing sign above Jones Ave. It was noted this would just move the traffic problem up the street with parked cars at residences at that intersection. President Feese suggested removing the signs until some resolution can be developed, but the majority of Council disagreed. They felt it was important to get the issue resolved before the summer season begins later this month. After much deliberation President Feese stated the motion that restricts all parking on Eagles Mere Avenue from Jones to Geylin Avenue (on the west side) and from Pennsylvania Avenue to Geylin Avenue(on the east side). Mr. Ecker moved to accept the motion and was seconded by Mr. Haussmann. Mr. Spahr voted no, all others voted to approve. It was noted on the agendas that the ordinance will need to be amended and state approved signage used, President Feese and the secretary reiterated this to be able to enforce this decision. Stopping and standing places may be established for this amendment. The number of signs to get was not determined. A public meeting will need to be held for a hearing regarding the ordinance amendments.

Ø  Paving on Allegheny Ave: Hawbaker began on May 19 and was finished by Friday and estimated to be within budget. Added scratch coat repairs will be extra. Berms have been redone and crosswalks painted. No invoice has been received to date.

Ø  Line Painting around the Lake- A misunderstanding was made by the vendor, M. Mayo Striping, on the estimate. The invoice was more than double what was estimated. Prior estimate by Pendot was over $6K. Mr. Moore will see if the price quoted per foot is reasonable by contacting another company. It was determined that the estimated rate be paid now and a letter sent stating the balance will be paid at a later date. This was approved. It was noted we would not to use this company again.

Ø  4th of July Parade- Pendot and Borough Permits are all in order with liability insurance attached.

Ø  No Parking on Laporte Avenue- Pendot Parking rep., Mr. Yakup, said the Borough could determine the no parking area at the edge of Casey’s sidewalk on Laporte Ave. On a motion from Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Spahr there will be no parking here to corner signs installed by Mr. Moore that will cover about 2 car lengths.

Ø  Street light on Lake Avenue- The fire company requested a street light about midway way up Lake Avenue. There is a pole there so it wouldn’t cost as much as estimated. An estimate will be requested and it will be installed before winter.

Ø  There are still ethics forms that haven’t been filled out & returned.

Ø  Spring Cleanup- NTSWA and D&L Enterprises provided proposals. D&L Enterprises had the lower rates and was approved on a motion from Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Werner. Lenny Fitzgerald, D&L Enterprises, will be notified and he will bring a container for electronics at no charge. The dumpsters will be located at Carl Rider Road and gates will be locked at night and no one will be allowed to enter the dumpsters for salvage.

Ø  EMAA events permits have been approved and passed on to the entities. On a motion from Mr. Werner, seconded by Mr. Spahr the the permits were confirmed.

Ø  Drones- A question was asked what laws are being developed to restrict or limit these devises. Ms. Pickett or PSAB’s Ms. Houk will be consulted to see what the state is doing and what the Borough can do if the state is not developing anything at this time.

Ø  Unsupervised Children- it was brought to council’s attention last summer and the state police were asked to look into this, they will be asked follow up.

Ø  Steps at back of Borough Hall- these steps are very slippery when wet and the Fire company will either replace them or eliminate them.

Mayor’s Report:

The Memorial Day ceremony held on May 30 was very nice with taps being played. It was well attended.
Museum : an additional substitute for the manager/secretary was requested for hire @ $8/hr. Ms. Takyra Kleinsmith was approved on a motion from Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Werner.
Infrastructure: remove Mr. Shoemaker from the memo to fix driveway. This was addressed when Allegheny was paved.

Ordinance: Sidewalk amendments for time to get work done, pending.

Finance: things look good at this time.

Website: patrons who have not paid will only get a listing and contact information on the website. Revising charges for 2016. Defining greater EM area and the website service area.

Secretary’s Notes:

ü  Swift Reach –sent messages to Borough and Shrewsbury residents regarding paving and avoiding using Allegheny Avenue during paving project. The new system works much better than the old one did. Reports on stats available on request.

ü  Frontier Communications- expires in June, renewed current plan for 3 years.

ü  Community Development Block Grant program will have $200K available through the County for activities listed on the attachment to their letter.

ü  Sharon Smith has completed DCED’s Act 164-2014 Qualified Tax Collector training. Copy of certificate is on file.

The bills were ordered paid for the Borough and Museum by motion from Ms. Loftus, seconded by Mr. Werner.

The meeting was adjourned to the call of the President.

June 11, 2015 @ 7pm

After appropriate advertising the June 1 meeting was reconvened by President Feese. In attendance: Mayor Werner, Christelle Loftus, Dave Werner, Bob Spahr, John Ecker, & Walter Haussmann. Secretary Wilson, Street Super Moore, K. Smith, B. Moyer, P. McDermott.

The Council in its efforts to remedy the recent safety issues in the downtown area gathered information from Pendot Parking specialist, Joe Yakup, at a meeting held on June 9th with three council members and two employees. He counseled the group regarding where and how signs should be placed and helped define the areas at issue. He also noted that if the upper crosswalk by the bank were eliminated a timed parking space could be marked out in front of the museum. Otherwise there would be no parking available on that side for loading and unloading or stops at the bank. Ms. Werner spoke with the Merchant’s Association who agreed to have employees park farther away to allow for more parking near businesses.

On a motion from Mr. Ecker, the resolution passed June 1st restricting parking from Jones to Geylin Avenues, was unanimously rescinded on a second from Mr. Spahr.

After careful consideration the following motions were made by Mr. Ecker seconded by Mr. Haussmann and approved by Council.

1.  Motion to remove the upper crosswalk nearest the bank @ Pole # 2E67.

2.  Motion to allow 15 minute parking in front of the Museum to Pole # 2E67

3.  Motion to Restrict parking from Jones Avenue Pole # 2E64 to the Flora Villa Pole # 63490 on both sides of the streets except where parking is allowed.

4.  Motion to Remove the U turn signs on both sides of the street.

After a couple public comments and further review Mr. Ecker moved to amend the Borough’s current parking ordinance to include the above designated no parking areas that will enable the Borough’s Parking Officer to enforce the new parking restrictions. It was seconded by Ms. Loftus and unanimously approved.

On a motion from Mr. Ecker, state mandated no parking for 20 foot area on each side of the Sullivan Avenue intersection on Laporte Avenue will be marked for no parking. It was seconded by Ms. Loftus and unanimously approved.

Mr. Moore was directed to put up the new signs and replace the existing signs so they all match, as soon as he has the new signs.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bob Spahr, seconded by Mr. Werner and unanimously approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kay L. Wilson
