2013 Ornamental Tree Catalogue
285 Westbury Rd, Prospect, Tas. 7250. ph. 63446257 fax. 63448795
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New Varieties to look for in this catalogue, Magnolia Kay Paris, Magnolia Teddy Bear, Magnolia Black Tulip, Magnolia Felix, Zelcova Mushashino and Zelcova Wireless.
Prices shown are GST inclusive and vary depending on the size and age of the tree, bare root prices apply to selected trees in June/ July and are cheaper than potted trees in Sept.
Acer (Maples)
The genus Acer covers many different varieties including Japanese, Norwegian, Canadian and North American species. Most prefer well drained slightly acidic soil, with a good watering once a week in Summer and Autumn if it’s a dry year. One of the most spectacular features of the maple family are the attractive Autumn colours that change in the foliage particularly in the Japanese maples
Acer davidii $25.00 / $75.00 (Snake Bark Maple) Origin - China, becomes wide spreading, ht 6m. x 3m. w. in 20 years. Fast growing, large glossy leaves, green, Autumn colours are brownish red, orange with green undertones, distinct bark on the younger branches of this tree are also a feature, starting a purplish colour, then becoming olive green striped with white. Grows well in partial shade or full sun
Acer japonicum f. acontifolium $59.95 / $129.95 (Fern Leaf Maple) Origin - Japan, A strongly structured plant with an upright multi branched habit. A small growing tree to 5m h. x 4m. w. at 20 years. Very popular cultivar, small purplish red flowers appear before the leaves. The flowers are followed by maroon red seed samaras. Large leaves have between 7 to 13 deeply divided lobes and tend to grow outward giving a horizontal layered appearance to the tree. Foliage is green turning to brilliant scarlet in Autumn.
Acer negundo ‘Aureo marginatum’ $59.95 - $90.00 Golden Variegated Negundo. Origin - North America, southern Canada
Smaller tree with a rounded habit 8m. h. x 6m. w. at 20 years. Rapid grower, 5 to 7 lobed pinnate leaves are green with significant golden edging. Some limbs may revert back to green if this happens prune them out immediately , good shade tree.
Acer negundo ‘Flamingo” $59.95-$90.00 Origin - The Netherlands.
Forms a rounded head with pendulous outer branches. Small tree, 5m. h. x 3m. w. at 20 years. The leaves are strikingly variegated with predominant wide cream borders. The growing tips are an attractive pink which is the feature of this cultivar. The leaves droop softly to enhance the lacy foliage effect.
Acer negundo ‘Kelly Gold’ $59.95-$90.00 most Negundo varieties have the same Origin - as the 1st mentioned.
Small tree, 6m. h. x 3m. w. at 20 years. Rapid grower, foliage during Spring is soft yellow with a tinge of lime green..
Acer negundo ‘Sensation’ $59.95-$90.00 Rapid grower, exclusive to Flemings Nursery, forms a rounded head with pendulous outer branches. Grows 5m.h. x 3m.w. in 20 years, leaves are strikingly variegated with predominent cream borders. The growing tips are tinged pink
Acer negundo var. violaceum $59.95-$90.00
Small tree, 10m. h. x 6m. w. at 20 years. Long pendulous burgundy pink flowers hang on the bare branches before spring growth commences. Young growth is coppery green with burgundy veins. The leaves gradually turn green as they mature. Bark is also brown green turning to purplish black. Young branches are violet coloured and are covered with a white bloom. Great shade tree.
Acer palmatum ‘Atropurpureum’ $59.95/$150.00 (Purple Japanese Maple) Origin - Japan, medium rounded tree, grows to 3.5m. h. x 3m. w. at 20 years. Medium growth rate while the tree is young which slows down as the tree matures. Leaves are 5 lobed and are a rich crimson red in Spring. Bronze green in Summer and return to rich crimson red in Autumn. A very popular tree in all seasons.
Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ $59.95– $149.95 Origin - U.S.A. it bears the darkest leaves of all cultivars, the small tree grows to 5m.h. x 4m.w. at 20 years, the leaves do not turn green in Summer, it will retain its colour until leaf fall in Autumn.
Acer palmatum ‘Bonfire’ $59.95 -$149.95 Origin - Californian cultivar, brilliant scarlet foliage, leaves 5 lobed and narrow to a sharp point. Hardy cultivar to a ht. of 4m. x 3m. at 20 years. The new growth in Spring is scarlet and the Summer colour returns to green with the Autumn changing to fiery red. Great for Bonsai.
Acer palmatum ‘Dissectum Seiryu’ $59.95 - $149.95 (Lace leaf Maple) Origin - Japan Upright spreading, strong growth on a young tree. Grows about 4m.h.x4m.w. at 20 years. Leaves have 7 lobes and each lobe is deeply dissected, fine lacy growing tips are bright green, contrasting beautifully with the darker green of the mature foliage. A subtle gold-yellow-crimson colour in Autumn.
Acer palmatum ‘Elegans’ $59.95-$149.95 Origin - Japan, compact sturdy growth habit, grows 4m.h. x 3m.w. at 20 years. Five to seven lobed leaves are deeply serrated. Very attractive Autumn foliage, bright golden orange-red . Problem free and will tolerate full sun.
Acer palmatum ‘Osakasuki’ $59.95-$149.95 Origin - Japan. A rounded small tree grows 4m.h. x 4m.w. at 20 years. Rapid young growth in early years slows as the tree matures. During Autumn this tree changes to a intense crimson colour. A hardy tree with some sun tolerance. Classed as the best Autumn colouring maple.
Acer palmatum ‘Red Pygmy’ $59.95-$149.95 Origin - Italy. Very compact, grows to 2m.h. x 2m.w. at 20 years. The foliage is a very open and fine. The leaf holds well in hot weather and changes from deep maroon to purple, and orange, red and yellow in Autumn. Suitable for rockeries and small gardens.
Acer palmatum ‘Sango Kaku’ $59.95 -$149.95 (Coral Bark Maple) Origin - Japan. Small multi stemmed tree with upright branching. The very attractive new wood of this tree is a bright coral colour and is outstanding for contast in the garden during Winter. Grows to 4m.h. x 3m.w. at 20 years. Foliage is light green turning in Autumn to a brilliant yellow with an apricot orange tinge.
Acer palmatum ‘Shindeshojo’ $59.95-$149.95 Origin - Japan, a delightful small tree, 3m.h x 2m. w. at 20 years, dark purple new shoots turning scarlet when unfolding then bluish-green in summer and back to scarlet-orange in Autumn. Excellent for bonsai.
Acer palmatum ‘Trompenburg’ $59.95-$129.95 Origin - Trompenburg Arboretum, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, strong upright growth becoming broader, grows to 4m.h. x 3m.w. at 20 years. Leaves are a rich burgundy red in Spring turning reddish green in Summer and then crimson in Autumn.
Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’$59.95-$149.95 (Purple Noway Maple) Origin - France, A broad crowned tree, grows to 10m.h. x 5m.w. at 20 years, going on to grow into a large tree. The young foliage is strikingly shiny and vibrant. Dark coppery- purple in Spring the Foliage changes to deep purple-crimson in Summer then fading to orange purple in Autumn.
Acer platinoides ‘Crimson Sentry’ $59.95-$299.95 Large ornamental tree, large leaves, burgundy turning orange /red in Autumn. Bold colours.
Acer x freemanii ‘Scarlet Sentinel’ $59.95/$155.00 Stunning foliage in the autumn, yellow to rich burgundy red. Well shaped tree, quick growing, 12m.high x 4 m. wide, casts light shade.
Newer Acer Releases:
Acer x freemanii ‘Jeffersred’ Autumn Blaze $59.95/$155.00 Newly released beautiful shade tree, large light green leaves throughout Spring and Summer, changing to the most brilliant orange during early Autumn.
Acer rubrum ‘Bowhall’ $59.95/$155.00 Beautiful fastigiated shape, Yellowish tonings turning to red in the Autumn. The leaves of the Acer rubrum are reportedly toxic to animals.
Acer rubrum ‘Fairview Flame’ $59.95/$155.00 2001 release. Stunning autumn foliage, yellowish orange to red. Rapid growing stately tree. One of the best ever.
Acer rubrum ‘Franksred’ $59.95/$155.00 (Red Sunset) New release exclusively grown by Flemings nurseries, rapid grower to 5m.h. x 4m.w. at 10 years, this tree coloursexceptionally well in Autumn.
Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’ $69.95/$155.00 New release again from Flemings nurseries, this brilliant cultivar has the best Autumn colour in the rubrum variety. The leaves change from green to deep burgundy with a hint of red -gold in Autumn.
Grafted Weeping Maples.
Acer palmatum ‘Dissectum Atropurpureum’ $75.00/$300.00( Red Lace Leaf Maple)
Origin - ates in Great Britain. Possibly the most popular weeping or grafted maple, Spring colour is rich burgundy, Summer light red, Autumn deep reddish purple. The price variation is contrived by the height and age of the plant.
Acer palmatum ‘Atropurpureum Variegatum’ $75.00/$150.00 Origin - - Great Britain, similar to above only with pink and white variegations in the summer foliage.
Acer palmatum ‘Crimson Queen’ $59.95/$155.00 Origin - - U.S.A., outstanding cultivar, neat compact habit, young leaves are dark purple-red, holds that colour throughout Summer and changes to deeper garnet in Autumn, one of the best maple cultivars ever.
Acer palmatum ‘Ever Red’ $75.00/$300.00 A popular form of weeping maple with its red foliage remaining throughout the growing season. Price varying between hts. and age.
Acer palmatum ‘Dissectum Filigree’ $75.00/$255.00 Grafted weeping maple. Fine lacy foliage, again prices vary as to the ht. and age of this plant. The growing tips are yellow with green veining. Summer foliage is lime green turning to orange-red in Autumn.
Acer palmatum ‘Dissectum Viridis’ $75.00/$255.00 Weeping grafted maple. Young growing tips at first spread then cascade into a wide pendulous tree,very fast grower. The soft Spring foliage is green turning to brilliant scarlet in Autumn.
Acer palmatum ‘Dissectum Waterfall’ $75.00/$275.00 Origin - - U.S.A. Very similar to the atropurpureum, graceful weeping habit, deep red colour tonings in Spring turning greenish copper in Summer and back to burgundy in Autumn.
Acer sacharinum $25.00/$89.95 (Silver Maple) Origin - - North America, regarded as one of the fastest growers in the maple family, be careful planting this tree near drains. Grows to 6m.h. x 5m.w. at 5 years.
One of the most popular species of home garden trees available, birches feature white papery or shiny bark and grow into a well developed tree that allows sunlight through.
Betula nigra ‘Dura Heat’ $71.50/$150.00 Origin - - North American, very hardy rapid growing medium tree, 10m x 6m, scaly flaking bark, tolerates a wet spot as well as a fairly dry spot.
Betula nigra ‘Cully’ $59.95/$150.00 Origin - - North America, again a very rapid and hardy cultivar, 11m x 4m, ideal large yard or small park specimen. Flaking scaly bark reveals a new pinkish cream bark underneath.
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii, 59.95-150.00
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii ‘Jerymins’ $59.95/$150.00 Origin - - United Kingdom, medium to large tree, 10m.h x 4m.w. at 20 years, striking shiny salmon-pinkish coppery white bark. Good pale yellow Autumn colour.
Betula ‘Papyrifera’$59.95-$129.95 (White or Canoe Birch ) - Origin - North America, an open pyramidal habit,grows 10m.h.x 4m.w. at 20 years, fast growth rate, ovate large leaves that turn yellow in Autumn.
Betula pendula $5.00/$200.00 (Silver Birch ) Origin - Europe and Northern Asia. The common birch is a delightful tree and makes an ideal miniature forest by planting in triangles at 1 metre apart. Prices vary as to heights and ages of specimens.
Betula pendula ‘Dalecarlica’ $59.95/$150.00 (Cut Leaf Birch) Very popular slender variety, the outstanding feature of this tree is the narrow dissected leaves, 8m.hx x 4m.w. at 20 years. Leaves turn yellow in Autumn.
Betula pendula ‘Fastigiata’ $59.95/$150.00Lovely white bark, upright habit, close tight growth, 6m.h.x 1.5m.w.
Betula pendula ‘Moss White’ $59.95/$150.00 A tall graceful tree, slender pendulous branches forming a narrow symmetrical head. Perfect White bark.
Betula pendula ‘Wades Golden’ $85.00/$195.00 a beautiful cultivar of the Silver Birch, lovely golden leaves in late summer and a tanned shiny bark. ht 8m. x 4m w. at 10 years.
New 2007 Betula platyphylla ‘Fargo’ Dakota Pinnacle $71.50- $149.95 Origin - - Asia. Best cultivar to grow 3 or 5 together as a miniature forest. Juvenile bark colour is grey to orange then turning pure white , upright with light pendulous branches at the top and very fast growth habit.
Betula utilis var. jaqumontii $71.50/$150.00 (Himalayan Birch) Quoted as being the best white bark of all the birches. Lovely upright tree, 8m.h. x 3m.w. Bark on this tree will peel in bands of horizontal papery flakes.
Betula tristis $59.95/$135.00 Very graceful tiny leaved birch, oppure white bark, very pendulous sparse growth.
Betula pendula ‘Youngii’ $85.00/ $650.00 a small leaved cultivar that is extremely pendulous. Grafted onto a standard stem this tree makes a wonderful centre piece. Prices vary as to grafted heights and age of trees.
Native to Europe and south west Asia. They are very hardy, preferring a well drained, moist site with full sun. Tolerant to a wide range of soils.
Carpinus betulus $15.00/$59.95-$129.00 (Common Hornbeam ) Pyramidal when young gradually forming a rounded crown with the ends of the branches pendulous.. Slow to moderate growth, 8m.h. x 4m. w. at 20 years. Leaves turning yellow in Autumn.
Origin - North and West China, a medium sized very slender tree, often wrongly called tree of heaven, the new shoots in Spring are light pink returning to green as summer approaches.
Cedrela sinensis $25.00/$99.95 5m.h. x 1.5m.w.at 10 years.
CERCIS(Judas Tree)
Clustered rosy-lilac flowers cover the branches in Spring, purple tinted seed pods follow on, medium tree 6m.h. x 4m.w. at 20 years.
Cercis siliquastrum $39.95
Cercis (Forest Pansy) $59.95/ $295.00 This cultivar has the best deep burgundy foliage, topiary shaped small tree with heart shaped leaves, lovely growing habit, followed by the stunning autumn tones. The best small autumn coloured tree.
CORNUS (Dogwoods )
A diverse group of plants Origin - ating mainly from China and North America, Dogwoods prefer well drained rich acidic soil with wind and shade protection.
Cornus alternifolia $69.95 - (Pagoda Dogwood) Origin - Eastern North America, a low branching, horizontal layering habit, grows 5m.h. x 4m.w. at 20 years. Slow growth, bright green leaves turning reddish purple in Autumn.
Cornus capitata $7.95/$129.95 - (Himalayan Strawberry Tree ) Beautiful sulphur yellow bracts followed by large fruits resembling a strawberry. Small tree, 6m.h x 3m.w. at 20 years.
Cornus kousa variety chinensis $15.95/$129.95 Origin - China, Taller slender small tree, white flowers sit on the ends of the bracts, strawberry like fruits follow on.
Hardy tree in all soils and conditions. Will grow just about anywhere. Grows quicker in alkaline soil.
Crataegus laevigata ‘Pauls Scarlet’ $49.95/$129.95 Origin - United Kingdom, grows 4m.h. x 3m.w. at 20 years, small flowering tree producing masses of small scarlet flowers in tight clusters in spring.
Crataegus laevigata ‘Rosea Flore Pleno’ $49.95/$129.95 Grows the same as above but with pink flowers.
Fagus sylvatica seedling form $13.95/$150.00 (Common Beech) Origin - Europe, this large noble tree is available in green or purple leaf varieties, it is hardy and slow growing, the Autumn foliage is golden brown and quite attractive.
An interesting range of trees that are quick growing and tolerate a wide range of soils and conditions.
Fraxinus excelsior ‘Aurea’ $59.95/$150.00 (Golden Ash) develops into a large multi stemmed tree, 7m.h. x 7m.w. at 20 years, pinnate leaves are lemon yellow in Spring turning brighter over Summer to a brilliant golden yellow in Autumn. Wood is also bright yellow in Winter with black buds.
Fraxinus rotundifolia sub species oxycarpa ‘Raywood’ $59.95/$150.00(Claret Ash) a highly prized tree for its rich Burgundy foliage in Autumn. The tree resembles the Golden Ash in size but much quicker growing.
The sole survivor of an ancient family of trees dating back to 160 million years ago. Hardy in most positions Ginkgo prefers a moist well drained soil.
Ginkgo biloba $7.95/ $250.00 (Maiden Hair Tree) A medium sized tree, very slow growing, conical habit while young, leaves resemble a maiden hair fern, Foliage turns a magnificent yellow in Autumn. A brilliant specimen tree.
GLEDITSIA(Honey Locust)
The Origin - al gleditsia is very thorny, the cultivars produced are for foliage and shade value.
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis ‘Continental’ $75.00/$150.00 a Flemings nurseries exclusive release, narrow upright tree grows to 8mh. x 4m.w. at 20 years, fast growth rate, excellent street or specimen tree. Foliage is bluish-green in colour,
minimal thorns.
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis ‘Ruby Lace’ $69.95-$149.00 Graceful small pendulous tree with reddish purple new growth. 6m x 6m.
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis ‘ Speczam’ Spectrum $59.95/$150.00 Beautiful new version of the sunburst only better, holds its colour and shape very well.
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis ‘Sunburst” $59.95/$150.00 Origin - - U.S.A. The branches become pendulous, sweeping towards the ground, grows 8m.h. x 8m.w. at 20 years. Medium sized tree, richly coloured small golden foliage becoming brighter closer to Autumn.
Laburnum x watereri ‘Vossii’ $59.95-$150.00 (Golden Chain Tree) Origin - the Netherlands, a multi branched small tree growing to 4m.h. x 3m.w. at 20 years, very hardy, pea like racemes of golden yellow flowers hang down in late spring to early summer, bright green foliage turns to soft yellow in Autumn. Great tree for small gardens.
Lagerstroemia ‘Natchez’ $39.95-129.95 - Beautiful white flowers cover this spectacular small growing tree. 5m x 4m.
Liriodendron tulipifera $13.95/$350.00 (Tulip Tree) Large distinct shaped leaves are a bright lime green during Spring and Summer turning to rich golden yellow in Autumn. Grows to 10m.h. x 6m.w. at 20 years. Flowers are tulip shaped greenish yellow in colour.
Liriodendron tulipifera ‘Aureo-marginatum’ $59.95/$150.00 Same as above but with a striking light yellow margin around the leaf.
Liriodendron tulipifera ‘Fastigiatum’ $59.95/$250.00 Same as above but with much more slender upright growth.
Many cultivars of magnolias are available most of the year, ranging from the tulip shaped varieties to stellata or star shaped flowers, evergreen species are also stocked along with Michelia species.
Magnolia Little Gem $34.95/$500.00, Magnolia Kay Paris, $39.95- $500.00 This is anew cultivar bred from Magnolia grandiflora, great small evergreen tree with huge white sweetly scented flowers in summer. Ideal for large pots and feature work in a garden bed. One of the best small evergreen trees. Magnolia grandiflora Teddy Bear, this is the lastest release from America and is a stunner, the foliage is very compact and the tree flowers for an extended period producing large white sweetly perfumed white flowers. Magnolia Black Tulip, this is a beautiful deciduous magnolia that produces the darkest burgundy black tulip shaped flowers, easy to grow loves well drained soil, not too cold, will tolerate a light frost. Magnolia Felix, again a lovely large flowering rosy red variety, huge flowers 30cms across coming out before foliage, 6m high x 3m. wide