The Homeless Coalition’s (THE)

Instruction sheet for the Continuum of Care’s (CoC) prioritization to be used in conjunction with The Homeless Coalition’s Sub-Prioritization CoC Scoring Sheet.

Prioritization Information Due Date: August 21,2017by 3 PM

Health Department

Attention: Dan Pekarek

321 East 4th Street

Joplin, MO 64801

North Basement Entrance

Please answer each question and provide hard copy verification for each item that you would like for The Homeless Coalition’s Prioritization Committee to consider. You may include not more than one additional sheet of paper for comments. If you include comments on an additional sheet of paper be sure to indicate on your score sheet that you have done so.

Do not fill out the points awarded column.

The following questions require hard copy documentation. Submit a copy of your most recent APR with pages tabbed per instructions.

Scoring Matrix New Projects

1. 5 points awarded for 75% of The Homeless Coalition monthly meeting attendance. THC’s Secretary will provide verification of attendance of the last 12 months to the providers to submit as documentation. (Tab 1)

0 points awarded for less than 75% of The Homeless Coalition monthly meeting attendance.

2.5 points for being a paid Homeless Coalition member by July 1. THC’s Treasurer will provide a list of paid members to the Providers to submit as documentation. (Tab 2)

0 points are awarded for non-paid members by July 1.

3. 6 points awarded for Point in Time (PIT) count activities. (Tab 3)

2 points awarded if the agency provided sheltered data for the PIT.

2 points awarded if the agency participated in the Project Homeless Connect event. (hosted a table, set up /clean up, or provided donations to event)

2 points awarded if the agency participated on one of the Unsheltered PIT teams.

4. 5 points awarded if your agency submitted a letter of intent by August 4, 2017deadline. Hard copy documentation attached. (Tab 4)

2.5 points awarded if your agency submitted the letter of intent but it was submitted no more than 1 week (7 calendar days) late. Hard copy documentation attached.

0 points are awarded if your agency submitted the letter of intent but it was submitted later than one week (8 calendar days) late.

5. 5 points awarded if your agency is enrolled in The Homeless Coalition’s selected Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Institute for Community Alliances (ICA) will provide a letter or email to the provider stating participation in HMIS. This documentation can also include the required documentation for #9 below as long as both enrollment in and compliance with the HMIS system are addressed. (Tab 5)

0 points awarded if your agency is not enrolled by application date.

6.10 points awarded if your agency is currently in compliance with The Homeless Coalition’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Institute for Community Alliances (ICA) will provide a letter or e-mail to provider stating compliance. ( Tab 6)

(-3) points if your agency was out of HMIS compliance at any point during the last 12 months.

(-5) points if your agency was out of HMIS compliance in excess of 30 days during the last 12 months.

7.Housing First: If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, the program is not Housing First. (Tab 7)

  1. Does this project require applicantsto have income prior to admission?
  2. Does this project screen out applicantsfor criminal record?(exemptionfor state-mandated restrictions)
  3. Does this project screen out applicants for history of domestic violence? (Lack of protective order, period of separation from abuser or law enforcement involvement)
  4. Does this project require applicantsto be “clean and sober” or “treatment compliant” prior to admission?
  5. Does this project terminate assistance to tenants for not following through on their services and or treatment plan?

1 point for each question that is answered as “no”.

1 extra point for projects answering “no” to all five questions.

8.10 points awarded if your program is in compliance with HUD. Provide a letter from your CEO that your program is in program compliance. (Tab 8)

0 points awarded if your agency is out-of compliance with HUD or do not provide letter.

9. 20 points awarded if your project isa Permanent Supportive Housing Programs.

15 points awarded if your project is a Rapid Re-Housing project.

10. 6 points awarded if your agency participates in Housing Connect, the COC’s Coordinated Entry system.

2 points if your agency is the fiscal agent.

2 points awarded if your agency participates on the oversite committee.

2 points awarded if your agency pulls names from the prioritization list for its housing openings.

***1 Bonus Point awarded to agency that completes the score sheet correctly.

Decisions are final. In the event of a tie it is at the discretion of the Prioritization Committee to break the tie.

The Homeless Coalition’s Priorization CoC Instructions

Effective Date: 7/11/2016

Updated: 8-8-2017