Editor: Kees van Kolmeschate
cvkolmes @ hetnet.nl








































Frederic Baraga JESUS OBIMADISIWIN 1837 editor: Kees van Kolmeschate.

version 1.1 --- page 1


  1. The text of JESUS OBIMADISIWIN became available to me in the Netherlands thanks to the searchable PDF file that was produced by the AIS group of Dr. Lawrence Martin of University of Wisconsin Eau-Claire and placed on their website:
  2. The SIL program Toolbox was used in the first stages of transliterating to Fiero spelling, doing a morpheme breakdown and making a grammatical analysis and word-by-word translation.
  3. The presentation of the Grammatical Analysis and Word-by-word Translation is similar to the one used by Rand Valentine in e.g. his "Nishnaabemwin Reference Grammar"
  4. It became clear soon that Baraga's command of the Ojibwe language was such that quite a number of grammatically dubious constructions resulted in this early document, especially where obviation is involved.
    Therefore I decided to do only a small part of the book.
    In a later stage I intend to add more notes on these grammatical matters

version 1.1 (20070129)

recognition of a relational verb form ji-bimiwidoowagiban used in {27010}


Frederic Baraga JESUS OBIMADISIWIN 1837 editor: Kees van Kolmeschate.

version 1.1 --- page 1

»placed between actor (left) and goal (right)

A(B)A is possessor of B

part(V)Pparticiple derived from V, a verb in conjunct order, P being the participle's nominal rôle.
e.g. etegin part( vii ic conj 0 )0p , 'which[0p] are there' behaves like an inanimate plural noun and is derived frometeg vii ic conj 0.

0inanimate third person, singular or plural, proximate

0locinamimate noun locative

0obvinanimate third person, singular or plural, obviative

0obv.pinanimate third person, plural, obviative

0obv.sinanimate third person, singular, obviative

0pinanimate third person, plural, proximate

0sinanimate third person, singular, proximate

1pfirst person, plural exclusive

1sfirst person, singular

2second person, singular or plural

21first person, plural inclusive

2psecond person, plural

2ssecond person, singular

3third person, singular or plural, proximate

3locanimate noun locative

3obvanimate third person, (singular or plural), obviative

3panimate third person plural, proximate

3sanimate third person singular, proximate

an.animate gender

BarBaraga's spelling in «Jesus Obimadisiwin»

BARBaraga: "A Dictionary of the Otchipwe Language (1878)"

CDMOJ.D. Nichols, E. Nyholm: "A Concise Dictionary of Minnesota Ojibwe"

(CH.CONJ)verb inflected in Conjunct order, with Initial CHange

conjconjunct verbal order

(CONJ)verb inflected in Conjunct order, without initial Change


dubdubitative mode

exclexclusive, of first person

ic(with) initial change


ininanimate gender

inclinclusive, of first person plural

indindependent verbal order



iteriterative verbal mode


nanoun, animate

nadnoun, animate depedent


ninoun, inanimate

nidnoun, inanimate dependent




preprenoun or preverb


pretpreterit mode



relrelational verb-form for vai or vti or vti2

RHODR.A. Rhodes: "Eastern Ojibway-Chippewa-Ottawa Dictionary"

s.o."someone", symbolizes the animate object of a vta verb.

s.t."something", symbolizes the inanimate object of a vti/vti2 verb.

(s.t.)"something", symbolizes the (secondary) animate or inanimate object (for which a vta verb is not conjugated);
or the animate or inanimate object of a vaio verb.

vaiverb, animate intransitive

vai2verb, animate intransitive in –am (pseudo-intransitive)

vaioverb, animate intransitive with object


vtaverb, transitive animate

vta #awvta, with stem ending in –aw

vta #Cwvta, with stem ending in consonant + w

vta #hwvta, with stem ending in -hw

vti2verb, transitive inanimate, with –oo theme

Frederic Baraga JESUS OBIMADISIWIN 1837 editor: Kees van Kolmeschate.

version 1.1 --- page 1



Ojibwe words (or partial words) in Fiero spelling
the main entries are written so in full.

Ojibwe word as spelled by Baraga.


Ojibwe word as spelled by Baraga; the bold part is the (part of the) entry that was used as such in Morpheme Breakdown, it was decided to give here a full word, with the extra parts (prefixes, preverbs, prenouns, and verbal suffixes) written in italics.


Ojibwe words (or partial words) in Fiero spelling; the bold part is the (part of the) entry that was used as such in Morpheme Breakdown, it was decided to give here a full word, with the extra parts (prefixes, preverbs, prenouns, and verbal suffixes) written in italics.


future tense
part of speech (when following a main entry or other Ojibwe words)etc.;
or in general: comments.

7070; 26050
indexing the text fragment(s) of the Grammatical Analysis an Word-by-word Translation in which the given word is present.
The examples refer to page 7, fragment 7 and page 26 fragment 5 resp.; pagenumbers here are from the original paper book.

No attempt is made to transliterate names like this one to Fiero spelling. These names are written here in upper case.


Frederic Baraga JESUS OBIMADISIWIN 1837 editor: Kees van Kolmeschate.

version 1.1 --- page 1

aamoo- prenbee
* Bar.: «amosisibakwat»aamoo-ziinzibaakwad[ni 0s honey] : 25050

aangwaamitaagozi vaiexhort.
* Bar.: «gaiji angwamitagosi» gaa-izhi-aangwaamitaagozi, (CH.CONJ) as he[3s] exhorted: 1030

aaniin pchow?.
* Bar.: «anin»: 2090; 5010; 6020

aaniin iwapii pcwhen?.
* Bar.: «aniniwapi»: 16020

aanjitoon vti2change s.t. .
* Bar.: «giandjitoieg»gii-aanjitooyeg , (CONJ) that you[pl] have changed them[0]: 26040

aano- prevalthough.
* Bar.: «ano»: 5040
* Bar.: «aiano debwewinagak»ayaano- [ic]: 3050; 6080

aanwenindizo vairepent.
* Bar.: «tchi anwenindisoieg»ji-aanwenindizoyeg, (CONJ) so that you[pl] may repent: 26090

aanzheni naangel.
* Bar.: «anjeniwan»aanzheniwan [na 3obv angel]: 2090; 5010
*NOTE: maybe aanzheniiwan ?? cf «anjenin», aanzheniin

aanzhenii naangel.
* Bar.: «anjeni» : 3020; 4020; 4060; 5080
* Bar.: «odanjeniman»odaanzheniiman [na 3s(3obv) his angel(s)]: 2000; 4000; 20040; 21080
* Bar.: «anjenin»aanzheniin [na 3obv Angel]: 2020; 5030

aapiji pcvery.
* Bar.: «apitchi»: 16020

abinoojiinh nachild.
* Bar.: «abinodji»: 2040; 4080; 6030; 16030; 16060; 18040; 20040; 21090
* Bar.: «abinodjiian»abinoojiinyan [na 3obv child]: 3120; 5040; 6000; 7120; 16080; 17050; 19040; 20060; 20070; 21100; 26060

ABRAHAM naAbraham.
* Bar.: «Abraham»: 7070; 26050; 26060

adisaawayeshiinh na locust.
* Bar.: «adissawaieshiian»adisaawayeshiinyan [na 3obv locusts]: 25050

agawaateshkaw vta #awovershadow s.o. .
* Bar.: «ki gabiagawateshkag»giga-bi-agawaateshkaag , he[3s] will come and overshadow you: 5030

agoojin vaihang.
* Bar.: «agodjin»: 16060

agwaataa vaicome out of the water.
* Bar.: «agwata»: 29030

agwajiing pcoutside.
* Bar.: «agwatching»: 2000; 3060

aki nicountry, earth.
* Bar.: «odakiming»odakiiming [ni3s(0loc) in his country]: 16010; 21090; 21100
* Bar.: «aking»akiing [ni 0loc on earth]: 1000; 26020

akiwenziiyiwi vaibe an old man.
* Bar.: «nind akiwesiiw»nindakiwenziiyiw [vai ind 1s I am an old man]: 3000

ako- prevsince, up to.
* Bar.: «ako» : 6090
* Bar.: «eko»eko- [ic]: 5050; 21020

amo vta #Cweat s.o. .
* Bar.: «gaamwadjin»gaa-amwaajin , (CH.CONJ) what[3obv] he[3s] ate : 25050

anamihaa vaipray.
* Bar.: «anamia»: 2000
* Bar.: «enamiassigog»enamihaasigog, (CH.CONJ) who[3p] do not pray: 18050

anamihe-onizhishiwin ni(divine) grace.
* Bar.: «anamie-onijishiwin»: 4020

anamihetaw vta #aw adore s.o. .
* Bar.: «tchi anamietawag»ji-anamihetawag , (CONJ) so that I may adore him[3s] : 16040; 17000

anamihewigamig nitemple.
* Bar.: «anamiewigamigong»anamihewigamigong [ni 0loc in the temple]: 2000; 3070; 3090; 3110; 18030

anamihewin niprayer.
* Bar.: «anamiewin»: 2020

anamikaagewin nisalutation.
* Bar.: «anamikagewin»: 6030

anamikaw vta #awgreet s.o. .
* Bar.: «kit anamikon»gidanamikoon , I greet you : 4020; 4050; 5100; 6000

anang nastar.
* Bar.: «anang»: 16020; 16060
* Bar.: «anangon»anangoon [na 3obv the star]: 16070

ani- prevgoing on.
* Bar.: «ani-»: 2000; 3110; 16030; 16060; 17020

anishaa pcwithout reason.
* Bar.: «anisha»: 19020

anishinaabe naman, human being, Indian.
* Bar.: «anishinabeg»anishinaabeg [na 3p men]: 2000; 3060; 18050; 19060
* Bar.: «nind anishinabeman»nindanishinaabeman [na 1s(3obv) my people]: 16010; 18050

anishinaabewi vaibe a human being.
* Bar.: «genianishinabewidjig»ge-ni-anishinaabewijig , (CH.CONJ) who[3p] will be the people to come: 6090; 19030

anokiitaw vta #awwork for s.o. .
* Bar.: «anokitawad»anokiitawaad , (CONJ) he[3s] works for him[3obv] : 2000; 2080; 3110; 7060
* Bar.: «enokitawag»enokiitawag , (CH.CONJ) I who work for him[3s] : 6080; 18040

anooj pc various.
* Bar.: «anotch»: 17010

anookii vai give an order.
* Bar.: «gaiji anokid»gaa-izhi-anookiid , (CH.CONJ) he[3s] gave an order: 21020

anooN vta hire s.o. .
* Bar.: «gianonad»gii-anoonaad , (CONJ) when he[3s] employed him[3obv] : 21000

apagiN vta throw s.o. there.
* Bar.: «tchi apaginindwa»ji-apaginindwaa , (CONJ) so that they[3p] may be thrown there : 26080

apii pc when.
* Bar.: «api»: 2010; 2040; 6000; 17040; 26020

apiich- prev to such extent.
* Bar.: «epitch»epiich- [ic]: 6030; 26030

apiitendaagozi vai be worth.
* Bar.: «apitendagosi», he[3s] is worth : 2050; 4090; 6080; 16010; 27000; 27010
* Bar.: «epitendagosiiàn»epiitendaagoziyaan , (CH.CONJ) like I am worth : 27000

apiitendaagwad vii be worth.
* Bar.: «eji apitendagwakin»ezhi-apiitendaagwakin , (CH.CONJ) which[0p] have such worth : 16010

ARCHELAUS na Archelaus.
* Bar.: «Archelaus»: 22000

asin ni stone.
* Bar.: «assinin»asiniin [ni 0p stones]: 26060

ate vii be there.
* Bar.: «ate», it[0s] is there : 26070
* Bar.: «etegin»etegin , (CH.CONJ) which[0p] are there : 16010

aw pr dem na that (na).
* Bar.: «aw»: 2040; 4010; 5030; 5050; 17080; 27000

awashime pc much more.
* Bar.: «awashime»: 4040; 6010; 16010; 27000; 28110

awenen pr inter na who? .
* Bar.: «awenen»: 26000

awesiinh na animal.
* Bar.: «awessi»: 25050

awi- pc to go to.
* Bar.: «awianamikawad»awi-anamikawaad,(CONJ) she[3s] goes to greet her[3obv] : 5100

awiya pr indef na somebody.
* Bar.: «awia»: 5020

ayaa vai be there.
* Bar.: «nin mojag aia»nimoozhag-ayaa , I am always there : 3020; 16060; 20050; 21000; 21020
* Bar.: «eiadjig»eyaajig , (CH.CONJ) who[3p] are there : 19040

ayaanike- prenext in line.
* Bar.: «odaianike ojisheigoban»odayaanike-oozhishenyigoban , his[3s] great grandchildren : 4000; 7000

ayininamaw vta #aw beckon s.o. .
* Bar.: «odayininamaagowaan»odayininamaagowaan , he[3obv] beckons them[3p] : 3100

ayoon vti2 use s.t. .
* Bar.: «nind aion»nindayoon , I use it[0s] : 26090

azhaweshk ni sword.
* Bar.: «ajaweshk»: 19060
*NOTE: CDMO: ashaweshk; RHOD: zhaweshk

baabige pc immediately.
* Bar.: «pabige»

baakinan vti open s.t. .
* Bar.: «pakinamowad»baakinamowaad , (CONJ) they[3p] open them[0] : 17010

baanimaa pc after a while.
* Bar.: «panima» : 7080

baapinenimo vairejoice .
* Bar.: «ki gabapinenim»giga-baapinenim , you will rejoice : 2040
* Bar.: «tabapinenimowag»da-baapinenimowag , they[3p] will rejoice : 2040; 6030; 7110; 16070

baataadowin ni sin.
* Bar.: «obatadowiniwan»obaataadowiniwaan [ni 3p(0p) their sins]: 25070

baataam vta testify against s.o. .
* Bar.: «ogibatamawan»ogii-baataamaawaan , they[3p] testified against him[3obv] : 26030

babiikwadinaa vii be a hill country.
* Bar.: «babikwadinanig»babiikwadinaanig , (CONJ) where it[0obv] is a hill country : 5090

babiinzikawaagan bicoat.
* Bar.: «babinsikawagan» : 25050

bagidin vtalet s.o. go.
* Bar.: «ki pagidina»gibagidinaa , you let him[3s] go : 18040

bagidinige vai make an offering.
* Bar.: «pagidinige» : 17060

bagijigewinini na(jewish) priest.
* Bar.: «pagitchigewinini» : 1010
* Bar.: «pagitchigewininiwag»bagijigewininiwag [na 3p (jewish) priests]: 1020; 2000

bakaan pc different.
* Bar.: «bakan» : 17030; 26020

bakade vai be hungry.
* Bar.: «Bekadenijin»bekadenijin , (CH.CONJ) who[3obv] are hungry : 7040

bakewin vta depart from s.o. .
* Bar.: «gaiji bakewinad»gaa-izhi-bakewinaad , (CH.CONJ) he[3s] departed from her[3obv] : 5080

bakwezhw vta #Cw circumcise s.o. .
* Bar.: «wi bipakwejwawad»wii-bi-bakwezhwaawaad , (CONJ) that they[3p] will come and circumcise him[3obv] : 7120

bangii pc (a) little.
* Bar.: «pangi» : 16010

bangishin vai fall.
* Bar.: «geondji pangishinowad»ge-onji-bangishinowaad , (CH.CONJ) whence they[3p] will fall : 19040

bashkwegino- pren leather.
* Bar.: «pashkweginokitchipison»bashkwegino-gijipizon , a leather belt : 25050

bazigwii vai stand up.
* Bar.: «pasigwigoban»bazigwiigoban she[3s] must have stood up: 5090; 19040

bekaadizi vai be meek.
* Bar.: «bekadisi», he[3s] is meek : 168000

bekish pc at the same time.
* Bar.: «bekish» : 17060

BETHLEHEM ni Bethlehem.
* Bar.: «Bethlehem» : 16010
* Bar.: «Bethleheming»BETHLEHEMing [ni0loc in/to Bethlehem]: 16030; 21020

bezhig pc one.
* Bar.: «bejig» : 1010; 17070; 21000

bi- prev come and ... .
* Bar.: «bi-» : 1020; 2000; 2040; 3030; 4000; 5030; 6020; 7120; 16010; 16040; 16060; 20040; 21080; 21100; 22020; 25060; 27000; 28090; 28120; 168000
* Bar.: «basagaang»ba-zaagahang , (CH.CONJ) when he[3s] has come out : 3080; 16080; 22020

biboonagizi vai be ... years in age.
* Bar.: «eko nijobibonagisigobanenag»eko-niizho-biboonagizigobanenag , (CH.CONJ) who[3p] must have been up to 2 years old : 21020

biih vta wait for s.o. .
* Bar.: «obiawan»obiihaawaan , they[3p] are waiting for him[3obv] : 3060

biindigaN vtabring s.o. in.
* Bar.: «pandiganigod»baandiganigod , (CH.CONJ) when they[3obv] have brought him[3s] in : 18040

biindige vai enter.
* Bar.: «pindige» : 2000; 5100; 16080
* Bar.: «pandigedjin»baandigejin , vai ic conj iter 3s ' (CH.CONJ) whenever he[3s] enters' : 4020

biindigeshkaw vta #aw come into s.o. .
* Bar.: «ogapindigeshkagon»oga-biindigeshkaagoon , he[3obv] will come into him[3s] : 2070

biinizi vai be clean.
* Bar.: «binisi» : 17040

biitoon vti2 wait for s.t. .
* Bar.: «bitogoban»biitoogoban , he[3s] must have been waiting for it[0s] : 18000

biiway ni skin.
* Bar.: «biwaian»biiwayan [ni 0p skins]: 25050

bimaadizi vai live.
* Bar.: «bimadisi» : 26020; 26040

bimaadiziwin ni life.
* Bar.: «bimadisiwin» : 1000; 21090
* Bar.: «ki bimadisiwiniwan»gibimaadiziwiniwaan [ni 2p(0p) your[pl] lives]: 26040

bimiwidoon vti2 #aw carry s.t.). .
* Bar.: «tchi bimiwitowagiban»ji-bimiwidoowagiban , vti conj rel pret 1s»0 , '(CONJ) that I might carry his[3s] ...': 27010

bimoom vta carry s.o. on one's back.
* Bar.: «obimomigon»obimoomigoon , he[3obv] carries him[3s] on his back : 168000

bimose vai walk.
* Bar.: «bimosse» : 1030; 17030

bizhishigozi vai be empty.
* Bar.: «pijishigosi» : 5050

boonendam vai2 forget.
* Bar.: «bonendasi»boonendaazii , she[3s] does not forget : 21070

bwaa- prev before: only with conjunct; often combined withji- .
* Bar.: «bwa» : 1020; 3040; 18020

bwaanawitoon vti2 be unable to do s.t. .
* Bar.: «obwanawitossin»obwaanawitoosiin , he[3s] is unable to do it[0s] : 5060

CHRIST naChrist.
* Bar.: «christan»CHRISTan [na 3obv Christ]: 18020

da- prev future tense, used only in independent order and then only if word-initial.
* Bar.: «ta-» : 2040; 2050; 4090; 5000; 6050; 16010; 19060; 26080; 28110

daa vai dwell there.
* Bar.: «endad»endaad , (CH.CONJ) where he[3s] dwells: 3020; 4020; 5100; 17020; 25060

daa- prev would.
* Bar.: «da-»: 26060

dagwishin vai arrive.
* Bar.: «dagwishin» : 22020; 26000

danakii vai live there.
* Bar.: «danaki» : 22020
* Bar.: «endanakiwagobanen»endanakiiwaagobanen , (CH.CONJ) where they[3p] lived : 17030; 25060

danizi vai be there.
* Bar.: «danisigoban»danizigoban he[3s] must have be there: 1010; 17070

dash pc and, but.
* Bar.: «dash» : 1010; 1040; 2000; 2010; 2020; 2030; 2090; 3020; 3030; 3040; 3060; 3080; 3090; 3100; 3110; 3120; 4010; 4020; 4050; 4060; 4080; 5000; 5010; 5030; 5070; 5080; 5090; 5100; 6000; 6010; 6020; 6060; 6090; 7030; 7050; 7080; 7090; 7100; 7110; 7120; 7130; 16020; 16030; 16040; 16050; 16060; 16070; 16080; 17000; 17010; 17020; 17030; 17040; 17070; 18040; 18050; 19010; 19030; 19040; 19060; 20040; 20050; 20070; 20080; 21000; 21010; 21020; 21040; 21080; 21090; 21100; 22000; 22010; 22020; 25060; 25070; 26000; 26080; 27000; 28090; 28100; 28120; 29000; 29020; 29030

DAVID na David.
* Bar.: «David» : 4000; 5000

dazhi- prev there.
* Bar.: «daji» : 2000

dazhindan vti speak about s.t. .
* Bar.: «tchi matchi dajindaming»ji-maji-dazhindaming , (CONJ) so that one will gossip about it[0] : 19050

debwetan vti believe s.t. .
* Bar.: «gaijidebwetaman»gaa-izhi-debwetaman , (CH.CONJ) you who believed it[0] so : 3050; 6040

debwewinagad vii be the truth.
* Bar.: «aiano debwewinagak»ayaano-debwewinagak (CH.CONJ) although it[0] is the truth : 3050

debwewiniwan vii come true.
* Bar.: «debwewiniwan» : 21000; 22020; 168000

di vai be so.
* Bar.: «gediiàn»ge-diyaan (CH.CONJ) I will be : 5070

dibaajimo vai tell.
* Bar.: «dibadjimo» : 21030

dibaakonigewin ni law.
* Bar.: «odibakonigewining»odibaakonigewining [ni 3s(0loc) in his law]: 17040; 17050; 17060; 18040

dibenim vta be lord of s.o. .
* Bar.: «nin dibenimig»nindibenimig , he[3s] is my lord : 5070
* Bar.: «Debeniminang»debeniminang , (CH.CONJ) who[3s] is the lord of us[incl]: 1030; 2080; 5000; 6020; 6060; 17050; 17060; 18020; 18040; 21000

dibinawe pc (one's) own.
* Bar.: «tibinawe nishkinjigong»dibinawenishkiinzhigong , in my own eyes : 18050

dibishkoo pc equal, opposite.
* Bar.: «tibishko» : 16060

doodam vai2 do (s.t.) .
* Bar.: «gidodamowag»gii-doodamowag , they[3p] did so : 1030; 2000; 29010

doodaw vta #aw do to s.o. .
* Bar.: «ogidodawan»ogii-doodawaan , he[3s] has treated him[3obv]: 6100; 7060; 18040

EGYPT ni Egypt.
* Bar.: «Egypting»EGYPTing [ni 0loc in/to/from Egypt]: 20040; 20080; 21000; 21080

ELISABETH na Elisabeth.
* Bar.: «Elisabeth» : 1010; 1050; 2030; 3120; 5040; 6000; 6010; 7090
* Bar.: «Elisabethan»ELISABETHan [na 3obv Elisabeth]: 5100; 7080

enigok pc loud.
* Bar.: «enigok» : 6010

eta pc only.
* Bar.: «eta» : 19010

ga- prevfuture tense: shall; should; translates as should when used with verb in preterit; ga-is used only after a personal prefix, ge- is the preverb under initial change.
* Bar.: «ga-» : 2030; 2040; 2060; 2070; 2080; 3040; 4080; 5000; 5030; 16040; 19060; 20060; 27020
* Bar.: «ge-»ge- [ic]: 2060; 5010; 5030; 5070; 6090; 19040; 26080; 27000

gaa pcnot; cf gaawiin.
* Bar.: «ka» : 1040; 1050; 2060; 3100; 19010

gaaginig pc eternally.
* Bar.: «kaginig» : 5000

gaawiin pc not; cf gaa.
* Bar.: «kawin» : 3040; 3050; 3080; 5000; 5020; 5060; 16010; 19030; 21070; 27010

GABRIEL na Gabriel.
* Bar.: «Gabriel» : 3020; 4000

gad- prevfuture tense: shall; should; translates as should when used with verb in preterit; optionally used before a vowel; gad-is used only after a personal prefix, ged- is the preverb under initial change.
* Bar.: «gat-» : 4100
* Bar.: «get-»ged- [ic]: 2090; 6090; 16010; 29000; 29010

gaganoodamaw vta#aw speak repeatedly for s.o. .
* Bar.: «ogigaganodamawan»ogii-gaganoodamawaan , he[3s] prayed for them[3obv] : 19040

gagiikwewin ni sermon.
* Bar.: «ogagikwewining»ogagiikwewining[ni 3s(0loc) in his sermon(s)]: 1030

gagiinawishkim vta tell s.o. lies.
* Bar.: «gigaginawishkimigod»gii-gagiinawishkimigod , (CONJ) that they[3obv] belied him[3s]: 21010

gagwejim vta ask s.o. .
* Bar.: «okagwedjiman»ogagwejimaan , he[3s] asks them[3obv] : 16020

gakina pc all.
* Bar.: «kakina» : 1030; 6050; 7070; 16010; 17050; 18050; 19000; 21020; 25060; 26080; 29010; 168000

GALILEing ni loc in Galilea.
* Bar.: «Galileing» [ni 0loc in Galilea]: 4000; 22010; 28090

ganage pc (not) at all.
* Bar.: «ganage» : 27010

ganawenim vta take care of s.o. .
* Bar.: «ogiganaweniman»ogii-ganawenimaan , he[3s] took care of him[3obv] : 19010

ga-niigaani-gikendamogobanen napt prophet.
* Bar.: «ganiganikikendamogobanenag»ga-niigaani-gikendamogobanenag [napt 3pprophets]: 22020

ga-niigaani-gikendang napt prophet.
* Bar.: «ganiganikikendang» : 21000; 21040; 168000

ganooN vta speak to s.o. .
* Bar.: «tchi ganoninàn»ji-ganooninaan , (CONJ) that I will speak to you : 3080; 20050; 22010

gashkih vta overcome s.o. .
* Bar.: «ogagashkian»oga-gashkihaan he[3s] will win them[3obv] : 2080

gashkitoomagad viii prevail.
* Bar.: «gashkitomagad» : 7010

gashkitoon vti2 be able to do s.t. .
* Bar.: «ogashkitossin»ogashkitoosiin , he[3s] is unable to do it[0s] : 3080; 3100; 26060

gawahigaazo vai be chopped down.
* Bar.: «tagawaigasowag»da-gawahigaazowag , they[3p] will be chopped down : 26080

gayat pc formerly.
* Bar.: «gaiat» : 1020; 1030

gaye pc and, also.
* Bar.: «gaie» : 2040; 2060; 2080; 3010; 6010; 6070; 6100; 7000; 7070; 7110; 16010; 16030; 16040; 16080; 17010; 17060; 17080; 18040; 19000; 19040; 19050; 19060; 20040; 20070; 21020; 21090; 21100; 25050; 25060; 26000; 26010; 26030; 27020

gaye dash pc and also.
* Bar.: «gaiedash» : 5040

gegaa pc almost, about.
* Bar.: «kega» : 7080

geget pc truly.
* Bar.: «geget» : 3120

gego pc do not; used with prohibitive.
* Bar.: «kego» : 2020; 4060; 17020; 26050; 28100

gegoo pr indef ni something, anything.
* Bar.: «gego» : 2060; 3090; 5060; 17010

gekejidine[?] pc quickly.
* Bar.: «kekejdine» : 5090
*NOTE: only in BAR: «kekejidine»

gichi- pre very, big.
* Bar.: «kitchi» : 1030; 2000; 2010; 2040; 2050; 2080; 3070; 4050; 4090; 6100; 7110; 16010; 16070; 21010; 21050; 25050; 26030

gichi-ogimaa na king.
* Bar.: «ki kitchi ogimam»gigichi-ogimaam[na 2s(3s) your king]: 168000

gichi-ogimaa-namadabiwin ni throne.
* Bar.: «kitchi-ogima-namadabiwin» : 5000

gichitwaa- pren saint.
* Bar.: «kitchitwa» : 19010

gichitwaawendaagozi vai be blessed, be holy.
* Bar.: «kitchitwawendagosi» : 6010
* Bar.: «ketchitwawendagosid»gechitwaawendaagozid , (CH.CONJ) who[3s] is holy : 5030

gichitwaawendaagozih vta exalt s.o. .
* Bar.: «ogikitchitwawendagosian»ogii-gichitwaawendaagozihaan , he[3s] has exalted them[3obv] : 7030

gichitwaawenindizo vai have proud thoughts.
* Bar.: «ketchitwawenindisonidjin»gechitwaawenindizonijin , (CH.CONJ) who[3obv] have proud thoughts : 7020

gichitwaawiN vta praise s.o. .
* Bar.: «okitchitwawinan»ogichitwaawinaan , he[3s] praises him[3obv] : 6060

gichitwaawinikaazo vai have a glorious name.
* Bar.: «ketchitwawinikasod»gechitwaawinikaazod , (CH.CONJ) who[3s] has a glorious name : 6100

gichitwaawiziwin ni glory.
* Bar.: «okitchitwawisiwiniwa»ogichitwaawiziwiniwaa[ni 3p(0s) their glory]: 18050

gidimaagih vta make s.o. poor.
* Bar.: «ogikitimagian»ogidimaagihaan , he[3s] has made them[3obv] poor: 7050

gigishkan vti bear s.t. in/on one's body.
* Bar.: «eko gigishkang»eko-gigishkang , (CH.CONJ) since she[3s] got pregnant : 5050

gigishkaw vta #aw bear s.o. in/on one's body #aw.
* Bar.: «ogigishkawan»ogigishkawaan , she[3s] bears him[3obv] in her body : 2070; 3120; 4080; 5040

gii- prevpast tense; gaa-is the prev under initial change.
* Bar.: «gi-» :1010; 1030; 1040; 1050; 2020; 3030; 3050; 3090; 3120; 4000; 4070; 5010; 5100; 6000; 6030; 6080; 6100; 7010; 7020; 7030; 7040; 7050; 7060; 7080; 16050; 17030; 17040; 18030; 18050; 19010; 19040; 20070; 20080; 21000; 21010; 21040; 21050; 21070; 21090; 21100; 22000; 22020; 25050; 25060; 25070; 26030; 26040
* Bar.: «ga-»gaa- [ic]: 1020; 1030; 2000; 3040; 3110; 4050; 5070; 5080; 6030; 6040; 6050; 6070; 7070; 7110; 16020; 16050; 16060; 17030; 17040; 17060; 18040; 18050; 20070; 21000; 21020; 21030; 21040; 21080; 21100; 22010; 22020; 25050; 26020; 29020; 29030; 168000

giigaang na virgin.
* Bar.: «gigang»giigaang [na 3s virgin]: 4010

giigaangowi vai be a virgin.
* Bar.: «gagangowinidjin»gaagaangowinijin , (CH.CONJ) who[3obv] is a virgin : 4000

giigido vai speak.
* Bar.: «ki ganitagigitossi»giga-nitaa-giigidosii , you will not be able to speak: 3040; 3100

giigidowin ni word.
* Bar.: «gigitowin» : 3050

giimooj pc secretly.
* Bar.: «gimodj» : 16020

giin pr you (sing.).
* Bar.: «kin» : 5030; 16010; 19060; 28110; 28120

giiwashkwebiishkaw vya #aw intoxicate s.o. .
* Bar.: «gegiwashkwebishkagod»ge-giiwashkwebiishkaagod , (CH.CONJ) which[0] will intoxicate him[3s] : 2060

giiwe vai return.
* Bar.: «giwe» : 3110; 7080; 17030

giiwitaayihii pc all around it.
* Bar.: «giwitaiai» : 21020

giizhig ni heaven.
* Bar.: «gijig»

giizhigad ni day.
* Bar.: «gijigad» : 3040; 3110; 17040

giizhitoon vti2 make s.t. .
* Bar.: «gagijitod»gaa-giizhitood , (CH.CONJ) who[3s] has made it[0] : 5070

gijipizo vai wear as a belt.
* Bar.: «kitchipiso» : 25050

gijipizon ni belt.
* Bar.: «kitchipison» : 25050

gikaa vai be very old.
* Bar.: «gika» : 3010; 5040

gikendaagwad vii be known.
* Bar.: «kikendagwad» : 19060

gikendam vai2 know.
* Bar.: «getiji kikendamàn»ged-izhi-gikendamaan , (CH.CONJ) I will know so: 2090

gikenim vta know s.o. .
* Bar.: «okikenimawan»ogikenimaawaan , they[3p] know him[3obv]: 3090; 5020

gikim vta promise s.o. a rendezvous.
* Bar.: «gikimagoban»gikimaagoban , she[3s] must have promised him[3obv] (a rendezvous) : 4000

ginebig na snake.
* Bar.: «kinebig» : 26000

ginwenzh pc for a long time.
* Bar.: «ginwenj» : 3070

Gizhe-Manidoo na God.
* Bar.: «Kije-Manito» : 1030; 2000; 2020; 2050; 2080; 3020; 4000; 4070; 4100; 5000; 5030; 5060; 6050; 6080; 17020; 17040; 18040; 19030; 20040; 21080; 26000; 26060
* Bar.: «Kije-Maniton»Gizhe-Manidoon [na 3obv God]: 1030; 2000; 3110; 7110; 17080; 18040; 22010
* Bar.: «Kije-Manitowing»Gizhe-Manidowing[?] [na 3loc ? in God[?] ] : 6070
* NOTE: the last form looks like a conj x of vai Gizhe-Manidoowibut the context seems to require a noun locative.