Back to School Edition 2016
The MAHPERD Messenger will be published multiple times per year. Its purpose is to keep you informed of current topics in health education and physical education. You will receive updates regarding new initiatives from SHAPE America, best practices in health education and physical education in the State of Maryland, articles of interest in our content areas, and Maryland upcoming events.
Welcome Back to the 2016-2017 School Year!
All of us at MAHPERD hope that you had a safe and relaxing summer.
There have been changes in office staff since the last publication. Elaine Lindsay retired on June 1st. Elaine was a tremendous asset to the MAHPERD organization. She will be missed. Here’s hoping that Elaine enjoys her home, family, garden, and has an opportunity to travel.
Sally Nazelrod, retired from Baltimore County Public Schools in September 2015, is our new Executive Director. Marianne Shultz, who is the office manager, will continue in her position. Sally and Marianne are both eager to support you and your needs.
Getting Readyfor the Annual MAHPERD Convention
2016 MAHPERD Professional Development Conference
Theme: “Waves of Change Create an Ocean of Opportunity”
Dates: October 20-21, 2016
Location: College Park Marriott Hotel and
Conference Center
EdCamp on Thursday evening, October 20, 2016
Conference Sessions all day Friday, October 21, 2016
50 plus sessions related to current topics in health and physical education
Motivational Keynote Address by Nationally-Known Speaker, Sandra Sims
Awards for Outstanding Professionals
Prizes and Giveaways
Awards Banquet
Hotel registration: Book your Rooms now!
Registration Information: Registration Open!
Early Bird Registration through September 9, 2016$60
Pre Registration September 10, 2016 through October 12, 2016$75
On Site Registration after October 13, 2016$100
Schools who held an event and raised up to $5000 can receive MAHPERD membership for $10.00. Those of you raising over $5000 get your MAHPERD membership for FREE! That is our organization’s way of giving back to you and to the AHA.
Welcome back to another exciting school year for all physical educators and health educators. As you may know, SHAPE America's Past President, Steven Jeffries, has an initiative of 50 Million Strong by 2029. This came from the fact that approximately 50 million students are currently enrolled in America's elementary and secondary schools (grades pre-K to 12).
SHAPE America’s goal is that by the time today's preschoolers graduate from high school in 2029, all of America's students are engaged in meaningful physical activity and are benefitting from the skills, knowledge, confidence, desire, and opportunities to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.He has asked all districts to get on board with his initiative.
MAHPERD is asking all schools and schools districts to show support for this initiative. Each day, promote high quality health and physical education in your school. You can do the following:
- Video a lesson that supports best practices.
- Hold an event highlighting your schools instructional program.
- Showcase an important aspect of your program.
- Design an activity to share with other professionals.
Submit these achievements electronically to Sally Nazelrod () so that your school successes can be displayed on the MAHPERD website.
Every Student Succeeds Act:
Game Changer for Health and Physical Education
The U.S. Congress passed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in December 2015, reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This bipartisan legislation replaces No Child Left Behind as the federal education legislation that funds and provides the framework for elementary and secondary education in the United States.
The passage of ESSA was a major victory for the health and physical education profession and the 50 million students in schools across the country. Under No Child Left Behind, subjects like health and physical education suffered due to the emphasis on adequate yearly progress (AYP) and student testing. ESSA aims to shift the focus to a well-rounded education for students, which includes health education and physical education.
Here is how ESSA impacts school health and physical education: School health and physical education are identified as part of a student's "well-rounded education”. This term replaces the term “core academic subjects” from previous versions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, like No Child Left Behind. Subjects that are part of a well-rounded education are eligible for federal education funding. School districts will be able to access funding for health and physical education from Title I (low- income schools), Title II (professional development), and Title IV through their state department of education. Funding previously awarded to school districts through the Carol M. White Physical Education Program (PEP) from the U.S. Department of Education will no longer exist after FY 2016. Title IV, Part A block grants will be distributed to states and school districts using the Title I formula. School districts must spend this money on: supporting a well-rounded education, safe and healthy students programs, and effective use of technology. This funding offers states and school districts the opportunity to improve school health and physical education programs. ESSA funding for Titles I, II and IV will begin to flow to states in July 2017. The 2016-2017 school year will be a transition year for states and school districts. States have already begun to develop ESSA implementation plans. Make sure YOU are part of the process!
For more resources and information visit:
SHAPE America's
Online Advocacy Day
Let's empower all kids
to live active, healthy lives
Advocate Together
Funding through ESSA to support health and physical education programs is at risk of being cut! We need active advocates like you to participate in SHAPE America's Online Advocacy Day, September 14! Together, let's make sure our voices are heard! Ask your lawmakers to fully fund the Title IV, Part A grant under ESSA at $1.65 billion. This much needed funding will support a student's well-rounded education - which now includes Health and PE!
Go to:
Register Now!
Best wishes for a successful 2016-2017 school year!