# _____ SquadronSponsoring Committee
Reminder– Outstanding Fees
It has been noted that Assessment/Administration Fees of $ ______is outstanding for
Cadet ______.
Please make payment to - ______Squadron Sponsoring Committee.
Treasurer ______or Director ______will be available at the end of each parade night in the Lobby to accept payment and to issue receipts.
All activities of the Air Cadet Program (training, survival trips, gliding) are funded both through the Department of National Defence (DND) and through the active fund raising efforts of the members of the Sponsoring Committee assisted by the Cadets.
The Squadron Sponsoring Committee is responsible for administrativecosts such as facility rent, telephone, contents insurance, trophies and awards, additional costs to fund a band, drill team and other activities that are not covered by DND.
The Air Cadet League of Canada, British Columbia Provincial Committee costs cover the maintenance and Insurance for 12 gliders and 6 tow planes, volunteerLiability insurance through ACL of Canada, BCPC office and administration costs, Legal services retained for the benefit of BCPC and Squadron Sponsoring Committees.
Throughout the year, parents are asked to help in fund-raising events (tag days and others) to help maintain the high level of activities planned for the training year. In addition, each year parents are requested to pay an Assessment fee to the British Columbia Provincial Committee and an Administration fee to the Squadron Sponsoring Committee to help offset the many operating costs as identified above.
There are many advantages that your son/daughter receives as a member of the cadet program. All uniforms are provided by the Department of National Defence; cadets have the opportunity to participate in the band, drill team, effective speaking and weekend exercises. In addition, cadets may attend various summer camps and scholarship camps at no or minimal cost to the parents; in fact, cadets who are selected for a summer camp receive a “Training Bonus” of $60.00 per week while at camp!
The SSC will be instituting a policy whereby any parent of a cadet that has not submitted their assessment fee for the year will be required to pay for the cost of the extracurricularactivities that their child wishes to participate in. These activities will include things like: FAM Flying paid for by the SSC not mandated by the program, Mess Dinner, Year-end BBQ, Swimming, Rock Climbing etc.. or any other activity that is not part of the mandated program and is paid for by the Squadron Sponsoring committee through assessment fees collected.
Thank you for your prompt response to support our squadron.