Credits system for incoming erasmus student (ECTS)
Degree course in Law for the academic year 2002/2003.
COURSE TITLE / TEACHER / SEMESTER / CREDITSAdministrative law I / Falcon – de Pretis / I semester / 10
Administrative law II / de Pretis / I semester / 8
Administrative procedure / Marchetti / II semester / 8
Anglo-American law / Ginsburg – Pradi / II semester / 8
Bankruptcy law / Montanari / II semester / 8
Business law / Zorzi / II semester / 9
Business law – advanced course “european law on electronic commerce” (semi-annual) / Zorzi - Pederzini / II semester / 4
Business law – advanced course “commercial contracts” (semi-annual) / Zorzi - Riolfo / II semester / 4
Business law – advanced course “unfair competition” (semi-annual) / Zorzi - Giuliani / II semester / 4
Canon law / Maceratini / II semester / 8
Civil law / Pascuzzi / II semester / 8
Civil law – advanced course (land register law) (semi-annual) / Pellegrini / I semester / 4
Civil procedure / Montanari / II semester / 10
Common law / Quaglioni – Marchetto – Zendri / I semester / 8
Comparative administrative law / de Pretis – Marchetti / II semester / 8
Comparative and ec anti-discrimination law / Scarponi – Smith – Toniatti / II semester / 8
Comparative business law / Zorzi - Pederzini / II semester / 9
Comparative civil procedure / Marinelli / I semester / 8
Comparative constitutional law / Casonato - Sharpe / II semester / 8
Comparative constitutional law on groups and minorities / Toniatti – Duthu – Palermo / II semester / 8
Comparative criminal law / Fornasari / I semester / 8
Comparative labour law / Fuchs - Bolego / II semester / 8
Comparative legal systems / Santaroni / I semester / 12
Comparative private law / Bellantuono – Caso / II semester / 4
Constitutional law / Toniatti / I semester / 6
Criminal business law / Melchionda / I semester / 8
Criminal law I / Picotti / II semester / 10
Criminal law II / Fornasari – Melchionda / II semester / 8
Criminal law and informatics – advanced course (semi-annual) / Picotti / II semester / 4
Criminal procedure / Busetto / I semester / 10
Criminology / Savona / II semester / 8
Criminology – advanced course (semi-annual) / Savona / II semester / 4
Domestic and international arbitration law (semi-annual) / Sifford / II semester / 4
Ecclesiastical law / Camassa / I semester / 8
Environmental law / Lugaresi / I semester / 8
European community patent and trademark law – advanced course (semi-annual) / Benussi / II semester / 4
European community private law / Benacchio / I semester / 8
European community public law / Nesi / I semester / 8
European and transnational constitutional law / Toniatti / I semester / 6
Financial brokerage law (semi-annual) / Catalano - Sartori / II semester / 4
Financial law (semi-annual) / Malagù / II semester / 4
General theory of law (jurisprudence) / Manzin / I semester / 8
History of canon law (semi-annual) / Maceratini / I semester / 4
History of european law – advanced course (semi-annual) / Dilcher / II semester / 4
History of italian Law / Rossi / II semester / 9
History of modern codifications / Zucchini / II semester / 8
History of modern legal thought / Quaglioni / II semester / 9
History of political doctrines / Carta / I semester / 8
History of political doctrines – advanced course (semi-annual) / Bencivenga / I semester / 4
History of roman law / Luisi / II semester / 8
International commercial law / Ceccon - Ortino / I semester / 8
International law / Politi / II semester / 9
International private law / De Cesari / I semester / 8
International protection of human rights / Tancredi - Arai / II semester / 8
Labour Law / Nogler / I semester / 10
Law of cooperatives and non-profit organizations / Cusa / II semester / 8
Law of the african countries / Forte - Favali / II semester / 8
Law of the eastern european countries / Simons – Dragneva / II semester / 8
Law of the german-speaking countries / Reifner – Woelk – Nogler / II semester / 8
Law on risk capital companies (semi-annual) / Pederzini / II semester / 4
Philosophy of law / Orrù / I semester / 9
Political economy / Goglio / I semester / 9
Principles of european community law / Benacchio / II semester / 6
Principles of private law / Lener / I semester / 12
Principles of public law / Zuelli / II semester / 9
Principles of roman law / Santucci / II semester / 9
Private law and informatics (semi-annual) / Pascuzzi – Caso / II semester / 4
Public economic law / Endrici / I semester / 8
Regional law and local government law / Florenzano / I semester / 8
Roman law / Santucci / I semester / 8
Sale of consumer goods (semi-annual) / Zorzi – Corso / II semester / 4
Tax law / Magliaro / II semester / 8
Tourism law / Busti / I semester / 8
Trade union law / Scarponi / II semester / 8
Transport law / Busti / I semester / 8
The bar and professional ethics / de Bertolini / I semester / 2
Information technology and legal documentation / Pascuzzi – Rossato / I semester / 2
Biolaw: the legal issues of bioethics / Casonato – Piciocchi / I semester / 2
The municipality and the system of local autonomies / Borgonovo / I semester / 3
Applied aspects of administrative procedure / Mastrogostino / II semester / 2
The non-legislative functions of the chambers of parliament / Zuelli - Borgonovo / II semester / 2
Parasocial pacts / Zorzi - Riolfo / II semester / 2
Court of justice case law on social policy / Scarponi - Stenico / II semester / 2
Court of justice case law on direct taxation / Magliaro - Conci / II semester / 2
Reform of title V of the constitution / Zuelli - Manica / II semester / 2
The tools of legal work / Zuelli - Piperata / II semester / 1