Vanessa Golborn School of Dance Show 2017
Junior Show - Saturday15th July - Matinee
Senior Show - Sunday 16th July - MatineeEvening
Anvil Theatre – Basingstoke
Please read this letter carefully and reply ASAP
Planning for the show at the Anvil Theatre in 2017 has started and it is important that we know now which students wish to be included.
The size of the dance school means that we hope to have three performances. Junior students 15th July & Senior students 16th July, however, to achieve 3 performances, it will be necessary to sell enough tickets. Please commit and encourage others to support the dance school, particularly the senior show as we have two performances to fill.
Junior students (below senior school age)
- Saturday 24thJune - Photo Shoot,Wootey Junior School, Alton.
- Sunday 2ndJuly, morning - Dress Rehearsal for ALL students, Eggars School. Alton.
- Saturday 15th July, morning - technical rehearsal, Anvil Theatre. Basingstoke.
- Saturday 15th July, 2pm – performance, Anvil Theatre. Basingstoke.
Senior students (senior school age / grade 4 ballet and above)
- Sunday 25th June - Photo Shoot,Wootey Junior School, Alton.
- Sunday 2nd July, afternoon - Dress Rehearsal for ALL students, Eggars School. Alton.
- Saturday 15th July, 5.15pm - technical rehearsal, Anvil Theatre. Basingstoke.
- Sunday 16th July, 2pm & 7pm – performances Anvil Theatre
Please note that both the technical and dress rehearsals are compulsory.
Choreography for the performances is both complex and time consuming so please ensure your child has 100% attendance (unless there are extenuating circumstances) so that we can make this show the best one yet. Also, a reminder to GCSE/A level students – please do not book your holidays before July 17th.
A show of this size incurs many costs and we are asking for a contribution of £35 for students in 1–3 dances,£55 for those in 4-6 dances and £75 for those in 7 or more.This payment covers the cost of hiring a professional theatre for technical rehearsals and performances, costumes, photo call, show t-shirt and dress rehearsal. Please make payment by January 21stin order that costume making can get underway. If you are unable to meet this cost, please speak to Vanessa, in confidence, to discuss options.
In the interest of hygiene each dancer will need to provide their own makeup. A detailed list of what is required will be notified to you nearer the time.
Volunteers form an important part of the show and there are many ways in which you can help. As well as sewers (basic and skilled), we also need backstage chaperones and help with hair, make-up etc. Please note that all backstage helpers will need to be at the dress and technical rehearsals.
We’d like to once again welcome/introduce Gill Scott. Gill is a parent volunteer who very kindly gives up her time to take on the massive task of helping with the organisation of our shows. While she is happy to answer questions about show organisation, can we please remind everyone that specific dance questions and non-show related queries should be addressed to Vanessa, Emily or Charlotte.
Please return the attachedPARTICIPATION FORM PARENTAL CONSENT FORM along with payment by 21st January 2017
Vanessa, Emily, Charlotte & GillLetter 1 (Nov 16)
Vanessa Golborn School of Dance – Show 2017
Please completeONE form for EACH student.
(Extra forms are available to download and print from the dance school website)
Please complete ALL sections clearly, in Block Capitals
Student’s details
First name (Name you wish to appear in the program) / SurnameDate of birth / Age / M / F
Dance Classes (Please circle)
Ballet Tap Modern Street Contemporary Pointe / Day(s) of classes (please circle)
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Parent/guardian/person with legal responsibility:
First name / SurnameRelationship to child
Home Phone Number
Mobile Phone Number
Email Address (please write clearly)
Alternative Emergency Contact:
First name / SurnameRelationship to child
Contact number during dress rehearsal and show
Volunteers form an important part of the show and there are many ways in which you can help. As well as sewers (basic and skilled), we also need backstage chaperones to help with hair, make-up etc. Backstage helpers you will also be required at the dress and technical rehearsals.
Are you able to help with the costumes/props YES / NOIf YES please indicate your ability : machine sewing hand sewing/glue trimming cutting out
Vanessa will contact you regarding the costumes.
In order to keep the students safe, we require MANY parents to help in the dressing rooms at both the senior shows and the junior show. Please give this careful consideration as we ALWAYS struggle to meet the number of chaperones required. It may be that you have a child dancing in the junior show but are able to help with one of the senior shows. Senior parents, please offer to help with the junior show as we need far more help with the younger students. Without the correct number of backstage helpers the show legally CANNOT happen! Thank you in advance for your support and help.
Are you able to help chaperone the dancers YES / NOIf YES, Gill Scott will contact you in the New Year to discuss details with you.
Consent for use of images
Both performances are filmed and we arrange a photographer to take group pictures. We also film certain classes to help with choreography and may use pictures and videos on our social media channels for marketing and advertising purposes. If you wish your child to be in the show, please sign the photo consent form.
I consent to the photographing/videoing of my child in connection with the Vanessa Golborn School of Dance Show 2017. I confirm that I am legally entitled to give this consent. / SignatureMedical information
It is your responsibility to make known any medical condition that may affect your child during the rehearsals and show, and any medication that they may require. This information will be shared with all staff, chaperones and helpers
First name / SurnameDate of birth / Age / M / F
Has your child received vaccination against Tetanus in the last 10 years YES/ NO
Does your child have any of the following:
Asthma/bronchitis, heart condition, fits, fainting or blackouts, severe headaches, diabetes? YES / NO
If YES please provide details, including any specific medical advice to be followed in an emergency:
Does your child have any allergies, eg. Food, material, plasters? YES / NO
If YES please provide details, including any specific medical advice to be followed in an emergency:
Does your child have any allergies to any known medication? YES / NO
If YES please provide details:
If it is considered necessary, do you agree to mild painkillers (eg.Paracetamol) being administered? YES / NO
Medical consent
In an emergency situation I authorise the organisers to take my child to hospital and give my full permission for any treatment required to be carried out in accordance with the hospital’s diagnosis. I understand that I shall be notified, as soon as possible, of the hospital visit and any treatment given by the hospital. / SignatureDeclaration of parent or person with legal responsibility
Repeated absences from class hinders both choreography and costume fitting. Therefore, we ask parents and students to support us with the huge preparation by having 100% attendance in class unless extenuation circumstances prevent this.
I agree to notify the organisation of any relevant changes in my child’s circumstances.
Signed: (for student aged 18 years or over) ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Signed: (parent/guardian)………………………………………………………..…………………...... ………
Name: (please print) …………………………………...... Date: ………...... …………..
If you wish to speak to someone regarding the information on this form
please contact Gill Scott 01420 83828
Vanessa Golborn School of Dance – Show 2017
Please completeONE form for each student.
(Extra forms are available to download and print from the dance school website)
Student’s details
First name (Name you wish to appear in the program) / SurnameHaving read the enclosed Show Letter, I confirm that the above student wishes to participate in Vanessa Golborn Dance Show 2017 at the Anvil Theatre, Basingstoke and can attend all necessary rehearsals and performances.
I enclose a non-refundable payment of £ (cheques payable to Vanessa Golborn)
Signed...... Parent/Guardian Date ......
Parents first name / SurnameAll consent forms and payments must be returned by Jan 21st 2017
Student’s details
First name / SurnameI do not wish the above student to perform in Vanessa Golborn Dance Show 2017
Signed...... Parent/Guardian Date ......
Parents first name / SurnameVanessa needs to be aware of non-participation, please return form by Jan 21st 2017