Pleasant Valley Elementary School
March 2018 Newsletter
Ms. Barbara BradleyMr. Roger PomposelloMs. Valerie Rudawski
Co - PrincipalInterim PrincipalDean of Students
Be sure to look for the PVE Newsletter and other pertinent school information
on the Pleasant Valley School District web site at .
To access the School Board Meeting Agenda, go to ,
click on “Our District,” click on “Board of Education,” and click on “Tentative Board Meeting Agenda.”
Pleasant Valley School District can be reached at 570-402-1000
The mission of the Pleasant Valley Elementary School is to inspire all students toward physical, intellectual, emotional, and social growth as lifelong learners.
What’s Going On at PVE?
Please note that school is in session
March 28th, March 29th & April 2nd Due to Snow Make up days!
Read Across America Day
During the week of February 26th , PVE students will be celebrating “Read Across America Week” in honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday. Many fun activities have been planned by teachers and staff. Starting Monday, February 26 and continuing until Friday, March 2ndstudents will be participating in Dr. Seuss literacy activities in their classrooms.
Students can make Dr. Seuss hats and add the book titles that they read during Read Across America week. Teachers may invite “Guest Readers” into their classrooms, partner up with another classroom teacher to buddy read, and share their favorite books with their students. This year’s focus will be promoting an anti-bullying message through books that focus on kindness and generosity toward others. Teachers may also sign up their classroom to visit the Dewey Bus and choose a book to take home. Students will have the opportunity to answer trivia questions about their favorite books throughout the week.
The students and staff will have special dress-up days during “Read Across America Week”. Students are expected to adhere to the standardized dress code but have the option to join in the Dr. Seuss celebration on:
Monday, - Wear College/Team Topsfor the book, “I Can Read with My Eyes Shut!”
Dress Code Bottoms are to be worn.
Tuesday, - Dress like a Book Character for the book, “Thing One and Thing Two”
Wednesday, - Wear a hat for the book, “The Cat In The Hat”
Dress Code Bottoms are to be worn.
Thursday,– Wear a Red & Blue Top for the book, “One Fish, Two Fish”.
Dress Code Bottoms are to be worn.
Friday,– Wear your HOPE day shirts.
Dress Code Bottoms are to be worn.
Bunny Luncheon
We would like to announce our “Third Bunny Luncheon” to be held on Saturday, March24that PVE School Cafeteria from 12 Noon to 2:00 PM. There will be Easter Crafts, Egg Coloring, Face Painting and other fun activities.
The students, faculty and staff of the Pleasant Valley Elementary School would like to extend a sincere “Thank You” for supporting The Four Diamond Foundation on Friday, February 16, 2018. Together we raised over $12,628! Our Mini-THON could not have taken place without the
following: PV Administration, PVE Staff Committee, PVE PTO, Parents, Community Members, PV High School Students and other Businesses from our area.
Your support of the PVE Mini-THON is greatly appreciated. Together we CAN get one step closer to a cure... For The Kids!
Again, thank you from all of us at Pleasant Valley Elementary, and from the children who will benefit from the work of The Four Diamond Foundation.
Stepping Up
There will be no Stepping Up on Tuesday, March 6th due to Parent-Teacher Conference and no Stepping Up on Thursday, March 29 due to Early Dismissal. Also, due to our snow makeup days, Stepping Up will be in session on Wednesday March 28th and Monday, April 2nd. The last day for Stepping Up is Thursday, April 5th . Please mark your calendars accordingly.
Smile and look your best
Information for spring school photos will be sent home shortly. Photos are scheduled as follows:
Tuesday, March 13th – Kindergarten & 1stGrade
Wednesday, March 14th – 2nd Grade
Thursday, March 15th – 3rd Grade, IU 20 & Make-ups
Students must have their order envelopes with payment at the time photos are taken. Spring dress wear can be worn for photos.
PLANET LEARN: Kindergarten Family Night
Getting Ready for First Grade
Thursday, April 5th, 2018
At Pleasant Valley Elementary School
5:30 – 7:00 PM
Kindergarten students and families are invited to attend our second Planet LEARN Program during the 2017-2018 school year. The focus of this spring session is to provide parents/guardians with activities and ideas to support your child in transitioning from Kindergareten to 1st Grade. Our fall program was well attended and a huge success for parents and students. We look forward to Kindergarten students and families attending this session to support reading, writing,technology and math instruction at home. Participation forms will come home with your Kindergarten student in March. If you would like to attend this program, please return the form to your classroom teacher.
PVSD Academic Fair
The Pleasant Valley School District will be hosting its 16th Annual Academic Fair on Monday, April 30th,at the PV High School from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Students will be performing throughout the evening, and student work from Kindergarten through 12th Grade will be on display in the gymnasiums and other areas of the building. It is a family night out and a time to celebrate the achievements of our talented and conscientious students here at Pleasant Valley. More information will be coming home in a separate flyer.
Messages from the Nurse
The nurses are asking that anyone who borrowed clothing to please return the cleaned garments to the nurses’ office. This way it will be available for any other student who is in need of clothing.
The Pleasant Valley School District has established an emergency “HOTLINE” available to parents/guardians, students, and the general public.
1-570-402-1000, ext. 4444
This number is to be used to report THREATS or TIPS with regard to the safety or well-being of the Pleasant Valley School District or any members of the school community (e.g. students, faculty, or staff).
NOTE: Calls may be recorded. Any person making false claims or reports will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!!
School District Website
Please visit our Pleasant Valley School District website at The web-site contains pertinent information such as dress code information, School Board meeting dates, times, and locations, as well as the School Board meeting agendas and approved minutes. School Board policies can also be accessed from the website.
To access the School Board Meeting Agenda, go to click on “Our District,” click on “Board of Education,” and click on “Tentative Board Meeting Agenda.”
Homework Request
As a courtesy to our teachers, assignments will be available 24 hours from the time of the request. We are asking parents/guardians to please follow these guidelines.
Pupil Attendance
Important AttendanceProcedures
In accordance with compulsory school attendance requirements, as outlined in the School Law of Pennsylvania, the Pleasant Valley School District will follow the policies listed below.
School attendance is closely related to a student’s academic progress. It is the parent’s responsibility to see that a pupil attends school. The parent should not hesitate to call the school office and request assistance if there is a problem.
1. Excused Absences – There are times when students must be absent. Examples of excused absences are illness, death in the family, quarantine, and health care appointments.
2. Excuses – For excused absences, it is the parent’s responsibility to send a written excuse to the school on the day the student returns. If a note is not received within three (3) school days, the absence will beconsidered unlawful. An unexcused absence will result in the absence being considered unlawful (children 16 years old and younger). After three (3) unlawful excuses, a citation warning will be issued, and attendance may be required at a school district truancy meeting.
3. A doctor’s note may be required for six (6) or more consecutive days absent.
Unexcused Absence
On a regular basis, the principal and the attendance secretary review the excuses to determine if absences are excused or unexcused. Students who have excessive absences will receive a letter. Please keep us informed of situations that may be interfering with your child’s attendance so we can determine whether the absence is excused or unexcused. All unexcused absences will be recorded as unlawful. Examples of absences which may be declared unexcused and unlawful include, but are not limited to: oversleeping, missing the bus, car trouble, traffic problems, babysitting, refusing to come to school, the bus, car trouble, traffic problems, babysitting, refusing to come to school, personal reasons, staying up late, parent/sibling appointment, getting home late, and relatives visiting.
Please note it is important that we receive a written excuse upon your child’s return to school.
Be sure to carefully read through the Handbook with your child to review other elementary school procedures along with additional transportation and attendance rules and regulations. The Handbook can also be accessed online at .
We will continue to send out automated reminders to the parents of students who are absent each day to please send in a written excuse upon returning to school. This will be done using our Connect-Ed calling system.
March Is National Music In Our Schools Month!
The purpose of MIOSM is to raise awareness of the importance of music education for all children – and to remind citizens that school is where all children should have access to music.
At PVE, the Music Department enjoys singing, dancing, reading and composing music, and performing on instruments on a daily basis with your children.
You can also enjoy making music at home with your family by singing in the car or to the radio, dancing, or banging on pots and pans!
Just a Note from the Music Department
3rd Grade Students:
- All 3rd Grade students have received their very own recorders! We will be learning how to play recorders in music class as well as learning to read and compose music!
- Students need to bring their recorder, folder, and pencil to every music class! They will be graded on being prepared and participating!
- Students should be practicing their recorders at home. Encourage your child to play at home by asking them to play for you.
- Wash recorders with soap and warm water or place them in the top drawer of the dishwasher.
- Recorders SHOULD NOT be played on the bus or shared with anyone.
Smencils are sold at School Store to fund new instruments and materials for the Music Department. Every child in the school will use the items purchased with Smencil money during music class!
Counselor’s Corner
Sleep Is Important
- School-age children need between 9 and 12 hours of sleep each night, but there’s a lot of variability in sleep needs and patterns. Here are some things you can do to help your child get good sleep.
- 1) Allowing your child to sleep a little later on weekends and holidays is generous, but it can set you up for a long, sleepless night. Those extra hours of sleep will affect your child like jet-lag, making it hard for their body to feel tired at bedtime.
- 2) Routines are especially important for your child. Doing specific things before bed, such as bath and story time, signal to your child what’s coming next. Knowing what comes next is comforting and relaxing, setting the perfect bedtime atmosphere.
- 3) Research has shown that the light from a television screen (or computer monitor) can interfere with the production of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is an important piece of sleep-wake cycles. When melatonin levels are at their highest, most people are sleepy and ready for bed. Just a half an hour of TV before bed can mess with that enough to keep your child up an extra two hours!
- 4) “Stress” -Keeping before bedtime activities calm, the lights dim, and the environment quiet increase sleep.
- 5) While a stuffed animal can make it easier for your child to sleep, too many toys can make it harder. Soft sheets, room-darkening shades, and relative quiet can help your child differentiate between day and night, making it easier to fall asleep
2018-2019 Kindergarten Registration
The Pleasant Valley School District has begun registering the incoming Kindergarten class for the 2018-2019 school year. The first part of the two-part registration process will ask parents to provide Pleasant Valley School District with the basic registration information (child’s legal name, parent’s name(s), birth date, mailing address, and phone numbers). The second phase of the regular Kindergarten registration process will take place Monday, March 12th through Tuesday, April 17th, 2018.
Students must be five years of age on or before September 1, 2018 and reside in the Pleasant Valley School District in order to register.
Parents should call the Registration Secretary at the Pleasant Administration Building (570) 402-1000, ext. 4010, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM to schedule an appointment. It is important that your child attend registration with you.
Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 11th. Set your clock AHEAD 1 hour!
Communication Parents/Guardians:
It is imperative that you do not leave an important message that requires immediate attention on the office voicemail, as we do not want your message to go without the proper attention. We areasking that you callback later and speak to someone in the office. The same applies to faxing information to the school. Please follow-up any faxes with a phone call to confirm that we received it(parent pickup, early release, etc.). Thank you for your cooperation!
If you are dropping any items off for your child, example: book bag, lunch box, class goodies, etc., please make sure to have it labled with child’s full name and teacher’s name.
Important Reminder:
The front doors at PVE are opened at 9:07 AM. Parents/Guardians who are dropping students off or dropping off projects should plan accordingly. At the end of the day, doors are opened at 3:42 PM for parent pickup. Picking up your childbetween 3:15 PM to 3:42 PM is discouraged as teachers are wrapping up instruction, assigning homework, passing out important papers, etc. Please keep this in mind when scheduling appointments for your child.
A note to all parents/guardians: Please make sure you bring your photo ID when picking up your child.
Parents/guardians must always be prepared to show photo ID since sometimes a substitute staff member may be dismissing your child.
PTO Volunteer
Our PTO is in need ofvolunteers to help run all the special events that are held in our school. We would like to continue these events, however without your help we cannot continue with these great events.
Join the PVE PTO Team
If you are considering getting involved and serving on the 2018 -2019 PVE PTO Board of Officers or being a PTO Coordinator or Committee Chair or Member, now’s your chance!
Nominations for all positions – including President, Vice President, Treasurer, Correspondence Secretary and Recording Secretary. Elections will be held on Tuesday, May 15th at 6:00 PM. Please note: All of these seats except the president can be co-chaired.
For more information about Officer positions or to submit your Letter of Intent, please contact Mr. Roger Pomposello at or Heather Blum @ r call (570) 402-1000 ext. 6005.
PVI PTO Members for 2018-2019
If you are interested in becoming an officer of the PTO at PVI, please submit a letter of intent to the PVI PTO by Tuesday, April 24th. Elections will be held on Thursday May 24 @ 6:00 PM. Additionally, if you are interested in volunteering, the PTO will need parents to organize Book Fairs and School Store. Nominations for positions are President, Vice President, Treasurer, Correspondence Secretary & Recording Secretary.
As a board member, you are able to stay involved with your child’s education and school. PTO function create a wonderful opportunity to “network” with other parents and teachers.
If you have any questions, please contact .
MARCH CALENDAR OF EVENTSMarch is Music in Our Schools Month, American Red Cross Month,
Women’s History Month, & National Nutrition Month
February 26 – March 2 / Read Across America
February 27 / PVSD Night of Unity – 6:00 – 8:00 PM (Snow Date February 28)
PVE Early Intervention Kindergarten Registration
March 2 / Dr. Seuss Birthday
PVE PTO Father/Daughter Dance @ 6:30 – 8:30 PM
March 5 – 9 / National School Breakfast Week
March 6 / Parent-Teacher Conferences 5:00 – 7:00 PM
March 7 / PVE Early Intervention Kindergarten Registration (March 8th Snow date)
Board of Education Meeting – 8:00 PM, School District Office
March 9 / PVE PTO Mother/Son Dance @ 6:30 – 8:30 PM
March 11 / Daylight Savings Time begins
March 12 / PVE Kindergarten Registration Begins – Ends April 17th
March 13 – 15 / Spring Photo Day
March 14 / Ready, Set, Read Now! 5:30 – 7:30 PM @ PVE
March 16 / Green & White Dress Down Day
PVE PTO Dance (Snow Date)
March 17 / St. Patrick’s Day
PVSD Spring Clothing Swap at PVE 9:00 – 12:00
March 19 – 23 / Mobile Dentist at PVE
March 20 / First Day of Spring
Diversity Task Force Meeting @ District Office 9:30 – 11:30 AM
PVE PTO Meeting @ 6:00 PM
March 22 / Board of Education Meeting – 8:00 PM, School District Office
March 23 / Last day to order PVE Yearbook
March 24 / Bunny Luncheon 12 Noon – 2:00 PM @ PVE
March 29 / Early Dismissal
March 30 / Spring Recess
April 1 / Easter Sunday
April 2 / School Resumes