English 1S- Process Assignment: Reading Journal 1
Due Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2014
15 points
Context: As critical readers, we approach all texts, whether they are visual, audio, or written, with a particular reading process. In this process, we consider the way the meaning and message of a text before we “read” it, while we read it, and after we’ve read it. As we learn more about and practice understanding this Reading Process a little more these first few weeks, consider how you “read” our first text in this class.
Text: Recycling the Gift: The Passion Project II (film)
Author/Creator: Skye Ontiveiros
Directions: Complete the BEFORE and DURING part of this journal in class. Please type up your responses to the AFTER reading part of the journal for homework. The entire journal will be collected on Wednesday.
- What does the word EDUCATION mean to you? How do you define it, or what experiences, relationships and/or ideas come to mind when you think of this term?
- What does the word SCHOOL mean to you? How, if at all, do you define it differently from the term, EDUCATION? What experiences, relationships and/or ideas come to mind when you think of this term?
- What is the FUNCTION of school? In other words, what do you think school, college included, is supposed to do for you as an individual? What should it do for us as a society?
ECOLOGY: (noun) 1 the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.(also human ecology) the study of the interaction of people with their environment.
- Predict: the writer and filmmaker uses the idea of ECOLOGY as a metaphor that connects to EDUCATION and SCHOOLING. Can you predict what that connection will be? How might the title be related?
Text: Write down any images, key terms, specific statements or ideas from the film that make an impression on you. / Your Response: Both while you’re watching the film, and after you finish watching it, come back to these notes and write a brief explanation about why you noted these particular aspects of the film. Why did they stand out? What did it make you think about or question?After Reading: Review and/or finish your notes from the DURING READING activity. Then answer the following questions. Please TYPE up and PRINT your responses to these questions. Be prepared to share them in class on Wednesday and to present your ideas to your peers.
- What did you think about the film? What are your first impressions? What did you learn?
- Did this film contradict your initial ideas about the term EDUCATION? Or did it help to reinforce or validate your ideas about the term EDUCATION? Explain.
- What ideas did you find yourself agreeing or disagreeing with and why?
- What do you think are the most important ideas or concepts that this film discussed in relation to education and learning?
- What questions did this film leave you with?